The dress is Silk & Ruffles from Baiastice worn with Belles shoes from Shiny Things.
The dress is Silk & Ruffles from Baiastice worn with Belles shoes from Shiny Things.
This new dress I picked up at MiaMai is such a fun and lively print – but what really caught my eye was the little cascades of Joan Miro-like circles from the ruffles at the waist. It small details such as these that make a dress exciting and interesting. Once I saw those in the store vendor photo, I knew I had to have this dress. That was a wise decision as this dress not only has those lovely fine details, but the flex in the skirt is perfect, making if flow gracefully and the jewel-like detail on the bodice is stunning.
There’s an easier way to save some daylight than having the whole word jump forward. We could just all wear yellow and bring some sunny cheer to the day. And we would not have to lose an hours sleep to do it. You know I really love these tartan tights from !*G^G*! because I hate that store name and would prefer to never type it out again. Nonetheless, when I put this outfit together I knew I needed to use those tights just for the whimsy of it all. Continue reading
Ghanima Uriza ov Blue Blood makez such imaginativ an fun outfitz dat they tempt me out ov mah evrydai look into outfitz liek thees. They r 2 adorabul 4 werdz. Dis are the kitteh and well ov course it iz.
Okay, sometimes clothes are just too darn cute. You put them on and say “Aww!” and then you run around upping the cuteness quotient by choosing a cute hair style and cute shoes and cute makeup. Of course, if you mention Schroedinger’s Cat people might not think you know what you are talking about, but smart people will know better. One of the things I really like about today’s television shows is the prevalence of cute and smart people – like Abby on NCIS and Charlie Eppes and Amita Ramanujan in Numbers. I just love seeing smart people who are cute. Now, what does this have to do with the Aqua Plaid dress from Dani’s Fine Fashions. Well, it’s cute. It’s really cute. It’s not black, so Abby would not wear it….but it’s a great bargain, so it’s a smart purchase. Which would make you both cute AND smart.