Tag Archives: Cupcakes

Christmas Quickie #4

There’s no reason you have to wear a special Christmas dress. Here is a lovely simple red dress from Sheer that is made seasonal through accessories. The photo background, by the way, is one of 10 Christmas backgrounds I made that you can download free or request via IM in-world.

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Christmas Quickie #3

Now here’s a Christmas dress that you can wear past Boxing Day and a great one for all those celebrating Christmas south of the Equator where it’s bright, sunny summertime. It’s a little slip dress from League in seasonal colors with a lovely lace trim that mght just be snowflakes, but who’se telling.

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Christmas Quickie #1

I have several Christmas outfits that I have dithered around and not posted, so I will make some quick and short posts. This is Flirty Christmas from 24Shoo – a store I encountered when deleting landmarks – a mystery landmark that I had to follow before deleting. I will have to go back again. There were some cool shoes there but their vendors were messed up and nothing on that wall was for sale. This was in another area, so lucky me… a flirty, lovely cocktail dress.

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This is why I fail at hunts

Last night I started the CSR Stamp Rally. It’s a good thing there’s plenty of time to get cards stamped because the first place I teleported to was Happy Mood and after getting my cards stamped, I stopped to look if there were anything new. But that was not really why I stopped, i stopped to play on their marvelous posing tree. Oh yes, I had to sit on every pose and loll about. And that was as far as I got on the stamp rally last night.

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Audrey & Hepburn, not Audrey Hepburn

When I received a promotional copy of the new Stiletto Moody shoes tonight called Audrey, I could not resist being a total cliche and pairing it with the Hepburn dress from Azul. Now I confess to being as hesitant as the next person to splurging on these shoes but I was counting and figuring to see if I could swing it because they looked so lovely and might work so well in photos.

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