Author Archives: Olela

About Olela

I'm Italian, I love cats.'s purple!!! :)

My cute school uniform :D

Hello, everyone 🙂

I was really happy to see Rhapzody Wilde back in action, after months of silence. I’ve got this notecard from Mynerva group and thought ( well…I might have said it LOUD ) “Hang on…Mynerva?!?! Woohoo!”. So yeah, she’s back with great group gifts, a delicious taste of her new skin line that will be released soon and, obviously, I can’t wait!!!

Here’s Milena, one of Mynerva group gifts which will be available for a limited time: it comes in porcelain and latte (with freckles) tones and with dark and light makeup.


I love it *_*

While hanging around the store and enjoying the skin, I received a notecard from [Sheep Door] announcing that, in order to celebrate their anniversary, they put out one colour of their new release – a super cute school uniform in both female and male versions – on the lucky boards, so I had to teleport over and have a look. The shop was, and still is, very crowded, everyone was there to stalk the lucky boards, so I decided to stay a few minutes and wait for my letter to show up and, in case I got tired of waiting, I would have bought the outfit. Yes, in one way or another, I would have got that school uniform because it’s one of the cutest uniforms I’ve ever seen.
At some point the O showed up and I got the prize. Yay! 😀

At the Kowloon market

I also got the male prize 😛

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Meet Lust

Hello, people!

It’s four days i’m wearing this skin from .::Felony::., i like it so much i don’t want to take it off anymore:


Meet Lust. It’s stunning. It’s luscious. It’s silky. Really. Such an exotic and beautiful face and so different from most of the skins i’ve been seeing around lately. I’m wearing it in the light tone which is also different from “normal” light skin tones: it makes me think of a burning rose.
Look at the mole above the lip, it adds the definitive sensual touch to the whole skin…..Oh my, i love Lust, Feline Dagger did such a great job!
This limited edition skin comes in 4 tones and will be available at the Festival of Sin which will run from February 18th till March 3rd, so you better get ready, folks!

Now let me show you these amazing heels:

Spring in Bloom

The Spring in Bloom heels from Purrfect 10 are some of the most beautiful heels i have ever seen and you can find them and their “Wild Rose” version – in cream and crimson – at the Back to Black event.

Two more pictures and credits after the cut!

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Linn goes Back to Black

Hello, lovelies 🙂

How is everyone this fine Saturday evening? Well, in this part of the world (Southern Italy) it’s evening, while i’m writing, a snowy evening.

The Back to Black event will open its gates in a few hours and i would like to show you some more amazing stuff you will find there, but, first of all, have a look at this skin and this hair, my latest purchases:

Linn. Valentine.

Linn in Valentine by Glam Affair is available at The Dressing Room where each designer – for this special Valentine’s Collection – prepared 3 items!
The hairstyle is one of the latest releases from (R E D) M I N T and one of my favourite hair ever, i totally fell for it.

Now, let me show you some absolutely stunning items which will be available at the Back to Black event:

Linn in black

More after the cut!
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Mai in Drowsy

Hiya, folks!
I hope you’re all doing good 🙂

I was exploring Drowsy which is finally open again (yay!) and I thought I could take a few snaps to show you the beauty of the sim and also the awesomeness of my latest purchase, the Mai dress from Gizza.

Oh, let me tell you the little story of Mai and me 😀
I wanted to go get it a few seconds after I received the notice of its release, some weeks ago, but then RL distracted me (naughty RL!!!) and I forgot about it. Then I’ve been away from SL and the web – also my computer – from one week because my right hand needed to rest and when i got back I had to solve my issues with the Phoenix viewer which decided to make me crash every 5 minutes :/
So I killed Phoenix and, being uncomfortable with Firestorm, I tried Singularity and I’m really happy with it, oh yes!
To test Singularity’s behaviour especially in those places where King Lag reigns, I decided to hunt for some cute stuff and when I entered the Gizza store to look for the hunt item I noticed the Mai dress and, after slapping myself, I bought it.

Ok, I bored you enough with my little adventures, now it’s pictures time:

Mai in Drowsy


This dress is really beautiful, with its delicate and soft textures. Don’t you agree?

More pics and credits after the cut!
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Superman sucks!!!

