Tag Archives: Baiastice



One of my favorite SL sim builders is Marcus Inkpen whose amazing Utopia 4 build remains a standout for me – though it’s long gone. He’s also the genius behind the stunning Looking Glass sim.


I was thrilled to learn that he has a new sim installation called The Returning. This is one on of the Linden Endowment for the Arts sims. Prepare to be amazed as you look at the pictures from the Flickr group for the sim. I must thank Ryker Beck for sharing a picture of the sim on her plurk – or I might not have known about it.

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Bunga Mawar

Pink Flamingo

The Luka dress from LeeZu is all about the fabric with its beautiful design and the form, with its exaggerated sleeves.

It’s funny how the mind works, I was looking at the fabulous new mesh dress from LeeZu and its extra-long sleeves. They reminded me of three former housemates of mine from Malaysia. They were Muslim women who usually wore Western dress but with longer skirts and a hijab that covered their bodice and sleeves to right about the length of these sleeves. They were already in my mind when I saw the back of the dress and all of a sudden out of my memory bank popped the Malay expression for rose, bunga mawar. I never actually learned Malay while living with them, but absorbed enough that I could contribute to a Malay conversation in English. I thought I had forgotten everything until I saw this dress.

Pink Flamingo

A bunga mawar by any other name would smell as sweet.

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What else could you do with seven itty bitty men…

June 25, 2012

The Lily dress from Baiastice comes in several lovely colors for the Fairy Tales 2012 event.

Cinderella’s on her bedroom floor
She’s got a
Crush on the guy at the liquor store
Cause Mr. Charming don’t come home anymore
And she forgets why she came here
Sleeping Beauty’s in a foul mood
For shame she says
None for you dear prince, I’m tired today
I’d rather sleep my whole life away than have you keep me from dreaming

’cause I don’t care for your fairytales
You’re so worried about the maiden though you know
She’s only waiting on the next best thing

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Summer Shape Up: A Poll

Shape Tune-up: A or B?

The Solstice begins at 11:09 p.m. tomorrow so if there’s any spring-cleaning to be done, you have about a day to finish before it becomes summer-cleaning. Aside from spring-cleaning, the other big focus of spring for many people is shaping up for summer and the more revealing fashions it brings. I decided to try a summer shape-up of my own. Now that it’s done, I thought it might be fun AND SCARY to ask you what you think.

Shape Tune-up: A or B?

All the pictures are taken from the same camera position, the slight differences arising from Shape B’s slightly shorter stature. The dress I am wearing is from Geometry for Chic2. It’s a deceptively simple high-waisted sheath that is beautifully complicated by the art-deco details on the back.
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I Leave You With I Love You

It always makes me sad that people don’t dress to travel. It’s not an occasion any more, it’s just something we do. I feel like it IS an occasion and do like to make it special.

So I drew an I love you on my bag, so everyone would know. Continue reading

Things my father taught me

Using alternatives to PhotoShop - I edited this with LunaPic to emphasize the pouring rain.

I have many great memories of my father. I remember him singing and playing banjo, dancing with my mom and telling stories with a twinkle in his eye. I remember his voice and his laughter. One of my strongest and most powerful memories, though, is from a day he made me miserable and angry.

My dad and a picture of the woods above the river

I grew up in the country on the far side of a lake, deep in the woods. It was a 3.5 mile walk to the school bus, though I often shaved some off that by taking deer paths through the woods. That day it was raining and dad offered to give me a ride to the school bus stop. We had gone about a mile when a squirrel ran in front of the car and we could hear a slight thud as it was struck by the car. Dad pulled over to make sure it was dead, but it had run off into the woods.

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Mirror, Mirror on the Floor: A Tutorial


What with Snow White, Snow White and Snow White, it’s about time we had some mirrors in Second Life. It seemed a logical next step after the reflections in the previous tutorial, though I was more in the market for a homey little mirror rather than some grand baroque masterpiece with a talking head. Though, that makes me wonder if there were a talking head on a prim just under the water…

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Reflections of You: Tutorial

Way back in January, I saw a fantastic tutorial by Graphic Dix for Modavia Fashion Marketing on using Second Life’s water in an innovative way to capture reflections. We’ve all stood on the bank of a river or waded into the ocean and admired our reflections, but he took it to a new level.


I wanted to do something similar and experimented a little bit and ended up going in a slightly different and, perhaps, easier direction, though achieving the same effect.  I began by finding a texture, in this case some mossy pavers from Zooboing Creations. I made a copy of the texture and using a big soft-edge eraser, I erased part of it, leaving it open alpha areas.

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mmmmm…luscious red lips


Red lipstick! Red lips are the ones the songs are written about. One of the great musicals of all time can be brought to mind with just a single image of red lips. They’re powerful, bold and iconic. And they’re not for everyone, except today. Today is Red Lip Wednesday. Hopefully lots of us bloggers will flash our ruby red lipstick today.

Of course, nothing suits every person. We have our likes and dislikes. There are fashions I dislike and fads that leave me confounded and confused and asking why? Mostly though I shrug my shoulders and think to each his own. Certainly if we all looked the same and liked the same things, the world would be a much more boring place. So, let’s hear it for red lips! Here, there and everywhere.


I tossed this outfit together pretty quickly after shooting the wedding dress on Monday just before my set at The Velvet. There was no way I was dj’ing in a wedding dress! I remembered the gorgeous skirts from NYU for faMESHed. There were several colors and I loved them, so I pulled out another color. I dug around in my system clothing for something to wear with it and found this old top from Kunglers.

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