Tag Archives: Mood

Riddle Me Platinum

The Dark Swamp

The Platinum Hunt is on and folks are finding the best stuff. One of the great things about hunts is that it gets us out into the stores and we can see new releases that we might have missed and discovered new stores. While Di’s Opera is not new to me, the great poses in her Platinum Hunt gift prompted me to stop by her store for an extended browse. The last thing I need is new poses, but sometimes need is not part of the equation. I ended up purchasing some new poses that I used in this post and really, isn’t that why we do hunts? The outfit I am wearing is put together with gifts from Riddle and PXL Creations. The skirt and glasses are from Riddle. It also comes with a lovely blue top, but I wanted a bit more edge so I wore PXL Creations Dominatrix Corset. Both are Platinum Hunt items, so get out there and hunt!!
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Bragging Rights


The Leona dress from Zenith - Each color set comes in sold and print versions. The dress is by Miffyhoi Rosca - who is among the first dozen friends I made when I joined Second Life four years ago. PS. I hate the new iteration of the SL viewer. I have anti-aliasing on and all my settings are right I still get some raggedy edges.

The Vicious Family

When I first joined Second Life and was rescued by Gidge from the vicious stairs that had me trapped and began working with her (she was my supervisor) I was welcomed into this crazy “family” of folks at Vicious/Hypnoz, a club and shopping mall she managed. I started out cleaning prim trash and translating announcements into Spanish and graduated into helping plan and publicize events. It was a big family that included Miffyhoi Rosca. Miffy introduced me to pillow fighting and crazy gestures. I introduced her to horseback riding and surfing.

Miffy's first creation - a belt and armband

And then she decided she was going to make clothing and launched the Zenith brand. I can remember sitting with our mutual friend (and Gidge’s adopted daughter) Hatchy and one of Hatchy’s loves on a giant pig while watching Miffy spend hours and hours on her first creation – a candy belt and arm bands.  Well, that was 2007 and her style has changed over the years as she has grown from college student to adulthood but her meticulous attention to detail and her love of fashion remains the same. My appreciation of her fashion has grown over the years. Candy belts were never my thing, perhaps being diabetic played a role in that, but how can I resist a lovely flowing floral frock like this?

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The Skin I'm In…BAIASTICE – Nina

Sissy Pessoa of Baiastice has released a new skin called NINA with a variety of makeups available and tones. I’m stretching the porcelain tone across my shape today.

It’s a luminescent porcelain without being stark white. I love very pale skins but often they lack that beautiful depth of tone I’m looking for. Continue reading

Oooo I Want You, I Don't Know If I Need You

…but OOO I’d Die to Find out.

I’m the kinda person who endorses a deep commitment
Getting comfy getting perfect is what I live for
but a look and then a smell of perfume
it’s like I’m down on the floor
and I don’t know what I’m in for Continue reading

Hair Fair 2011 Short Hair Styles

Hair Fair 2011 Short Hair

I am not sure if you’ve noticed or anything, but Hair Fair 2011 opened at a few minutes after midnight Saturday morning. A quiet, low-key event like Hair Fair might have escaped your attention so I thought I might show you what you might be missing since hardly anyone is talking about it. [Insert disbelieving guffaw here]

I shot pics of several of the short hair styles that you can find at Hair Fair. Unlike previous years, every hair at the fair is set to donate a portion to the charity Wigs For Kids so you don’t need to try to figure out which are the charity items this year. They all are. If you would like to see the larger individual pictures of these hair styles, you can see them in this Flickr set.
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You Know Something Is Great

jun 25_007

Every once in a while something comes along and you see it everywhere – dozens of bloggers blog it, everyone wears it and when you try to buy it, the store is full. The thing is, you know you are going to make the effort to get there and wait in the lag for it to rez because you know it will be great. The Ara top from MiaMai is just one of those things. What’s my first clue? Olela, Gidge and I all just shot it to blog – a confluence of fashion love never seen before at It’s Only Fashion. The thing is, this top is so well done and so fun that it overcame my usual preference for full-length tops. I don’t often wear a short cropped top, but this one won my heart with its sassy prints and gorgeous sculpted folds.
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Unlike my Ara-wearing compatriots, I didn’t wear jeans, opting for the wrap skirt from G. Field. I love this skirt and didn’t find it necessary to wear the alpha layer to prevent my glitch pants from peeking through. To be honest, I find making my hips invisible a bit freakier than an occasional peek of glitch pants.
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