Tag Archives: Redgrave

Merry Christmas Vogel!


I think I have the best ex-boyfriends a girl could possibly want. One of my favorites is Vogel, or more officially Schrottvogel Wei. I met him long ago when I was looking for a custom-made surfboard and we have been friends ever since. Since you readers have been shy about volunteering as guest stylist, I invited him to show off his style. I know he has style since I have worn his bikinis a few times on this blog. Now, don’t forget, if you want to do a guest stylist shoot, IM Gidge or me. 


He suggested artilleri for the shoot as a place that would fit his somewhat Rockabilly style. It was pure kismet that there happened to be a car in front that had the same flames as his shirt. That was just too perfect to pass by. Of course, the shirt is made by artilleri’s Antonia Marat, but there aren’t cars parked in fornt with the same print as all her other shirts. Besides, those Chucks have flames, too, and they are from Akeyo.

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No Frogs Were Harmed




When I saw the Dart Frog Fairy dress from Simply Fae I was so entranced by the Dart Frog fabric, but really didn’t want to wear it as a fairy. It makes an adorable fairy, but then I might have to steal children and I have my hands full with a cat. It was a simple matter to take off the wings and then by editing specific prims, I ate the leaves that were at the belt. This left me the fabulous fabric that I wanted without the fairy elements. I added this fabulous jacket from Bliss Couture’s new collection of fantastic furs.

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Modavia Fashion Week 2011.03


Continuing with the funk meets fashion collection from Bliss Couture, I have fabulously stylized low-rise denim jeans with bell bottoms so side you can hide the 1970’s in them.  Add the puffy fake fur jacket and gauntlets and you can hide a good share of the 60’s as well. She’s giving us more of what we’re funking for.

So wide can’t get around it
So low you can’t get under it.
One nation under a groove. 

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Modavia Fashion Week 2011.02


The Bliss Couture collection is a fabulous mix of separates to mix and match. I said before, it’s a great combination of fashion and funk. There’s lots of exposure in this collection but “Funk not only moves, it can re-move.

The desired effect is what you get
When you improve your Interplanetary Funksmanship.

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Modavia Fashion Week 2011.01


Modavia Fashion Week is up and running and the best design houses in Second Life® are releasing their fall collections and we fashionistas are eagerly awaiting each new release as they come out. I want to highlight the wonderful releases from Bliss Couture this fall. They are a winning combination of high fashion and funk.

You’ve got a real type of thing going down, gettin’ down
There’s a whole lot of rhythm going round

Ow, we want the funk. Give up the funk.
Ow, we need the funk. We gotta have that funk.

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Good art looks new because the artist has recombined something old to make something better. (Darby Bannard)

Mami Jewell’s main store, Azul, was closed for for a few weeks in August while she rebuilt her store. Celebrating the reopening of her store with its new look, Mami applied this aphorism quite literally to her work. She has created 45 limited release gowns from her collection in special colors that will be available only during the month of September. This is Dailey, one of the new, limited release color gowns.



I love the gorgeous rosy-mauve coloring in this dress. It’s so lovely against my skin and when overlaid by the yards of black lace, it’s stunning. The asymmetrical bodice is so lovely and elevates the dress to a new level.

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Bandana Day

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One of the great elements of Hair Fair is that it asks for more participation from us than just shopping, blogging or building. Each year, it asks all of us to take off our hair and don a bandana in solidarity with those who are going through cancer treatment and losing their hair. Hair is very precious to us. Most of us when asked to describe ourselves, start with our hair color Our hairstyles are our signs to the world, communicating our interests, tastes and values. When people lose their hair, that signifier that said they are chic, or sporty, or rebellious is lost and replaced with a new signifier – Cancer Patient.
Bandana Day 2011
That is why Wigs For Kids is such a critical support to children who are going through cancer treatment. Children are already struggling to establish their identity, to individuate – and when cancer treatment robs them of such a critical signifier as hair, it’s important to restore that as best we can.
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Without Borders


Before I became ill, I would get a call every two or three months to meet with a delegation of people touring the US with the State Department’s International Visitors Program. Generally the people I met with were activists in their own countries working to advance democracy and human rights or elected and appointed leaders in newly formed democracies. I would talk about activism and organizing, explain how we choose issues, organize volunteers and our efforts to combat racism, sexism and economic oppression in the United States. It’s hard to explain the excitement of teaching Get Out The Vote methods and strategies to someone preparing for their countries very first election in 41 years or discussing ways to frame gender oppression issues in terms of widely held values with women activists advocating for women’s rights in Afghanistan, Somalia and Pakistan, but it is intoxicating. These are people who risk far more than I ever will to make fundamental changes in the lives of their people.

A firm believer in the pedagogy of the oppressed as a teaching method, I learned as much from the visitors as they learned from me. One of the most inspiring and fascinating visitors was a volunteer at Médecins Sans Frontières who lead their work against human trafficking. Before I met him, I knew trafficking existed, but had no idea how extensive it is. MSF, or Doctors Without Borders, won the Nobel for their work providing aid to people whose survival is threatened by violence, neglect, or catastrophe, primarily due to armed conflict, epidemics, malnutrition, exclusion from health care, or natural disasters. It’s exciting that the huge fashion event Culture Shock that begins on May 1st will be raising funds for this wonderful and courageous worldwide charity.

There will be 174 stores participating in this huge event – all producing three exclusive items for the event and donating 50-100% of sales to MSF.  In today’s outfit, the dress and hair are items you will be able to find at Culture Shock. Sissy Pessoa of Baiastice created this stunning Mattina dress for Culture Shock. It comes in several colors but I absolutely fell in love with this beautiful parfait colored dress – the hot colors version of the dress. I shot the pictures at Dragonfly, a magical sim where you cannot shoot a bad picture.
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Shine On…..

That is what this dress does… is SHINE! And you will be shining in the spotlight where ever you go in this newest design from Wilson’s Closet.  And the perfect accompaniment to this dress is your man in a fabulous suit from Wilson’s Designs for Men.

More after the cut…. Continue reading