Well, Banksy docet 😛

Superman Sucks^^

Ok, folks, this post has nothing to do with Superman, but I couldn’t help mentioning him after taking a few snaps in the Diapop shop which got one of its walls decorated with that famous Banksy’s graffiti.
In my humble opinion, it’s a great deco choice made by Dianne Peccable – owner and designer of Diapop – and I’m not surprised because she has taste. I know Dianne since long time, she’s such a lovely person, a sweet friend and a talented designer, I always liked her creations and her 70’s/vintage/neo romantic/hippie/alternative/and more style…..oh well, I would just call it Dianne’s style.

The Black Betty dress is her latest creation and I’ve been wearing it quite a lot lately after deciding (it didn’t take me much time!) what hair, shoes, accessories could go well with it.

Black Betty

More after the cut 😛
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Crazy New Year! :) :) :)

Hello 🙂
I wish you all a serene but crazy 2012, i hope it will put lots of smiles on your face. My SL 2011 has been much better than my RL one, maybe it’s normal, maybe it’s not, i don’t want to complain but there is at least one thing i wish never happened during this year that is going to end in a few hours.
Anyway, smile! Yes, as i said, may the new year bring you lots of smiles  🙂 And no, not fake smiles! 😛

I would like to show you one of the many looks i chose for the New Year’s Eve, so have a look at the pictures, then credits will follow and my wishes again with a special picture 🙂

Diamonds and Feathers

Kleo's back

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In bianco

Hello lovelies 🙂

It’s evening in this part of the world and I hope your Sunday was (or is going) better than mine ‘cause I had to work, arrrggghhh! I’ve been soooo busy that all I was looking for was a relaxing bath (done!) and some lazy time doing absolutely nothing (done!). At some point I’ve got bored of doing nothing and decided to log on SL, so here I am 😀

I want to show you my look of the last days because I simply love it.
Everything started when I bought the GiO skin from Glam Affair at The Dressing Room: it’s so beautiful that I had to choose carefully the clothes and hair to go with it and I must admit it didn’t take much time because I knew what I wanted and the result was just perfect.
Well, at least it was (is!) to me, according to my taste and the kind of look I had in mind.
You might find it awful.
I still love you, don’t worry.
Even though you stink.

Hahaha 😛

Pictures time!

In bianco


More pics and credits after the cut 🙂
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Aliza got talent!

Hello 🙂

Aliza Karu is one of the most inspired, eclectic, creative, talented SL fashion designers I’ve ever known. Her works are one of a kind and easily recognizable by her unique style, a mix of goth, avantgarde, steampunk, dark, doll and lots of fantasy. She puts her emotions and feelings into her creations, she says: “Those who wear my clothes, they’re wearing a mood, a feeling, a fear, a desire, a passion, an anger of me”.

Aliza made new amazing works for this winter/Christmas time and now I’m going to show you some of them.

So, enjoy the fascinating crazyness:

Magic Winter
With this beautiful Magic Winter Dress (skirt, jacket, bra, headpiece) Aliza gives her own interpretation of the dark magic of winter. It’s available at the ZombiePopcorn Dark Magic Winter event, which will be held from 1 till 15 December on the Sketch Pad Sim.

Glitter Winter
This stunning outfit is Aliza’s prize for K.V. Christmas Hunt: yes, it’s free! Find the little yellow star hidden somewhere in the store (hints and slurls on the link I gave you) and the Glitter Winter outfit will be yours!

More after the cut!
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In case you didn't know…

……Emery is having a 50% off sale on everything in store and tomorrow – December 4th – will be the last day. So, you better take advantage of this great occasion to get amazing items at such good prices!

I love Emery, its glam style, the neverending creativity, the awesome textures, the colours.

In the following picture i’m showing you my purchases, i hope you like them as much as i do:

I love Emery
Emery items:

  • Top Roxe Owl #02 Legging Roxe Floral #01 Belt Double #Fucsia
  • Jacket Doly Rocker Skirt Ebby [Berry] Socks Orchid Club #Black Skirt Highwaisted Striped #Pure (wearing this one as undershirt)
  • Outfit Singer #3


  • Skin: RockberryApple – POE4 gift
  • Hair: ExileRiot Girl – Blacks
  • Shoes: SLinkAveela Stiletto Herringbone
  • Boots: TreadsKboots
  • Shoes: MiamaiDecO Miranda Decollete (DK Blue Jeans)
  • Poses: Posies – From Cycle 14 and Cycle 15 packs

Ciao 🙂