Monthly Archives: September 2009

There's a Reason – For the Sunshine Skies

posted by Gidge Uriza

and there’s a reason that I’m feeling so high

must be the season when that love light shines all around us

So let your love flow…….like a mountain stream and let your love grow

with the smallest of dreams.

This one is for Rebel Hope and RH Engel.  This is my salute of respect for their creations and I hope that they remember that no matter what happens that is bad……..there is so much more good out there.

I hope everyone patronizes them in some way – not because you NEED something but as a gesture, that it doesn’t matter how much thieves copybot and steal – real customers will always exist, real customers will buy from you.

Our hearts are with you !

Style Notes

  • Skin – Curio Vixen Limon
  • Hair – Mirone – Faye in blond
  • Dress – Clara Bowe – REBEL HOPE
  • Shoes – Insolence – Marie Jeanne

You Gotta Have Hope

This chic ensemble is one of the expansive galaxy of options available when you buy the Rebel Hope Tuxedo – available at Rebel Hope Designs. Yesterday, Rebel Hope was the target of the most brazen content theft I have ever seen. It has been well-covered in Shopping Cart Disco here and here and my goal is not to cover the incident but suggest a way we as a community can show solidarity with the creators and combat content theft.

I am asking fellow bloggers to showcase some of the wonderful Rebel Hope content – gorgeous clothing like this or the homes and furniture and to educate their readers to the fact that content theft hurts all of us. We all reach different readers, so the more that take a few paragraphs to educate their readers, the broader the outreach. Normally I would insert a cut here to shorten the length of this post on the feed. Please indulge my longer post on the feed for this important issue.

The Juliet Boots from A-Bomb are smoking hot with the lovely tuxedo.

The Juliet Boots from A-Bomb are smoking hot with the lovely tuxedo. I could have worn pants...but honestly, is this not the hottest tux in the West?

Content theft is a constant worry for SL creators whose defensive tactics are constantly trumped by new viewers and stratagems for copying content.  Thankfully, many SL residents are sympathetic and disapprove of content theft and actively help by alerting creators to incidents of theft they encounter. Sadly, though, some residents just see it as an opportunity to enjoy free or cheap content and brazenly wear their stolen content or add anti-inspect shields to hide their shame. What they fail to understand is that stolen content affects us all negatively – that those bargains have a cost they do not perceive.

The hair is from Elle F - by Launa Fauna, who makes Chai skins. Its the perfect tuxedo hair.

The hair is from Elle F - by Launa Fauna, who makes Chai skins. It's the perfect tuxedo hair.

What are the costs? Here’s just a few.

  1. There’s a few stores that employ irritating anti-theft stuff such as click to prove you’re real dialog boxes, that little bit of chat spam telling copybot to quit, etc. These are minor annoyances, but they slow down and lag our SL experience.
  2. We all know one or two stores that have closed after being copybotted, discouraged by not only the theft of their hard work, but by the complacency of Linden Labs and the SL community. This means less content and less innovation.
  3. Costlier products as store owners build into their prices the anticipated early loss of revenue when their products are ripped.
  4. The annoying presence  and hideous lag of anti-inspection devices that people who buy from thieves use to hide their complicity with thieves.
  5. Suspicion and distrust by store owners who employ tactics to fight theft that impinge on all of us.
  6. Ban lists that can be misused and abused and even, it seems, hacked.
  7. Long preachy posts like this one

Dutch Touch CLeO - what a gorgeous face!!!

So, now that we acknowledge that we all pay a price for content theft, what can we do to stop it. First, we can never buy stolen content.  Of course, it’s hard to know sometimes if something is stolen, but there’s one neon-bright clue we can follow. If the prices are unrealistic and too good to be true, it’s probably stolen.  If someone hands you a free box of hundreds of high quality, contemporary hair styles, it’s probably stolen. Don’t accept it, don’t buy it. Secondly, many newcomers and folks who don’t read blogs are unaware of the problem, so we can tell our friends. If you see someone wearing stolen content, let them know – but in a respectful, nonjudgmental way. Assume they purchased it in innocence and judge their complicity by their reaction to your information. Third, if you see stolen content, send a snapshot and slurl to the creator of the original content so s/he can address it. Sometimes what may appear to be stolen is not, so I would not rush to announce it from the hilltops and instead leave it to the creator to lead the charge. The biggest thing we can do though, is be responsible for our own actions and not wear stolen content.

Sui Generis Mari shape shown in three moods.

Last but not least, we can all take a strong step against this sort of brazen and shameless theft that was done solely to inflict personal harm by each and everyone of us making a purchase of the real thing and going to Wildwood and supporting Rebel Hope and  RH Engel. This might help sustain them while the recover their business and build new content and also lift their spirits which have taken a hard blow.

***STYLE NOTES******
Promotional Copies are denoted by a Bold R

  • Poses: Long Awkward Pose
  • Shape: sui generis: Mari
  • Skin: dutch Touch CLeO
  • Eyes: Poetic Color Night Forest
  • Lashes: Dutch Touch
  • Hair: Elle F Cassandra
  • Suit: Rebel Hope Designs RH Signature Ladies Tux
  • Shoes: A-Bomb Juliet R

Goodnight Moon

I love the cool light of the moon illuminating my shots and frequently shoot in the moonlight. Nonetheless, while shooting this fabulous outfit from Dutch Touch, the song running through my head was Goodnight Moon, the anthem of the scared-of-the-dark crowd.  Perhaps it’s because of the Kill Bill 2 soundtrack. The strong look of the dress, the options of black, red or gray (shown) and the tough girl look of the dress have just a bit of the edge that might have someone sleeping with guns, a blade by the bed and a phone in hand.

