One of the more popular and well-loved skin makers in Second Life is Gala Phoenix of Curio whose fresh-faced, youthful skins have won her hundreds, if not thousands, of loyal customers who anxiously await every release. Sadly, they will have to wait a long time. If you haven’t been on hiatus or sleeping under a rock, you have probably heard of the Hush-Curio controversy. I won’t repeat the details here as there are plenty of sources for information. I think the best is The Blogging Elf by Arica Storaro who captures the important details without any hyperbole, maintaining a calm, reasoned journalistic tone.

The hair is from Wasabi Pills – a casual ponytail for a summery day. The jewelry is from Dark Mouse, a favorite store that sadly is closing soon for a hiatus that I hope will be brief. In the interim, stock up at her big closing sale.
Gala has been blocked from selling her creations until she can prove that she is the original creator, requiring a costly lawsuit to assert her rights. Those rights have been usurped by a legal exploit that many designers rightfully recognize as something that endangers them all. Certainly, it’s clear that if an alleged thief is able to file copyright on stolen intellectual property and keep the original artist from selling her own work, it will destroy Second Life commerce. No one can be secure if brazen theft is rewarded by filing fraudulent copyright claims. As customers and members of the Second Life community, I think we all have a vested interest in a stable, honest marketplace – one that does not reward theft and one where you can, once again, buy this beautiful skin.
Recognizing the truth of the old Wobblie maxim “An injury to one is an injury to all.” creators have joined together to raise money to offset some of the legal fees. The sale begins Monday and will continue for one week. I know there’s been a bit of controversy about the fundraiser, but it’s like many issues that engender a lot of heat, if you don’t like it, don’t go. No one needs to be told what they have to think, the folks that agree that drawing a line in the sand and saying this sort of rampant abuse of the system will not be tolerated can go to the fundraiser and find lovely things to spend their money on. Those who think this sort of thing is the cost of doing business and should be budgeted can go to other places to spend their money.

Leverocci went bold and created a collection of mesh blazers. This is mesh on mesh and works because the jacket is large and the dress is small. You can find more than a rainbow of choices at faMESHed.
For me, I do think that supporting an honest marketplace is in my own self-interest – even though I am not a creator. Why? Because I shop and I love the things creators make and I don’t want them to get discouraged and quit. I want more new things!

I added bold yellow shoes from Baistice, picking up some of the color from the dress, but also inspired by the daisy motif of the jewelry.
Arica Storaro has all the skinny on the fundraiser here.
Store info at Blogging Second Life
Poses: Status
Skin: :GP: Petal [Dark] Chic-Chichi 2
Eyes: Poetic Colors
Lashes: Maitreya VIP Gift Mesh Lashes
Mani/Pedi: [ Love Soul ] Prim nails*Clear French-Oval*All colors
Hair: /Wasabi Pills/ Hairbase – LONG – Rouge
/Wasabi Pills/ Matchgirl Mesh Hair – Rouge
Clothing: Baiastice_Aicha Mesh Dress-flowers strawberry-size S
Leverocci – Sleek Blazer_L_Wine
Shoes: Baiastice_Etienne Mesh Pumps-yellow
Jewelry: Dark Mouse A Daisy for you
Location: Roly Poly
Thank you Cajsa for mentioning my post. I feel flattered. 🙂 And thank you as well for supporting the One Voice fundraiser. It is a lot of money that Gala needs to cover those legal fees and I think if we can help, it will be worth every penny. 🙂