Tag Archives: Apple Fall
Hello Cold Weather
December is here and that means Christmas! and The Arcade! and it is up for debate which is more exciting. It’s so easy to go the red and green route for the holidays, but I resisted, buoyed by the gorgeous Camellia lights from {anc} over in the corner. I went for pinks and turquoises, think Miami meets Idaho. I liberally used the edit menu to tint my furnishings just a bit and even retexture a few things such as the runner on the side table. I know it’s a blend of modern and traditional that should clash, but it doesn’t. I think of Simon de Pury when I decorate, “Be bold, be brave, be amazing.” Why not mix modern settees with traditional cupboards and folk art and deco end tables? If you can make harmony of contradiction, then it’s not just bold, it is amazing.
A-Frame Life
Growing up on a resort lake with twenty-one year round residents, but thousands of weekenders who flood the lake and live in the more the hundreds of lakefront cabins that are empty most of the year, I am very familiar with A-frames. Lots of people bought A-Frame kits or pre-made A-Frames, much faster than the old-fashioned bungalow style cabins that signal older homes on the lake. This A-Frame from Barnesworth Anubis has an advantage over many of the lake front cabins as the ceiling rests on a short bit of vertical wall. The A-frames on the lake often did not have that bonus, which often meant a lot of space behind the couch when it was shoved against the wall and sometimes a clunk on your head. A-frame weekenders almost never came for winter ice-fishing, their cabins hard to heat with what heat they had rising to the ceiling and escaping from the lakefront windows. But they sure are pretty when you’re out in the canoe late at night, all the light from their wall of windows facing the lake, so bright and illuminated in contrast to the smaller windows on the bungalows. Kind of like big jewels in a necklace of smaller stones.
A-frame homes are very open plan. After all, walls interfere with the loft of those high ceilings. Here a rug and the Scarlet Creative Venice couch back serve to mark space for dining from space for lounging. Lots of plants along the windows are a requirement when you have that kind of window exposure. Otherwise, you would be wasting the sunshine, wouldn’t you?
Life Is Uncertain, Eat Dessert First
The uncertainties of life are manifest every day. Some uncertainties are harder than others. My sister has Stage IV lung cancer. But her future is still uncertain, it’s quite possible the chemo will kill her long before the cancer can. She’s been in the hospital for two weeks now as a mold has developed in her lungs, thanks to chemo bringing her white blood cell count down to zero. On Thursday, I learned she has developed VRE, a anti-biotic resistant bacteria similar but much more rare than MRSA, the OMG of countless House episodes. Of course, because when you are going to ER three times a day for 90 minute infusions of antibiotics, you develop anti-biotic resistant bacteria. I think it is time for her to eat a lot of dessert. Ice cream, apple pie, chocolate cake, brownies and coffee nips. Go for it!
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Lots of Living to Do
Nine more hours to pull your heart out. I am particularly fond of the YS & YS buffet. It’s very retro-mod. Don Draper might have it in his living room.
Gemütlichkeit: A Feeling of Comfort & Coziness
Gemütlichkeit is a world I picked up from this wonderful web site I found the other day. Even it it means you wander away for hours, I want you to check you out. It’s a collection of untranslatable words. Words that convey concepts, that have no equivalent in our language, at least not in a single word. It is fun.
I am wearing the dress I wore in my last blog post, in a print this time. It comes in a solid or print version with six options in the texture huds. My last post was nothing but head shots, so I wanted to show you the back which is just so adorable. The house is the San Clemente from Barnesworth Anubis. It’s a great house and I will show you around inside, but the name makes me think of Richard Nixon, since that was where he was from.
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Clean Install! Clean Install! Clean Install!
Why do I procrastinate about doing a clean install? I know that when I crash just by turning or camming or razzing an item, it is time for a clean install, but I delay and try to muddle along, bring my draw distance down to 32 and crashing and getting fed up and closing out of SL for days. I put this outfit on last Sunday and only finally got around to shooting it – AFTER I did a clean install. It’s not like it that hard even.
I know why, though. I am always afraid the new version won’t work and the old version will be gone, lost forever. See my rant on that at “Linden Lab, Don’t Feel My Pain.”
I have also been decorating the beautiful Daylily Cottage from Scarlet Creative for Collabor88. Crashing when I rez things made it a slow process. I really should have done that clean install sooner.