Well goodnight moon
I want the sun
If its not here soon
I might be done
No it wont be too soon til I say
Goodnight moon

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Sunday Morning Rain Is Falling….

posted by Gidge Uriza

As if I needed more reasons to feel tired, it’s been raining for days – which is the opposite of inspiring me to get stuffs done. Yet – I pounded some coffee and found something festive to show you this rainy day.

I’m constantly looking for an excuse to wear these pants from Schadenfreude, and this outfit from A-bomb was just the excuse I needed. The bodice is tricked out with buckels and geegaws and it normally comes with a skirt. But as I said, I lurve the pants and mood ring, I have been dying to wear them again. Continue reading

SLurls Directory: A Community Project


I realized it’s been awhile since I have posted a reminder about the SLurls Directory.  While I began the SLurls Directory, it is a community project – jointly maintained by volunteers. Some volunteers like Achariya Maktoum and Lizzie Lexington have done a lot of work updating store locations and adding new stores.  The Directory lists designer and fashion blogs, store SLurls and online store URLs. Bloggers are encouraged to either link to the Slurls Directory or to copy and paste into a directory on their own site if they prefer.

Volunteers Needed: The Directory really needs some volunteers who are willing to take on the specialized listings of Skin Stores, Hair Stores and so on. If you would like to tackle that, please volunteer.  Someone who would like to expand the blogroll would also be a great addition.

Designers: Please check that your store, store blog and online (XStreet) listings are posted and the locations are up to date. If not, please ask to be added and post any corrections or updates.

Fashion Bloggers: There’s a blogroll, so please ask if you would like to be added to that as well and seriously consider volunteering.

Sometimes we get requests to add other kinds of stores. I hope someone will take on the gargantuan task of indexing all the stores, but that is far beyond the scope of this project. Just fashion-related businesses is overwhelming as it is.

She Sells Seashells

Zaara! Zaara Kohime has released statement necklaces that coordinate with her previous releases of earrings and bracelets and they were so worth the wait. When I put on this dress (Josh) from Dutch Touch with its elegant silvery blue-gray, I immediately thought of the new shell necklace from Zaara and sure enough, they are perfect complements to each other.  With the dress, you have the option of sheer lace or lace over fabric on the torso. It also comes with a white tee you can wear under it. In September’s Vogue they did a spread on Charlize Theron who wore luscious ballgowns and cocktail dresses, all with a white shirt underneath – for a look that was both high concept and intriguing. This shirt with the tee reminded me of that.

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Gray & Gorgeous

There’s a lot of gray on the grid today as people show solidarity with an effort raise awareness of brain cancer by wearing gray for the day. Cancer is an invidious and heartbreaking disease that can best be defeated by increased awareness which often leads to early detection. Too many of us ignore warning signs and for some, that delay is deadly. I lost my brother to lung cancer in July. Like so many who lose the battle with cancer, he ignored warning signs and dismissed symptoms with mundane explanations – never considering the possibility that it could be cancer until it was so advanced as to be untreatable.  America lost Sen. Kennedy to brain cancer last month and we are poorer for it.  I doubt any of us have lived lives untouched by cancer.  I am happy to lend my support to this worthy cause as well.

I don’t know if a dress as gorgeous as this should count toward that effort, however, since it’s one dress I would happily wear any day of the year.  The lovely Mimikri Seduction Dress in gray is just achingly beautiful.  It’s a lovely silvery gray lace over a satin sheath with an extravagant lace bow in the back. The sheath is opaque over the torso and hips and becomes increasingly sheer as the skirt moves from the hips to mid-thigh.  It comes with a prim sash as well, but I preferred how it looks without the sash.

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Who ate Tarzan?

Whilst wandering around some of the new shopping sims I found BeetleBones – a fun little clothing store where I picked up this love dark blue leopard print dress with the best name ever for a leopard print anything. It’s called “I Ate Tarzan!”  How perfect is that. Such wit and humor must be rewarded so I picked up the adorable little dress – a strapless shirtwaist that I paired with another of those lovely shrugs from BOOM – the Wrong Size Cardigan.

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As Summer Wanes…

I am not going to jump too quickly into fall and the coming seven months of non-ending clouds, mist and rain. I am going to hang onto summer by the fingernails and drag every bit of sunny weather out of it that I can. So…even in celebration of the glorious sun that is shining today…shining in Oregon in September…I am wearing this lovely bright floral dress from Bijou and pretending it’s June and there’s still months of dry weather ahead.

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Variations on a Theme in Purple

The names of classical songs crack me up. With few exceptions, the names are not designed for remembering. Luckily for me, I have some friends who are classical musicians and so have enjoyed more than one conversation where people toss about this “concerto in D Major” and that “concerto in E Major” and seem to know exactly what they are talking about. Now if this outfit were a musical composition, I might call it Variations on a Theme in Purple in A Minor – A as in Aphrodite Creations whose marvelous Perdu dress is the base of this outfit.

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