This has not been the best morning. I just spent twenty minutes running around this Linden neighborhood looking for my cat. WHERE IS MY CAT? She wasn’t in bed with me like she should be. The Kittycats hud won’t find her. WHERE IS MY CAT? And – somehow, in the night, someone has stolen all of my nail polish. My entire rack is empty and I know for a FACT I locked the doors. I was not starting out right at all. Plus, I was tired. Continue reading
Tag Archives: Curio
Wrapped Up in Style
Hervé Léger released the first bandage dress in 1989 and it took the fashion world by storm. Using elastane and other fabrics associated with foundation garments, he molded his dress to the body, pioneering body conscious clothing. A decade later, BCBG Maz Azria and Seagrams acquired Hervé Léger, the first time in history that a French couturier was bought by an American designer. Léger lost control of the company and his name and the line was shut down. It was relaunched in 2007 as Hervé Léger by Max Azria and all designs were by Azria, though their clear aesthetic source is the historical Hervé Léger designs. While totally legal, it always strikes me as wrong that he lost the right to his own name. However, he didn’t give up and is now designing under the name Hervé L. Leroux.
Of course, there are more designers doing bandage dress designs today. After all, these are dresses that push in what you want in and push up what you want up. Giz Seom of Gizza has just released a fabulous bandage dress that exemplifies the body-con facility of the traditional bandage dress. It makes fabulous party and club wear, full of sex appeal, with a modern edge and a comfortable ease that makes it great for long, active nights of dancing.
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Gone But Not Forgotten Blogger Challenge
Today I am wearing Curio’s Chic New Wave skin. You still cannot buy this lovely youthful skin because the legal case is continuing to work its way through the system. Someone once said that justice is like a train that is always late. While the “court of the internet” may have adjudicated this case, the court of law moves more slowly and months will pass in discovery and depositions and waiting to be scheduled into court calendars and the wheels will grind slowly.
But the wheels of Second Life spin faster. Stores that close are soon forgotten, buried in an alluvial plane created by the flood of new stores, new designers and new releases. The relentless flow of the new, new, new can overwhelm stores that are able to engage in SL commerce, so imagine how that will affect a store that has closed. If you search for Curio and SL, you don’t find Gala Phoenix’s beautiful skins, you find stories about the legal case.
So, I have a challenge, or perhaps a better term is a pledge. I pledge to wear and blog Curio skins at least twice a month, even though my readers cannot buy them right now. It’s not a lot, but if other bloggers who like the brand and have the skins can also take part, perhaps we can help combat the flood of forgetfulness, each post a little sandbag against the flood of time.
Of course, we all blog with varying frequency, so some may pledge more and some may pledge less, but I hope that those who can, will take this pledge. I would love to google Curio and SL and see pretty pictures and fun fashion posts again.
LOTD 8 30 12
I found these AWESOME mesh tennies on sale and I just had to have them… so, then I had to dress casual so I could wear them… so, then I had to find some jeans… so, then I… you get the picture.. well here IS the picture…
more after the cut….
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You Can’t Buy This Skin
One of the more popular and well-loved skin makers in Second Life is Gala Phoenix of Curio whose fresh-faced, youthful skins have won her hundreds, if not thousands, of loyal customers who anxiously await every release. Sadly, they will have to wait a long time. If you haven’t been on hiatus or sleeping under a rock, you have probably heard of the Hush-Curio controversy. I won’t repeat the details here as there are plenty of sources for information. I think the best is The Blogging Elf by Arica Storaro who captures the important details without any hyperbole, maintaining a calm, reasoned journalistic tone. Continue reading
My Lil’ Grey Dress
Or, for now, its comes in red or black too, but I’m showing you the grey one. From a new to me store called Urban Cherry. A small store with reasonably priced items for an up and comer in the SL fashion world.
Coolness in Mayfair :)
Yesterday i went to explore Mayfair, the first all mesh sim in SL and i liked it so much i decided to take a few snaps. So, what else do you need when you have a beautiful location and you’re in the mood for some niiiiiice pictures? You need appropriate clothes and accessories to match the coolness of the place, of course!
And i knew what to wear.
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Week 8 – Dark Raspberry (yum)
All I could think about when I was doing this post was vanilla greek yogurt with fresh raspberries over the top… wonder why? Now I know what to add to my grocery list tomorrow. Your shopping list will be much simpler and cheaper…..
Turn the page to see more >>>>
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Folly~Week 7
Is it folly of me to try to catch up? I think not! I have faith that I’ll get there. It’s summer…. I’ll have time…. LOL! Folly is the color of fun so, for fun, I’ve chosen this simple draped swimsuit from Delish.
Shopping List:
Swimsuit: Delish – Cutout Swimsuit, Watermelon
Hair: CaTwA – Maysa, Wheat
Skin: Curio – Party Girl, Petal Rave 2
Eyelashes: LeLutka, Natural
Eyes: ID – Gem eyes, Sunset
Feet: Slink – Natural Barefeet, mesh
I’ve Been Bad…..
Now that I have your attention….. Well, I kinda have been bad. It’s been more than a month since my last blog post. I’ve gotten out of habit and I really need to jump back into the fire. So, with that, I have my contribution for Week 6 of the 52 Week’s of Color – Alice Blue. And its a saucy lil’ lingerie set from Lil’Lace, called Sugar Blue. (Sorry I’m not in-world and do not have LM’s).
More after the cut…..
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