Tag Archives: Baiastice

A litte R&R after dying

So I went exploring, looking for a place to shoot and was wandering around this fair when suddenly I fell to my death and was teleported back home. Not one to argue with the SL gods, I decided I would just settle my poor bruised bones on the couch and shoot at home. Besides, I wanted to get this outfit shot for the Same Damn Thing Challenge celebrating Achariya’s contributions to the Second Life fashion/blogging community,

I shot this to show you my favorite feature about my house – the swimming pool. The house is placed in the water naturally, avoiding the use of prim water and sounds. It gives it so much more life and the walkway down to the water is a masterpiece of perspective.
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I went to the atmospheric haunted sim Innsmouth to shoot this lovely gown from MiaMai. The layered full skirt, the pouf of fabric on the shoulder, the filigree adornment at the neck all seemed perfect for a noir shoot. Add the hot fishnet gloves from Adore & Abhor and I am ready for noir.

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Can You HEAR Them?

….They’re Talking ’bout US
Telling LIES Well, THATS No Surprise

Can you see them?
See RIGHT through them?
They have no shield, no secrets to reveal
Doesn’t Matter What THEY Say
In the Jealous Games People Play
Our Lips Are Sealed Continue reading

Also At Emerald Green…

Cajsa took me exploring on the Emerald Green sim the other night, and I decided it was a good excuse to shoot a few out of the studio. The entire location is so amazing and beautiful I’m probably going to have to go back a few times. There are tons of gorgeous vignettes and scenery. It’s a happy blogger place for shooting.

Those photographer types would probably like it too. Continue reading

Deviant Girls

Deviant Girls is a legitimate title for this post as that is the store where I bought this dress. However, I admit I am giggling at the thought of porn surfers getting a little disappointment as they land here. Deviance is such a nebulous concept. After all it merely means turning off from the main road, so to speak. Who wants to always drive the main road? Those blue lines on the map are always more interesting and prettier than the red highways. On the other hand, I do love the red lines in this dress – the fabulous ribbons that elevate this from a nice gown to fabulous fashion!

The skirt on this dress is magic. It floats and waves in the wind. It’s a bit tricky to photograph with all the alphas in it, but anytime alphas drive you batty, just look from another angle and voila!

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I Am Slightly More Dressed This Morning – I Put On Earrings

This morning I am excited to tell you that in addition to all the other good things launching today, the Lo Lo Cafe Coffee Break starts today! YAAAAY!
Caroline’s Jewelry will be featuring her beautiful Cabochon Chandelier earrings!
A girl with a graceful neck can never have too many chandelier earrings.
I have a pet peeve in RL – Earrings should never be so heavy that they DRAG down your ear lobes. I don’t know why, it just looks gross and tacky to me. Continue reading

KittyCats Fashion Consultants

My first job, my first REAL job that wasn’t food related or convenience store related, was FASHION CONSULTANT. No lie. That was the job title. It was sort of a dubious title at best as there wasn’t much FASHION going on in my opinion, but in fact my job was to help ladies put together outfits and “looks” – starting with FOUNDATION GARMENTS.
I’m far too lazy to dress myself, though. Luckily, much like Cinderella, I find that I’ve got four legged creatures at hand ready to prance and sing whilst selecting my attire for the day. It all starts when I open my eyes and find two of my beloveds whispering to me that it’s time to awake- and be gorgeous.
Luckily, I’ve already got that part done. Continue reading

A Moonlit Night at Linda Voc

Shopping in Second Life has lots of pleasures – including shopping to help others. For example, the gorgeous skirt is on sale at the Help Japan event and 100% of its proceeds will go to help respond to the people of Japan. The top is an adorable dress on sale at The Dressing Room. Gidge blogged it the other day, but I wanted to show you how well it works as a top as well.

I shot my pictures at Linda Voc, the home sim for Deviant Girls. I was shopping there and will soon be showing you some finds. Right now, though, I want to show you what a gorgeous sim it is. You won’t see this at the shopping mall.
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Shhhhh! I am not supposed to be saying this! But some of you may have seen the drama Elusyve and I had with our store mascots over at GESTICULATE! Well – we had NO choice but to simply let them all go and hold auditions for new store mascots.

As that excitement grew, we realized that the gnomes were never EVER going to let us go – so we did the only thing we could. We completely rebranded and moved everything. As a matter of fact, the gnomes don’t know we’re gone. They’re still sitting around listening to the lucky chair call letters at the old place. Continue reading

Cyber Geisha – More Than a Web Cam Girl…

That’s right. Cyber Geisha is a spoiled digital girl. As soon as I saw her at the Another Fundraiser 2 event I knew she was a girl after my own heart, and she had to be mine.

If you haven’t been/heard of the event yet, this is a fantastic fundraiser which is benefiting the Red Cross Relief for Japan. You can pick up skins and tattoo makeups all for 50L and the variety and choices are outstanding. Everything from traditional faces to this very festive Cyber Geisha. Continue reading