Tag Archives: Dark Mouse

Wear Sensible Shoes

posted by Gidge Uriza

While exploring rocky terrain, I think that it’s better to protect my pretty pixel feet and thus was completely stoked when my girls at A-Bomb brought out these AWESOME boots!

They are unisex boots with the excellent color change feature I love in all of their shoes. You can click HERE for their blog to see all the goodness. Yay for options. Continue reading

Blazin Hawt

Lelutka has several new releases that are quite exciting and fully in the Lelutka tradition of à la page fashion. My favorite of the new releases is the Blazin dress made of layers of ruffled folds. The fabric texture is amazingly detailed and so real you want to touch it. I chose the peach version of the dress because it’s one of my favorite colors – a color that just always looks good. However, there are many colors, some soft like the peach and other electric colors like yellow and purple. I can imagine purchasing this dress in several colors and even mixing and matching, perhaps wearing the top tier in another color. [Update: You can see how well that can be done by taking a peek at Nina Fessbinder’s combination of Blazin in yellow and purple.]

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I heard that lonesome whistle blow

I was wearing a farm fresh skirt and blouse from enchanty when I stopped by the farm at Surface. I was inpecting the grain elevator waiting for the train to come pick up the harvest.

There’s something melancholy about a railroad track passing by the fields.It reminds me of the old family farm and the railroad running by. During the Great Depression, hobos would stop at the farm for food. They did not know that my grandfather had lost great wealth when his bank collapsed. They didn’t know he voluntarily assumed personal responsibility for the corporate liability – though his other three partners did not. He sold his electric company, lumber mill and other factories in order to make whole every depositor in the bank. They didn’t know that at age 65, he was started over from nothing on a $1/acre work-to-own dairy contract so that every bit of milk was pledged to the local creamery and not available for food for the family. Yet they came, and none were ever turned away unfed. They ate what the family ate – biscuits and gravy made from red dog flour.

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I'm Very Limber

posted by Gidge Uriza

A good friend of mine recently told me about the low lights of their day at work, which included someone describing the qualities of their shite over the phone.

This only amused me endlessly, because for 10 years I worked in a phone room in various capacities……and because we dealt with women’s fashion we often got some nutters calling in. Continue reading

La Marocain

When I saw the La Morocain dress from  Trés Jolie by Iota Ultsch, I immediately thought of the La Scherezade house from NotSoBad. I was sorely tempted by it when checking out the sale there the weekend before last, but ending up buying a different one. However, I could not resist running back to shoot the dress in the house anyway. This dress was made for this house – even though Iota had never seen it, she must have dreamed it.

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The Sea of Grass

Every once in a while, I take a look at AM Radio’s profile picks and check out the installations. While The Quiet and The Far Away stay as permanent exhibits of his amazing skills in environment building, other temporary installations come and go. I stopped by Surface – a wide open prairie after the hay has been cut and baled and the field is in the process of being burned. The prairie installations he creates always give me a sense of home even though I was a stump-jumper, one of those who grew up in the beautiful Northwoods that border the Red River Valley.

There could be no greater emotional contrast than the close, nestling comfort of the forest and the chill, indifference of the prairie vastness. Every time we went to the doctor, the vet or to a larger grocery, we left our forest cocoon for the immensity of the plains. Perhaps because our house was right in the middle of the forest, not in town, that contrast always made me feel very much like a tiny insignificant organism in a near infinite ocean of wheat. Going to visit my sister, there is a small embankment that is the eastern shoreline of the prehistoric Lake Aggassiz that is the true sea of grass that makes up the Red River Valley. The enormity of that vast flatness will always take my breath away. I think if I had actually lived in the Valley I would have succumbed to prairie madness because I prefer the comforting close coziness of the forest, but many in my family live in the Valley and love its never-ending horizon.

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Summer In Textiles

Atomic Bambi’s designer has branched out into clothing with a new store opening right next to her Atomic Bambie mainstore  called SwanSong and oh my, I like. Take this lovely casual dress I have tossed on over a bikini. Both are from her store, both are summer in textiles and both are lovely.

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A Day Just For Me

This Excellent Picnic Bag from Dark Mouse Is A Must Have!

posted by Gidge Uriza

I’m away for a couple days but thought I’d leave you with where some pictures I shot a few days ago. I was completely in love with this bag from Dark Mouse that I found while prowling around her store.

Since I had just received the tank top and jean shorts from Kawaii I decided it was high time to spend some alone time someplace beautiful! Continue reading

Rose Are Blue?

The bright, cheerful Ruffiela dress from Skin Flicks is a happy setting for the lovely Dark Mouse Roses Are Blue parure.

My mother loved music. When she went blind temporarily from a pharmacy dispensing error and still did not know if her vision would ever return, she would say “I would rather lose my vision than my hearing. I can still listen to music and that’s enough beauty for any lifetime.” She had a way of putting troubles into perspective and facing difficulties with stoic optimism.

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Kicking Up Our Heels – Literally

posted by Gidge Uriza

Cajsa and I are completely fruity with glee over the release of the Cajsa Boots and Gidge Shoes from A-Bomb.  They have been out for sale for a wee bit, but with me being off line to have the baby, it took us some time to get together to shoot them in all their glory. Continue reading