Author Archives: Olela

About Olela

I'm Italian, I love cats.'s purple!!! :)

My little black dress(es)

A little black dress is one of the essential elements of a woman’s wardrobe. It applies to both our lives, in my humble opinion. So, ladies, first i suggest you to make sure that your RL closet is not missing a lil black dress (amongst the usual skeletons), then go check your SL inventory and if you don’t find anything suitable, don’t panic! I’m here to help you 😀
Well, actually, Poised came to help us all with “The Little Black Dress Project”: five black mini-dresses named after famous places in the world.
So, here we have, in order of appearance: Havana, Ibizza ( i guess it’s a typo 😀), Paris, Tokyo, Berlin:

My little black dress(es)

Cute, sexy, hot. Which one are you gonna pick? 😛

I guess you also noticed the skins in the picture: it’s “Kat”, the new release from Apple May Designs which i’m wearing in different tones. Such a beautiful face, it’s one of the most interesting skins i’ve seen recently.
A close up in the following picture, where i’m wearing the goth tone:


Those glossy lips are fantastic!

Wanna know about the hair? Another great release from ChiChickie!, a fabulous messy hairstyle called “Irene” and the name says it all 😉

Last but not least, the 7 Deadly Sins nails from Studio Nails, so artistic and well done that you just want to play with the menu to get the textures and features that you prefer.



  • Hair: ChiChickie! – Irene
  • Skin: Apple May Designs – Kat
  • Dresses: Poised – The Little Black Dress Project
  • Nails: Studio Nails – 7 Deadly Sins
  • Eyes: Poetic Colors – lilac blossoms
  • Poses: *TuttiFrutti*

A drow's life

The life of a drow is a lonely one, the life of a cyber drow is even more lonely.
Descending from the mythological race of dark elves who used to live in the Underworld, they have been mutated via magic and were kinda reborn in the cyber era.
It’s a jungle out there – a cyber one, but still a jungle – and all the creatures living in this world better be ready. Even the drows, these dark creatures which are said to be evil. Maybe they have to.

A drow's life

Drows move silently and with a graceful quickness, blending into shadows with ease.They belong to the night, to the darkness.


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This HOT post of mine :D

Heya folks!
Hope you’re doing good. I’m super busy at work and it’s sooo hot here in Southern Italy that i’d just like to fall asleep and wake up in October….. But hey, i don’t think it’s possible, so i’ll sit and wait. And, in the meantime, i’ll show you what i got on my last shopping trips 😛

!gO! is a new to me store, i discovered it casually and  i immediately fell in love with Gocha Merlin funky creations, like the outfit and the shirt that i’m wearing in the following pictures.

Funky purpleness

During my shopping trip

This lovely cardigan, available in more colours, comes in two versions, sold separately: with long-sleeves (the one i’m wearing) or short sleeves.
Skirt and leggings come together, they’re also available in other colors. The white top/bra, which is tintable, is the latest group gift in the store and i think it goes well with the outfit.
Such a cool outfit!

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Hello 🙂

Empyreal Dreams –  The Art Anthology is a fantastic project. It gives you the chance to visualize the literature, the poetry. Words become images. Art that creates art.
Some famous poems are featured in this place and one of them is “The Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe.
One of my fav poems ever…..but hey, it’s Poe! No surprises! 🙂

In the following pictures I’m wearing some beautiful stuff I thought you might like. That’s art, too.
Credits at the end of the post.

tell me truly, I implore...
tell me truly, I implore…

dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before...
dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before…

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Hope everyone is doing good 🙂

Virtual Decay has always been one of my favourite sims ever, I used to hang out a lot at the old location to take snaps at the amazing industrial/post apocalyptic town with its fantastic buildings, streets and structures created by the talented Maddison Mokeev. The Record Store was the place I liked the most. I still do, even though VD got a new location now, the old town doesn

Oh…the smell of vinyl record shops!

