Tag Archives: Tres Blah

Life Is Uncertain, Eat Dessert First

Life is uncertain, eat dessert first.

The veggie tray, apple pie, salt and pepper shakers and waffle iron can all be found at The Arcade.

The uncertainties of life are manifest every day. Some uncertainties are harder than others. My sister has Stage IV lung cancer. But her future is still uncertain, it’s quite possible the chemo will kill her long before the cancer can. She’s been in the hospital for two weeks now as a mold has developed in her lungs, thanks to chemo bringing her white blood cell count down to zero. On Thursday, I learned she has developed VRE, a anti-biotic resistant bacteria similar but much more rare than MRSA, the OMG of countless House episodes. Of course, because when you are going to ER three times a day for 90 minute infusions of antibiotics, you develop anti-biotic resistant bacteria. I think it is time for her to eat a lot of dessert. Ice cream, apple pie, chocolate cake, brownies and coffee nips. Go for it!
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Sunday Morning Solitude

Sometimes I have too much solitude in my SL. You’d think a place full of avatars looking to make fuck might be rife with social opportunities but you’d be wrong. It’s strange how the isolation can wear on you, after years and years.  Continue reading

When Someone Shows You How They Feel

I like the old adage “When someone shows you how they feel, believe them.” I have probably spent far too many hours believing the words that didn’t match the actions in this life, and finally at my ripe old avatar age I’ve found a way to realize that this adage is more true than I ever imagined. Continue reading

Who Was I Kidding About Staying In?

I’ve got new hair and a perfect summer dress from FISSION – why on earth would I stay in ! I can sleep when I’m dead, I tell you!

If you haven’t popped over to FISSION lately let me get you a taxi – it’s a great shop for retro-inspired clothes that are fun and not stuffy or boring. I highly recommend you get over there for something fresh and new in your SL wardrobe, you won’t be sorry. Continue reading

Early Morning Cheefulness

Ok I can’t help it, at some point in my SLife – despite a fierce love of sleep – I became a cheerful morning person. I like to slowly enjoy my coffee, some music, some quiet. It’s a lovely way to start my day.

New lingerie from Luxuria doesn’t make it a hardship for sure. I’m wearing one of the colors you can pick up at the Gacha Guardians event.  Continue reading

Back in My Own Bed

No place like home

It’s funny how good it feels to sleep in your own bed again after traveling. It is not that any of the places I stayed had uncomfortable beds. They were all lovely, but sure enough, back in my own bed, I slept longer with fewer interruptions. Why? I think it must be the sounds. At both my sisters’ houses it was just too quiet. No cars passing, no sirens, no garbage trucks at 5 AM. Instead, it was silent except for the chirps and rattles of the martins, the long whistles of the cardinals and orioles, and the shrieks of blue jays. My one sister is quite a birder with special houses and feeders, though it was kind fun and frustrating watching a squirrel carrying off the oranges she put out for the orioles. This bed is from DRD, part of the wonderful romantic collection released for The Arcade. The lovely letter and rose petals came from Fancy Decor at The Arcade, but it is more fun to pretend they came from a long lost love.
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Things That Go TOK In the Night

I was so wound up from my exciting and happy Friday that I just couldn’t sleep properly. I decided to read for a while to see if that calmed me down but you know then my mind got going with all the beautiful things I was seeing and I was even MORE awake. Continue reading

There is NOTHING Blah About Tres Blah

Once again Tres Blah rocks my socks at the Arcade. I gotta have it all. Actually – I have most of it now. I just love her work, it’s like she says “What does Gidge need?” and then makes that. Continue reading

Gemütlichkeit: A Feeling of Comfort & Coziness

Gemütlichkeit (German, n.): a feeling of comfort, cosiness, homeliness.

Gemütlichkeit is a world I picked up from this wonderful web site I found the other day. Even it it means you wander away for hours, I want you to check you out. It’s a collection of untranslatable words. Words that convey concepts, that have no equivalent in our language, at least not in a single word. It is fun.

Gemütlichkeit (German, n.): a feeling of comfort, cosiness, homeliness.

I am wearing the dress I wore in my last blog post, in a print this time. It comes in a solid or print version with six options in the texture huds. My last post was nothing but head shots, so I wanted to show you the back which is just so adorable. The house is the San Clemente from Barnesworth Anubis. It’s a great house and I will show you around inside, but the name makes me think of Richard Nixon, since that was where he was from.
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A Bump In The Night

I heard a noise in the night and had to come downstairs to investigate. Sometimes my cats are so quiet I forget I have them, and I have to assume that it was them. Where Cajsa and I live is private, it would take a lot of doing to GET down here to us, yet – the noise was such a crash, I was certain I was going to find some cretin offering to to make-f*ck with me wandering around my house.

I was looking forward to an early AM eject and ban, if you must know. Continue reading