I decided pretty quickly this morning that it was going to be a pajama day. I had no plans, no social or shopping engagements to fulfill and no reason NOT to just hang out and do nothing.
Well almost nothing.
It’s laundry day around here. So I’ll get a little something done despite refusing to get dressed like a proper fashion blogger. Oh well I don’t even care, this is a me day. Sometimes you need a ME day.
I am also the luckiest girl in the world that I’ve got some great leftovers for dinner, no needing to cook or run out to pick something up. Is it a perfect day? Maybe.
Itsonlyfashionblog.com Gidge is getting ready for the week in: Skin:[Glam Affair] Bibi [Lelutka EvoX] Ivory Food: .Unicorn. Cute Dumplings // Pink and .Unicorn. Milk Head: / HEAD / lel EvoX AVALON 3.0 Hair: A&A Aberdeen Hair Blonde Magenta – Hair Fair Gift Pajamas: evani. Candy velvet shorts – muu – maitreya evani. Candy velvet top – muu – maitreya Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V5.3 Eyes: [GA.EG] Ultimate Eyes Glasses: {minuit} Yumi Glasses [Resize] Laundry Gear: Washer and Dryer, shelf, detergent and signs – Second Spaces, Pup in Laundry basket – Jian, Ladder – The Loft
Puzzles, Games and Bunnies with some Chinese takeout
I decided this past weekend to jump headfirst back in to my SLife, whereas prior I’ve been just dallying here and there. I’ve blasted my way through new brands, gotten out of my comfort zone, tried things I would NEVER have bothered with in the past.
In short – I finally feel at home again in this pixel world. I’m extremely excited about it.
One thing I decided to do while I am playing with new things is start dragging out OLD skins. One of those great features of BOM is the ability to make everything old new again. I have HUGE regrets that I trashed my old LEAGUE skins when applier HUDS became the rage. Why did I trash LEAGUE? I don’t know. I trashed a few brands, Curio, and some others, and my sadness that they are lost to me forever is huge.
One thing I learned, by dragging these skins out and slapping them on a mesh head via BOM is this. They did not age well. I would say 75% of my old skins are very OMG WTF WTF NO NO NO. It’s sort of like that. The colors are just off, or not current. The look is too harsh. Sometimes they don’t stretch across mesh properly and it’s all just wrong.
But every once in a while an old brand reminds me how I loved them, once upon a time. Long since gone is Tuli – that maker of delicate, lovely skin. An old friend once described Tuli as making the “most kissable lips”. I was a such a fan girl, once upon a time.
I will confess that this skin still has a lovely face, but it doesn’t “quite” work with mesh. The line between head and body I can’t seem to overcome it’s always JUST a bit wonky. The thing is though, this skin was never meant for mesh. Mesh wasn’t an itch in it’s daddy’s pants back when I got this skin. So I’ve pulled the old blogger cheat and slapped on a choker necklace and somewhat obscured this.
I promise you, I’ll do the same any time I wear it in the future. Don’t judge me. Wearing Tuli is like running in to an old friend you thought was gone forever.
Another aside, as I ramble a LOT on this Sunday morning, is that I discovered a pose store I really love. As a pose maker, I was always completely reticent to enter any pose shops or use ANYONE’S poses because I didn’t want to be accused of ripping off anyone’s work. Even long after I closed up shop, I still continued this habit and I feel like it’s been pretty limiting. I can’t even remember why I stumbled in to Secret Poses but their Chinese Take Out pose set completed my desire to be eating constantly in SL.
I am a huge fan, and am going to be shopping there more.
And now, it’s Sunday. Whatever should I do on a Sunday? Probably eat….
Gidge is Housebound in: Jeans: Vinyl – Oakley Jeans Lip Gloss[:Tuli:] Helena / petal :: Lips :: Sheer Sugar Pink (gloss) Ring: (Yummy) Diamond Solitaire Ring – Gold – Maitreya Choker: (Yummy) Layered Chain Choker – All Colors Shirt: -Pixicat- Stina Shirt – JeansBlack (Maitreya) Earrings: Cae :: Owl :: Earring Necklace: Cae :: Trinket :: Necklace (Long) Hair: Exile:: Lana Head: GENUS Project – Genus Head – Strong Face GIFT001 – v1.7 – Mocap Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V5.0 Shoes: Pure Poison – Cutie Pie Flats – Black Stripes – Maitreya Pose & Props: Secret Poses. Chinese Take Eyes: [GA.EG] Ultimate Eyes Skin: [:Tuli:] Helena / pearl (light) :: 05 Manicure: Alaska Metro Games: Second Spaces
I’m trying to be healthier. I tend to be just so terribly lazy so I thought to myself, SELF, get up, get dressed in something cute and have some delicious fruit for breakfast. JUST DO IT. Get yourself organized and get some stuff done. Continue reading →
I love Christmas. I love all of the events that pop up AROUND Christmas which then enable me to festoon, YES FESTOON my house with joy and love. I live here quietly with my pets and my little baby that sometimes I get out for fun, and honestly it’s a good SL.
It’s my quiet place and my happy place and truly it’s a good SL. Continue reading →
I kinda sorta fell in love with the top and skirt from United Colors at Collabor88 this month. This month’s theme is Autumn’s Breath, possibly inspired by Mary Howitt’s Cornfields. Howitt’s big contribution was The Spider and the Flyso it seems a good time to shoot some pictures in my parlor and show off my shoes from Ingenue. <grin>
“WHEN on the breath of autumn breeze, From pastures dry and brown, Goes floating like an idle thought The fair white thistle-down, Oh then what joy to walk at will 5 Upon the golden harvest hill!
It’s getting cold in my SL and that’s ok, I like it that way. The feeds are full of rotting bodies and grotesque make ups and well, that just means Halloween is upon us.
Second Spaces brought some lovely fall decor to Collabor88 this month and I’m madly in love because it’s all ONE PIECE rather than 438954579 separate pieces that rez together and then you have to link them all yourself to move them.
I swear to you, there is a special hell for people who put their decor releases out like that.
I curse you, I do. Every time I realize I’m about to unpack something something that’s multiple items which are unlinked part of me dies inside.
That’s why Second Spaces is the bees knees. It really is. Continue reading →
Collabor88 an Second Spaces gave me a whole new reason to chill out and do nothing in Second Life and once again, I’m perfectly ok with that. New lounge chairs for the pool weren’t a need but hey WHAT IS A NEED ANYWAY? I don’t even know. I’m in the mood for a nothing day so I invited you to indulge as well with some adorable sandals from Fri.Day and a perfect summer chill out hair do from EXILE you can also pick up at Collabor88. Continue reading →
Good morning girls. I’m slow moving, trying to get out of bed this morning, but when I’m surrounded by my pretty pink bed it’s difficult to get out and out and away like I should. I’m exhausted from the Arcade preview and excited at the same time. It’s a great round. Continue reading →
The decor pieces at Collabor88 this month are on target for relaxing outdoors with your friends or maybe just by yourself, if that’s more your style. New relaxing sofas for your patio from Second Spaces and cute cactus decor from What Next complete a nicely styled look for your patio.
These need to be on your MUST HAVE list so get over to Collabor88 as soon as possible to get this at this great price.
Sofa: Second Spaces – Collabor88
Table: Second Spaces – Collabor88
Cactus: What Next – Collabor88
Spheres: Fancy Decor – Collabor88
Cards: Second Spaces – Previous Arcade
Cup: Apple Fall – Some previous Gacha not Arcade I forget wtf