Tag Archives: Barnesworth Anubis




One of the many blessings of our second lives is the great variety we can enjoy every single day. Not only can we jump from winter to summer to the moon and back, enjoying sims from every continent, but we can enjoy more ordinary variety that is also fulfilling. In our first lives, moving is expensive, time-consuming and hard, hard work. In our second lives, we can move so much more easily. I love the Barnesworth Anubis brownstone released at last month’s Collabor88 and have finally finished moving in and decorating. Here’s a snap in the living room with the big bookcases that sandwich the fireplace. Just because it is a 19th century building, I did not feel a need for traditional decor – so it’s a bit eclectic.


We also get a unique kind of variety in our clothing. Gizza released adorable pants, shirt and suspenders yesterday and each of the three come with HUDS allowing you to change them even more. So with the first one, for example, the tie, shirt and pants can be red, purple or yellow – or you could choose a monochrome. The second one comes in red and blue and the brown comes in two shades of brown for each of the three pieces.
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The Argrace hair, Crystal Line jewelry (with color change HUD) and the [k]rooms star can all be found at Japan Fair. I am so excited to see Argace doing a red hair color.

I did not get around to blogging Barnesworth Anubis’s fabulous 5th Avenue skybox when it was at Collabor88 last month, too sick to feel like moving from my old house. However, as soon as I razzed it, I knew I had to move into that gorgeous brownstone. It reminded me so much of my first apartment. In fact, it is almost identical, other than being much, much bigger, with 6 rooms instead of 4. But the big rooms with windows and glass doors are identical to the two big room in my old apartment, the big difference being that there was this small 8 foot space between the 2 big rooms and the bed room that was the bathroom/kitchen area. That house was built before refrigeration and the kitchen was 5 feet by 4 feet in size. Yes, space for a stove and a sink and an upright body. The cupboards and fridge were in the hallway! And what cupboard, they went from the top of the fridge to the 12 foot high ceiling. That meant I could stand underneath my kitchen cupboards and needed a tall ladder to reach the shelves. Yeah, good times!


The Barnesworth Anubis 5th Avenue skybox reminds me of my old apartment on St. Paul’s Grand Avenue – an avenue rich in history and full of wonderful brownstones.

This was our first apartment and my roommate and I had almost no furniture which lent itself to great parties since we never had to worry that something would get broken. We also had a closet that was about 4 feet wide and 28 feet long  (Yes, 28! It was like a cave and we needed a flashlight to see at the far end.) – long enough that when we had a party we could put every single breakable thing in storage. We would rent a keg and stick in a bed of ice in the tub and invite all the neighbors so no one would complain about the noise. We also invited the landlord, knowing he would not come under the assumption that if someone complained he would think – how bad could it be, they invited me? That was our strategy and it worked.
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The Holiday Home Tour – I’ll Start With Me!

I spent the better part of a week hunting the new and the awesome to decorate my house for this Christmas season. I have to admit I’m a little sad that the Arcade didn’t open in time for me to add some of the lovely things I’ve seen that are coming but eh, I’ll get them in what- 3 weeks when you can get in? 🙂 Oh who am I kidding? I’ll totally get them at yardsales – tomorrow.

I am so excited about the holiday home tour. My mother and I used to always go to holiday home tours when I lived near her, it was a glimpse at a house I’d never have – kind of like day dreaming a little fantasy – and sharing it with your mom. But in SL we can all have whatever kind of house we want. I love to see how people express their holiday joy when they decorate. I hope you enjoy mine.

The living room is always the room I work on first as I consider it the room for entertaining and socializing. Plus it’s what you see first when you walk in the room.

Trompe Loeil has a really comfy holiday sofa and I combined it with some chairs from What Next, a pillow basket and coffee table from earlier releases of Trompe Loeil as well. Continue reading

Early Morning Bloggery


I woke up at 4:30 this morning. Why? Because my cat decided it was time for me to wake up and he knows exactly how to make that happen. He sits right on my chest with his paws on my throat and starts rubbing his nose on my nose. Of course, it’s the cutting off my air supply, not the cat kisses that wake me up. It works every time.

So I took some pictures hanging out at my house over by Gidge’s place. I was still tired so I laid down on the couch. Sideways, though, so Oscar could not cut off the air supply again.

Who me?

Now he lays on the floor looking all innocent, “Who me?” but I know very well what he is capable of.

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Beige Patent Pumps Just Like Kate

I heard a radio show shortly before the Royal Wedding, talking about beige patent pumps. Beige patent pumps are apparently everything. Kate Middleton had been seeing wearing them at appearances, suddenly you had to have them. The morning shopping guide on the radio show (because this is now a thing apparently) went through and told us what brand Kate was wearing and since we obviously can’t afford those (commoners) told us where to get them priced in our (commoner) price range.

Luckily for us pixel girls, LVLE has come out with a gorgeous pair of beige pumps that fit the bill with gorgeous texturing that subtly shines.  We might not get to marry a prince, but we’ve got cute shoes so really, that’s probably good enough.

Pixel princes are a dime a dozen anyway, girls. Continue reading

I Hired a Personal Assistant Fairy

I decided that it was high time I too acknowledged how fancy and important I was by getting myself a personal assistant in SL. However, I didn’t want one I would pay a pittance and then would be responsible for answering customer NCs if they came in, and for reminding me to make items for events.

No, I wanted on that would be at my beck and call 24/7 and who would make things appear that I wanted, for no other reason than because I was dreaming of them in RL. I wanted someone with MAGIC.

So, I got myself a fairy. Continue reading

Government Housing Redux: Spruced up for Summer

I’ve spent the past few months making my government housing abode comfortable and in keeping with my need for a cozy and welcoming atmosphere. I like where I’ve landed, at least for a minute or two. I’m always on the lookout though, for that amazing low impact item that I just MUST HAVE. 117 prims is not a lot to work with. Thank the Lindens for Mesh.

So then, let’s come inside.

I did add walls to my Linden home. My bedroom is directly off the entry way. I’ve spent a long time picking up the 1 Land impact items to tweak this room I’m pretty happy with it. Continue reading

It Was A Dark And Stormy Night – In Paris

A Dark And Stormy Night - In Paris

If you aren’t a 20 something and you hearken back to your youth, you’ll remember that back in the day in the Peanuts cartoons, Snoopy was often working on his book. His book always begins “It was a dark and stormy night…”. What you might not know is that there is an entire, long running fiction contest centered around this premise – beginning terrible fiction with the phrase IT WAS A DARK AND STORMY NIGHT.

I actually once purchased a compendium of the Bulwer -Lytton contest entries and laughed for days reading it. It’s one of the seminal phrases in American faux literature, and when I rezzed Barnesworth Anubis new skybox for Collabor88 – my first thought was OMG IT WAS A DARK AND STORMY NIGHT. Continue reading

Cultural Appropriation – It’s Whats For Dinner !

Cultural Appropriation Is For Dinner


I could not resist the Mexican Fiesta at Rassassy last Sunday on the Lazy Sunday sale day. It was ONLY 75L for a lovely meal to cater at my house and I LOVE PIXEL FOOD DON’T JUDGE ME.

But as I laid my table and invited over my guests, I realized, that most misrepresented of Mexican holidays is upon us – Cinco de Mayo. Continue reading

A Funny Story


The RL conspired to keep me off the grid most of the weekend. Which is just as well because RL>SL yet, I missed my virtual piece of sanity. So I enjoyed wrapping up my Sunday evening with a little relaxation in my new Lazy Ass Pajamas from A:S:S – literally Pho – the grid needs more pajamas that don’t make you look like a 20 dollar hooker. Well done. Continue reading