The Arcade is opening at midnight and when that happens, many of you will feel like these adorable critters from Mutresse and Half-Deer. The Mutresse kitty cat is even scripted to furiously scratch at the door, “Let me in! Let me in!”

Meanwhile, Collabor88 is in its last week, so you can leisurely stroll in and pick up the pretties like this gorgeous dress from Zenith. Zenith also released coordinated purses, but who wears a purse lounging on a day bed. This one is from Mudhoney and is at The Arcade. The dress has a hud to change the shirt and bra that you can see under the dress. I added a bandana from katat0nik because it’s adorable.

Speaking of adorable. The Pure Poison shoes are at Collabor88 and can be customized to the nth degree. The chihuahua is from The Arcade (Half-Deer) and is named Toodles. My brother always had a Chihuahua and every one was named Toodles, Toodles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. I have no idea why.

My budget was very small this month so I feel very lucky to get this lovely travel caravan from Dust Bunny on the third or fourth pull. I don’t remember exactly, but I felt very lucky. The lace awning makes a great place for a bit of outdoor living with a daybed and dining table.

Tomorrow is June and before you know it the Summer Solstice and hot sunny days of lazing by the lake and relaxing will be upon us. There is everything you could want for some great summer beach side vacations at The Arcade
- Clothing: =Zenith=Denim skirt w bra top (light) -Slink Hourglass @ Collabor88
- Shoes: Pure Poison – Neva Sandals – Slink @ Collabor88
- Jewelry: *katat0nik* (boobs/C88) Bandana Scarf @ Collabor88
- Donna Flora Aqua Earrings
- Skin: Glam Affair Yumi America @ Collabor88
- Hair: Clawtooth: Girlfriend in a Coma – Light Ombre @ Collabor88
- Poses: in furnishings
- Appliers: Flair 223
Glam Affair ( Lelutka Heads ) Yumi Applier [ America ] @ Collabor88
Lelutka KEY Hair base applier
- Eyes: [PXL] REFLEX Eyes (M) ~ GreenGold
- Mesh Attachments: .LeLutka.Mesh Head-STELLA v1.6
Slink Physique, Hands, Feet
- HUDS: AnyPose Expression HUD v1.0 – Wear Me
Location: All At The Arcade
- Ariskea Ground Lamp, Pier
- Black Bantam driftwood horse
- DRD porch planter
- Dust Bunny wanderlust header caravan and awning RARE
- Half-Deer Chihuahuas, Attention Pls, Lounging Donut float
- Keke Beers on Ice, candles in a pot, sticks with lace
- Koalifications Pink Beach Chair
- Mudhoney Piper Snake Plant, table gold, Piper daybed
- Mutresse Let me in kitty cat
- Sari-Sari Beach Vacation Buckets of Candles
- tarte Garden daffodils, dining chairs, dining table
- What Next Drinks Cooler, watermelon pops tray, mini cheeseburgers