Perhaps because Second Life® is very much an intentional community, a self-selected universe of seekers, its people seem to have internalized John Donne’s extraordinary claim “No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main…” On April 25th, a bell tolled in Nepal. An earthquake and its aftershocks killed nearly 2000 people and fractured the infrastructure of the country. Because Second Life’s residents are “involved in mankind”, they responded quickly. Today a fundraiser opened to raise money to help feed the people of Nepal though the UN’s World Food Program. With another aftershock injuring over two thousand people just last night, the urgency of their need is compelling.

Join Hands, a new group formed to leverage the efforts of the SL community to respond to real world needs has organized the Fashion For Food (Join Hands for Nepal) event. There are many details about the event in Inara Pey’s great blog post complete with pictures from the event venue. With a bold and effective choice, the organizers chose to have the sim build reflect the damage of an earthquake and Inara Pey has several great picture of the venue.

Mami Jewell of Azul is one of those creators who often steps up to offer items to help. For Fashion for Food, she has released three different items. One is the short color block mini that is not in her usual formal style. I was happy to see it as it was perfect for DJ’ing last night. The black and teal combination and simple geometry inspired me to wear the lovely white, mint and yellow geometric nail polish from Nylon Outfitters for this month’s Collabor88 – and that led me to run with yellow for my accessories including these great shoes I got at the 21 Shoe event. I suppose it is cruel to show them since they were available for one day only – on the 21st. But I hope that inspires you to mark that date and remind yourself to check out the event. Participating stores offer two-for-one shoe exclusives for that day, but they are not available after the event.

Some big yellow earrings from Glam Affair and a lovely hair style from Exile help complete my outfit. This lovely skin from Glam Affair for Collabor88.

The World Food Program has three main goals under its Nepal earthquake response:
deliver food to survivors and those who need it most,
provide emergency operation assistance on a massive scale, and
help the humanitarian aid community with relief hub services.
Not everyone wants to contribute through events and would rather give their support directly in their first life. You can donate directly to the World Food Program Nepal relief here.
Store info at Blogging Second Life
Poses: aDorkable
Skin: Glam Affair – Luna skin – Asia Tone – 04 D Collabor88
Mesh Attachments:Slink Avatar Enhancement Feet High V2.1
Slink Avatar Enhancement Hands V2.1 – – Elegant1
Appliers: Nylon Outfitters Geometric Nails – Collabor88
Eyes: [UMEBOSHI] Eon eyes dark Green (med)
Lashes: Lelutka
Hair: ::Exile::Miles to Nowhere Collabor88
Clothing: AZUL- 15Min of Fame MeshDress M/Jade for Join Hands For Nepal
Shoes: Glamistry : ASTER Heels
Jewelry: –Glam Affair- Victoria EarringsYellow