Hope everyone is doing good 🙂

Virtual Decay has always been one of my favourite sims ever, I used to hang out a lot at the old location to take snaps at the amazing industrial/post apocalyptic town with its fantastic buildings, streets and structures created by the talented Maddison Mokeev. The Record Store was the place I liked the most. I still do, even though VD got a new location now, the old town doesn’t exist anymore, but the rez area gives you the chance to explore all the buildings on sale and one of them is, oh yeah, The Record Store.

Peace, bro!

I love its vintage atmosphere as much as I love hanging out at some old vinyl record shops in RL. Oh…the smell of vinyl record shops!

So I went to VD to take some shots at The Record Store and I thought I might wear something appropriate to the atmosphere. Hope you like it 🙂

Love the smell of vinyl record shops

Wanna see more????
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Urban sensuality

Hello folks!
What’s up? The sky, I know 😀

Yesterday I was trying some great poses from Studio Sidhe and I liked them so much that I decided to use them for my new post on here. Well, actually I used just one pose, my favourite of the whole pack, but I highly suggest you to go check out all of them.

Not that i miss you...

The awesome summer sweater is one of the latest releases from *Crazy* Clothes, it’s fresh, comfy and sexy at the same time: just pay attention to the subtle see-through look………Intriguing, isn’t it? 😉
I love loan Jogiches creations, that mix of urban sensuality which reveals the pure essence of her style.


I purchased this hairstyle some weeks before the Hair Fair, then the HF came and i totally forgot about it. Yesterday i was going through my messy inventory and saw it and i immediately wore it ‘cause it’s absolutely fabulous! It’s a gem from (fashionably dead) and one of my fav hairstyles ever, I know that for sure! It’s called “Olivia Watches Melrose Place“. Cool name.

Keep reading! 😛
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Wanna get great stuff at veeeery affordable prices???

Hope you’re doing good 🙂

A few interesting things caught my attention lately at The Dressing Room Blue and at My Second Wardrobe (a new monthly event), where you can find such beautiful stuff at super affordable prices. So I thought I would share……yay! 😀



The awesome glittery dress is from Mimikri (is there one Mimikri item i DON’T like???) and you can find it at TDRB. Really lovely cut and textures!
And have a look at those fantastic earrings from Zaara: they’re available at MSW where Zaara is partecipating as guest designer.

Keep reading!
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My picks from Hair Fair 2011 (and a new fab skin!)


Here are the hairstyles I (me, the picky one!) liked the most at the HF, the ones that made me go “wow!”, the ones that met my crazy taste. And yeah, something else made me go “wow!”, it’s the latest release from LAQ, a beautiful freckly skin that I’m wearing in the following pictures.

My picks from Hair Fair 2011: (R E D) M I N T
(R E D) M I N T: Hair No.11
Wild. With hud for the colour of the feathers.

My picks from Hair Fair 2011: (fashionably dead)
(fashionably dead): Flying Fortress
Join the adventure! 😛

And keep reading, if you want to see some more awesomeness.
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Look of the day :) :) :)

Hi! Hope everyone is doing good 🙂
Let me show you my look of the day, i definitely adore each one of these items.

My look of the day  :) :) :)

Aikea Rieko from Plastik has recently released the Aeda Slacks because, as she wrote in the notecard she sent to the group “I realized that i make tons of dresses and shirts and don’t have many pants!”.
And she did good, the new collection is fantastic, it consists of jeans, pants,capris, minis, shorts, each one available in 1 million colors. My fav are the skinnies which you can see in the picture: the style, the cut and the texture left me speechless! I really think they are the best skinnies i’ve seen so far. Great job, Aikea!
The Ara shirt from Miamai is another fantastic new release. It’s a sculpted top/shirt made of layered fabrics, sparkling sequin and print silk. It comes in 6 different color variations, the one i’m wearing in the picture is the “Summernight” color. Thank you, Monica! *mwah*

After the cut more cuteness!
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