Tag Archives: N-Core



This fun sundress from Ingenue for Vintage Fair had me reaching for some rockabilly and the incomparable Wanda Jackson. Some people say she is the female Elvis, but frankly, Elvis is the male Wanda Jackson.

Oh, great good golly, he thrills me so
When the apple of my eye whispers in my ear
I get real speechless and I act so shy
And all I can say is neenie-neenie-ny
I get tongue tied, ooh
I get tongue tied, yeah
I go, well ah-ah-ah…
What I’m tryin’ to say is
I love you, yeah!


I added so stockings from League which are super sexy with their garters and the hot Pinup Pumps from N-Core.

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gotta get out of here…

“Now, if you ever have the opportunity to go to Los Angeles, why don’t you take a pencil out, sharpen it, and shove it in your eye. Cause you’ll be better off sitting in a hospital emergency room holding the pencil steady, wondering what you’re going to look like in a jaunty eye-patch, than to spend a minute in that town…….. Continue reading

Candy Girl, you are my world!

I feel so totally cheery and energetic in this outfit. When I put it together I immediately felt like I needed to have a car with the top down, a pink poodle and 4 assistants to help me go shopping. Get outta my dreams, get into mah car BEEP BEEP YAH! Oh, remember the blonde chick with the big boobs that the stuck up housewives hated in the movie The Help? Yea, I feel like her. She was hot.

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One Voice

“Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.” Benjamin Franklin

Hybie is wearing:

Skin: Lara Hurley – Jade tan – ONE VOICE EVENT
Hair: Wasabi Pills – Teeloh Mesh – Vanilla Pudding ONE VOICE EVENT
Shape: Savoir Faire Shapes – Yvonne 2.0 ONE VOICE EVENT
Eyes: Mayfly – Liquid Light Mesh Eyes- Deep Ice ONE VOICE EVENT
Bikini: Mon Cheri – Strong Bikini – Girl Next Door ONE VOICE EVENT
Heels: N-core Shark II White – ONE VOICE EVENT

I Stand 4 Love



John Donne wrote some of the most powerful words on community in the English language. He was recovering from a serious, near-fatal illness and wrote Devotions upon Emergent Occasions, Number XVII in his Book of Meditations. I have loved John Donne since I was a teenager and was introduced to his poetry, but his powerful prose trumps poetry in this essay. This is only a small portion of this wonderful essay, but most of you will recognize it.

No man is an island,
Entire of itself.
Each is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manor of thine own
Or of thine friend’s were.
Each man’s death diminishes me,
For I am involved in mankind.
Therefore, send not to know
For whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee.

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Azul for Ashraya


Mami Jewell of Azul is known for her fabulous gowns made of sleek, shiny charmeuse, rich brocades, silks and satins festooned with flowers and ribbons and bows. She designs gowns for runways and pageants and for any woman who wants to feel like a star. She’s also very generous, producing three charity gowns for Culture Shock and for the Ashraya Project this month. With so much community involvement, I hope she has time for having fun. I decided to highlight the Phula dress she made as an exclusive for the Ashraya Project. When I tried it on, its flowing skirt made me think of a flower with its petals undulating in the water, so I headed for open water.

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Week 8 – Dark Raspberry (yum)

All I could think about when I was doing this post was vanilla greek yogurt with fresh raspberries over the top… wonder why? Now I know what to add to my grocery list tomorrow. Your shopping list will be much simpler and cheaper…..

Dark Raspberry - 8

Turn the page to see more >>>>
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Suck it in

There are times when not all mesh will fit and when that happens, like in this case, the only proper thing to do is to make your boobies ginormous. It works though, it was the only area I had to adjust. I’m not one of those people who are afraid to change their shape to make things work. I feel like a sex kitten…rawr.

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O.M.G. It's Shadows for Gala!!!!

I have tried and tried and tried to get shadows in SL and without fail they have failed me. Until now that is. Today I had a catastrophic failure of my Firestorm Viewer and for some reason it would NOT let me back in to SL. So I messaged one of my photographer friends and she gave me a couple of viewer suggestions to try. Well the very first one I tried was Nirans Viewer and O.M.G. IT RAWKS!
YaY Shadows 2
More after the cut….
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