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Saturday Slackerday
It begins with the clanging of an emotionless metal heart. The banging and clanging wakes me from my otherwise peaceful slumber and reminds me, it’s Saturday. This is perfect because this means I don’t actually HAVE to do ANYTHING. Continue reading
If Only In My Dreams

Skin: Glam Affair America/Simone Hair: Doe: Tessa – Fatpack Appliers: Glam Affair Simone Applier for Lelutka Mesh Head Eyes: [PXL] REFLEX Eyes (B) ~ GreyGold Mesh Attachments: .LeLutka.Mesh Head-SIMONE v1.4
Christmas Eve’ll find me
Where the love light gleams
I’ll be home for Christmas
If only in my dreams
Lelutka has released a new mesh head called Simone. It’s a special edition head with additional expressions including this mournful one that perfectly captures some of the emotional turmoil I am feeling this Christmas season. With the passing of my aunt this summer, everyone from my parents’ generation is now gone. My sister had a tough struggle with cancer last year and came though in the end, but now has a new cancer that has gone from Stage One to Stage Four in just one month. I will confess I cry a lot lately, but I am still hopeful she will beat the odds. She is the strongest woman I know. Homesickness has manifested itself in the kitchen with traditional Christmas baking like lefse and rosettes and cooking up Cherry Soup with Dumplings, the foods that make me think of home and family.

| -Pixicat- Ballerina.Cat delivery box @ The Arcade | ~silentsparrow~ Felt Bird Ornaments – Partridge – Merry @ Tannenbaum | Silence. – Wooden Cutout Ornament – Gift 2 @ Tannenbaum | MudHoney Brights Giftbag Spots @ The Arcade | The Loft – Monochrome Christmas Fir Garand White M @ The Arcade | Botanical – Green Douglas Fir Christmas Tree (Tannenbaum) | Schadenfreude Jingle Ball 1 Catmas Ornament | ~silentsparrow~ Felt Bird Ornaments – Partridge – @ Tannenbaum | Silence. – Wooden Cutout Ornament – Gift 2 @ Tannenbaum | The Loft – Monochrome Christmas Fir Garand White M | {anc} glass ornament. for tree (2) @ Tannenbaum | !Ohmai: Gold Star Topper @ Tannenbaum | Trompe Loeil – Vintage Diamond Floor Lights @ The Arcade | [ zerkalo ] Magical Christmas – Pile of Gifts#1 | MudHoney Rustic Giftbox Plaid 4 @ The Arcade | MudHoney Rustic Giftbox Plaid 1 @ The Arcade | MudHoney Brights Giftbag Spots @ The Arcade | [ zerkalo ] Magical Christmas – Pile of Gifts#2 @ The Arcade | Sari-Sari – Traditional | Christmas – Reindeer RARE @ The Arcade | {vespertine} snowy dust 11 @ Tannenbaum | {vespertine} dala horse/red 14 @ Tannenbaum | Fancy Decor: Book Ornament Blue @ Tannenbaum | ARIA – Myrrh Handmade Vintage Bulb Bauble Ornament @ Tannenbaum | MishMish – Puppy in a box – Pastel @ Tannenbaum | Schadenfreude Fish 2 Catmas Ornament @ Tannenbaum | [RI] Pearl Berry Ornament (Bubblegum) @ Tannenbaum | [RI] Pearl Berry Ornament (Bubbly) @ Tannenbaum | Garbaggio // Round Xmas Ornament – Red @ Tannenbaum | Silence. – Wooden Cutout Ornament – Gift 2 @ Tannenbaum {anc} glass ornament. for tree (2) 1Li @ Tannenbaum | ~silentsparrow~ Felt Bird Ornaments – Hen – Bright @ Tannenbaum | ~silentsparrow~ Felt Bird Ornaments – Peacock – Bright @ Tannenbaum | Lark – Star Ornament – @ The Arcade | Sway’s [PineConny] Ornament . pink @ Tannenbaum | {anc} glass ornament. for tree (2) 1Li @ Tannenbaum | Silence. – Wooden Cutout Ornament – Tree 3 @ Tannenbaum | {vespertine} crane bauble /mustard 9 @ Tannenbaum | ~silentsparrow~ Felt Bird Ornaments – Raven – Merry @ Tannenbaum | ARIA – Myrrh Burlap Tree Skirt – RARE @ tannenbaum | ~silentsparrow~ Felt Bird Ornaments – Partridge – Merry @ Tannenbaum | Kalopsia – Glitter Leaf – Silver @ The Arcade | Garbaggio // Studded Xmas Ornament – Blue @ Tannenbaum | The Loft – Monochrome Christmas Bulb Ribbon White@ The Arcade
Morning Shadows
Table and Chair: Keke – Long Nights – MIX event
Bench: The Loft – Cordova Breakfast Bench previous Collabor88
Place Setting: Keke MIX EVENT
Tea Set: Anachron – The Garden Gacha
Toast and Butter: Apple Fall – previous Arcade