I planned to get out and hit some sales today but you see, I’ve got this old chonky boy who wasn’t having it. He wanted all the snuggles even though I was ready to roll, and how could I resist. My original pair of KittyCats are over 4000 days old and I always have them out in my home, it’s truly what makes my linden house my HOME.
Do you have something that makes your home feel like your own special place? What is it?
Gidge is Getting Ready for Easter In:
Brows: Izzie’s – LeL Evo X – 16 Eyebrows (soft arch) pink 75%
Head: / HEAD / lel EvoX RAVEN 3.1
Dress: erratic / nicki – ruched dress / SE pink floral (maitreya)
Hair: Exile:: Laia (B)
Earrings: Vibing — Evelyn Earrings — Rosegold — Regular — Linked
Rings: Vibing — Leah Rings — Gold — Maitreya — LEFT
Vibing — Leah Rings — Gold — Maitreya — RIGHT
Skin: [7DS] – BODY 2020 PAISLEY bom skin PINEAPPLE browless
Kitty: KITTYCATS – Snake Plisskin 4436 Days Old.
Kitchen: Dutchie
Neon Signs: Floorplan