Tag Archives: Kunglers

Misali Moonlight

Baiastice Veronica

So I went looking for a lovely place to shoot and found Misali – a gorgeous water sim with small islands that hold lovely little set pieces perfect for the SL photographer. Since I was wearing the purple and sapphire dress and jacket outfit from Baiastice I decided to use the lovely Purple Moonlight windlight setting from Elysium Elide. I love the dress and the jacket and like them together, though this does highlight one of the reasons I have not become a 100% supporter of mesh. I would love to have them as separate pieces, but unlike system clothing, mesh separates can be difficult to fit together. Some strategies I have used to make mesh separates work is to wear a M under and an L on top, though that does not always work. That’s why designers like Baiastice’ Sissy Pessoa make the outfits in one unified mesh instead of separates. It makes them work together perfectly, adjusting to your poses and preventing all intersections, but it does reduce our opportunity to make individualist styling choices.

Baiastice Veronica

Or maybe we just have to dig a little deeper to come up with new ways to add our own quirks and options. Here, I added the collar and sleeve fur pieces from a Bliss Couture jacket. I decided to tie the jacket more directly to the dress, adding the accents in the sapphire color of the dress.

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The ocean is a desert with its life underground


One of the most enigmatic songs of all time popped into my head while trying to conjure up a title for this post. I was sim-hopping through the many Linden Endowment for the Arts sims and stopped off at one (LEA17) that struck me as having a gorgeous, high desert atmosphere that might be fun for playing around with shadows. I used the Barcelona windlight setting though I fiddled around with the time of day and where east was relative to the sim just to arrange the lighting more conveniently. My outfit was great for trekking about – though that Maitreya top actually has a long, draping open back.

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Sweet and So Easy

MiaMai Sweet

When MiaMai designer Monica Outlander and posemaker Mavi Beck have releases names Sweet and So Easy respectively, it is almost obligatory to show them together. So of course, I had to try one of the 11 fabulous colors of the new Sweet cocktail dress from MiaMai (I see there’s another color for Fashionably Late to bring it to an even dozen.) and opted for the teal. All poses in this post are from the So Easy set from MiaMai.

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I have no title, but today is just the day and is that lightbulb out? Meanwhile, the weekend awaits.

Meshed up

Sometimes I have my pictures shot and everything ready to post and I paste in the bit of code from Flickr® for my first picture and come to a dead stop, tripped up by lack of a title or any sort of idea for the post. It’s then that I envy those bloggers who started out numbering their posts. I could just call this 1643 and be done with it. Instead, though, I resorted to that best of all places for help, advice and suggestions, the much-maligned world of Plurk. Within minutes I had plenty of ideas. I think the first idea was to let my cat choose my title.

Plurk is sort of like Twitter in that it is based on 140 character plurks of information, but unlike twitter, all responses hang into a single plurk drop-down window on your timeline. It has a large contingent of Second Life users and unlike so many other social media, embraces Second Life exuberantly. You can have your pseudonymous avatar account, no questions asked. You can even list your home as Second Life and Second Life has its own special front page. Because it has such a large cross-section of Second Life, it brings people from many different walks of SLife together. Anytime you have lots of people in the public square, folks will bump shoulders and have a dispute here and there. That’s human nature and is not caused by Plurk, but by the gravitational pull of the numbers of participants. However, Plurk provides all the tools we need to avoid conflict. It’s just that we choose not to mute, block and disregard. As Cassius said, “The fault, Dear Brutus, is not in the stars. But in ourselves…” Plurk is what you make it and I have found it a wonderful community of brave, bold and creative people.
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Give Me Prints, Lots of Prints

Kungler's Anne - Sunflower

The new Anne dress, recently released by Kunglers has a fabulously ornate print that makes me think of a Rorschach test for Mother Nature. Like most of Kunglers work, there is organic inspiration that has been stylized and elevated into art. This print is luscious and come in other colors as well.

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The Magic Flute

It was pure coincidence that I was wearing this fabulous leather dress with feathers when I teleported over to check out The Magic Flute, but when I saw the first part of the exhibit, I thought it was too perfect for words. It made me smile, remembering a good college friend who played Papageno in a college production of the opera. I decided to take a few snaps, play the musical and remember old friends.

The Magic Flute

Papageno is the birdcatcher and the initial room in The Magic Flute has this fabulous birdcage. There’s so much more, though, you really should visit yourself.
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ChouChou Ch-Boogie


ChouChou has returned for a short time and I popped over to check it out. I opted to adopt their region windlight settings to see it as they wanted it to be seen. It sure is dramatic, though you cannot see my outfit. I wandered around and then noticed that their other sims were open, too, so I popped over to Babel.


Babel is also very dramatic with a seemingly never-ending stairway with lots of boxes – each with a short measure of music that affects the play of music as you climb the stairs. This is a sim that you simply must have your sound turned up so you can experience it at its best. I was wearing a sweater from Diapop for Back 2 Black – the awareness campaign for mental health issues. This sweater focuses on comfort and it really is a comfy sweater, isn’t it?
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Ingrid & the Oscars


For the past four year my friend, Harper Ganesvoort, has put on a fun photo contest focused on the true highlight of the Academy Awards – the fashion. This is a very different contest from most in Second Life. It’s a contest sponsored by an individual out of enthusiasm for the art and fashion of Second Life, not by an event seeking to build interest or a store promoting its business. There’s nothing wrong with those contests, but there’s something tremendously right about a contest just for the pleasure of it. You can post entries on Flickr or KoinUp and the rules are very simple. Whether you enter or not, you should definitely take a look at the fabulous fashions.
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