It’s my favorite time of year when multiple massive events collide. It’s HAIRFAIR and it’s SL20B and it’s also the SHOP & HOP Celebrating the SL20b.
I’ve only gotten about halfway around the Shop & Hop and honestly IDK if I care about doing the rest. Maybe? It’s such a crapshoot of amazing and awful – I suppose I may try.
Today I’m wearing something from the AMAZING category, a free Shop & Hop gift from Valentina E. This swimsuit is perfect for a girl who likes a little more modesty in her swimwear and I love a vintage look any time.
My little evening snack is a freebie also, how can I say no to such a pretty treat? It’s too pretty to eat – almost!
My hair is a free gift from KMH. I’m of two minds about it. The style is cute and I like the textures but the hairbase that you have to wear with it isn’t very well done. The front of it is fine but the sides are flat and just…disappointing. I shot it from the best possible angle but it’s not awesome. You might think “Well it was free why are you complaining?” But you see, I pick up free things to try out a new to me designer very often – especially at an event like Hair Fair. So I give it a B. The actual hair is cute. I’d buy one of their styles without a hair base or one I could use a different hair base with. Just my two cents.
Gidge is Freebie Happy In:
Hair: KMH – HairFair2023Gift
Earrings: (Yummy) Serenity Earring
Necklace: (Yummy) Serenity Layered Necklace Set (Lara)
Head: / HEAD / lel EvoX RAVEN 3.1
Swimsuit: :V.e. Teal Retro Swimsuit Lara
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V5.3
Snack: MVT – Pancake delight – Spring – Gift
Skin: [7DS] – BODY 2020 LUCY-MAY bom skin PINEAPPLE