Monthly Archives: June 2010

Trubble In Mind

Trubble in Mind.
I’m blue,
but I won’t be blue always.
Sun is gonna shine in my backdoor someday.

Did I ever pretend to be above bad puns and shallow word play? No, I did not. Of course, the entire song is a heartbreakingly sad song expressing deep despair – nothing like the light, romantic emotions generated by the lovely, colorful Pandora dress from Tracy Rubble of Trubble, the store name that always sends my brain running down Tin Pun Alley.

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Still There

The new Times Square Tribal dress from Shiki struck me as another that dress that would benefit from the wild, lonely setting of Marcus Inkpen’s build on Utopia 4, so I flew over to another corner of the sim for a few shots of this extraordinary dress and that extraordinary little island.

There’s something really haunting about how this island rises with the stairs to the house and how the island is anchored by that chain. There’s also a certain tension with the laws of physics suggesting its imminent collapse. Add to that how from this angle, the arching stairs seem almost like the island’s vertebrae leading to its head – in the form of the house and you can’t help but think that the chain is restraining the dragon that is the island.

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Quelle Surprise

Have you ever been to Marcus Inkpen’s amazing build on the Utopia 4 sim? My pictures cannot hope to do it justice, but for the sheer joy of great photography, take a quick look at this gallery of extraordinary photos of an extraordinary build. When I unpacked this avant garde dress from dojo, I knew I wanted to shoot this dramatic dress on that dramatic sim. Of course, the dress is not very visible in the dark lighting of this photo. I figured you would might enjoy the drama since the dress is called Petite Surprise.

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Another Glance

There’s a new shopping sim in town. Now I know that happens all the time, but this one has a great build and a fabulous combination of familiar and popular brands with new and unknown to me fresh discoveries. Of course, I am not so conceited as to think that everything new to me at the new Glance Style sim is new to everyone – but nonetheless, I love the combination of new and established – of discovery and reliability.  The sim opens today at 1 PM and there are some opening day gifts such as the hair I am wearing – so do try to get there.

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I know Gidge blogged this lovely combination for Etheria just the other day, but I did choose a different color – going for Copper all the way. The dress is Fae from Lark and the coordinating jewelry from Dark Mouse is also called Fae.

The fun thing is that Faery Sola who knows a thing or two about fae, just sent me some new poses from her Studio Sidhe and I just had to shoot it all together. By the way, if you’re like me and don’t know much about faery realms beyond what’s in the Harry  Dresden books, I asked how to pronounce Sidhe and will let you all now that it’s pronounced like she which strikes me as really cool for some reason.

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Prelude to ….

I love the name of the store Prelude. It conveys the role of clothing as prelude to a party, a date, an adventure, a kiss. Choosing the right clothing for the day is the proper prelude to that day. Choosing tough durable clothing for a hike or soft, sensuous clothing for a dance – all preludes to the event that put you in the mood for the event.  So what is this dress from Prelude a prelude to?

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SL Botanical Garden & Romance Rose

When I saw the lovely Romance Rose dress from Prelude I knew I wanted to go to the SL Botanical Gardens where you can find anything and everything, it seems. Certainly such a romantic gown deserves a romantic setting. I love how Polaire achieves such a lovely sheer sash even on the system pieces. Real thought and planning went into making this dress.

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Wingless Fae

posted by Gidge Uriza

The Collaboration between Lark and Dark Mouse brings us FAE in gown and jewelry – a gorgeous set that truly screams for me to put on some wings.

And did you know I used to be a Fairy? I did!

But none of my wings matched.

And I’m lazy.

So I didn’t go wing shopping.

But Lizzie did.

The gown and jewelry come in multiple tones each complimenting the other – I chose to wear gold because I was having a very blonde day and my blonde girl likes gold.

These two pieces are offered at the Etheria event which is still going on until the 20th . Continue reading

Sometimes the Fabric Reaches Off the Shelf

Sometimes the fabric reaches off the shelf and takes control of your hand, purchasing itself because it knows that you want it. You are trying to be sensible and tell yourself you have spent enough, but the fabric knows better. It’s beautiful, it has that lovely two-tone subtlety that speaks to you and it knows you love it. That happened to me when I saw this Laish dress from Lelutka.

And of course, one I had the dress, I needed a jacket that would look good with it, so I also bought the Biyaca Bolero. It took just a bit of editing to make  it work  perfectly and not intersect with the dress prims.

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