Category Archives: Great Places to Shoot

A Highly Improbable Gown

Dance in the Wind

One of the joys of Second Life is being able to wear completely impractical gowns that might not be impossible in real life, but would be highly improbable. Take the Dance in the Wind gown from Gizza, for example. You can teleport from place to place in Second Life, but in the real world, you would have to get that skirt to end all skirts inside a vehicle to go anywhere. Well, that won’t happen. So say you decide to walk the 4.8 miles to the ballroom, the dress is so full of life and so sensitive to every pulse of the wind, it’s like walking in the midst of a white tornado – so that won’t happen either. But in Second Life, you don’t have to worry about transport or being able to see where you’re going so you can wear an extravagantly flamboyant gown.

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Make Things Happen

Make Things Happen

I saw this graffiti on a building while I was wandering around Tobacco Road and absolutely had to take pictures. It’s my mantra. Sometimes I have 15 solutions before the problem is even defined, but yes, I like to make things happen.  Blogging Second Life is an example of that. So is Second Sites. Blogging Second Life is a site I started with Evelyn Hartson, combining compendia of blogs, stores and creators directories and a database of bloggers who accept review copies. Second Sites is a sim travel blog that allows all of you to upload your own SL travel pictures to and help build a resource for picture-taking.

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There’s a Whole Lotta Culture Shock Going On


There’s eight full days more of Culture Shock and now that the initial mad rush has subsided, it’s a good time for the more leisurely shopping that comes with fewer people. Also with fewer visitors, the script gate is no more, so you can attend and wear your wizard hud, though you probably would have a better shopping trip without it.

One of the places you must stop by is R.Icielli where there’s jumpsuits and tops and shorts in a ridiculous number of colors and prints. It’s a rainbow and then a rainbow factory on top of it. I hopped over to a lovely sim to snap a few pics. You really have to see to believe the incredible variety.

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Haute Cuisine and Hot Cuisine

Roslynd Turbo from Plausible Body has created awesome and funny chef outfits for ladies and gents who are in the mood for some kitchen action….whatever that means 😛

We can decide to be a perfect, serious cook……..
I'm a busy, serious, cook

….who’s posing for the press…
Shhh, the cook is posing!

….and who can’t find the carrots.
where are the carrots when i need them?

Here’s the killer cook!

And here’s the sexy one:
helloooo darling.....*wink*


So we have the female chef set in white, black and blood-stained version, the female sexy chef set in white and black version, the male chef set in white, black and blood-stained version. Each outfit comes with a multi-tool belt and a HUD which allows you to use up to 6 different utensils in your hand.

These sets are all open price, so you can click them, get them and pay whatever you want.

Are you ready for some fun in the kitchen???? 😛

Thank you, Roslynd Turbo 🙂



  • Outfit: Plausible Body – Chef – Female White
  • Outfit: Plausible Body – Chef – Female Bloody
  • Outfit: Plausible Body – Chef – Female Sexy Black
  • Skin: Mynerva – Sara Pure
  • Hair: Clawtooth – Somebody’s lady
  • Hair: Clawtooth – Louise Brooks
  • Tattoo: Urban Republic Co. – Good ‘N’ Evil
  • Location: What Next store


I’m Torn About Paying It Forward

Torn Difference

Gozii - a dress from Torn. Torn is a new store that opened in April featuring mesh clothing in a rainbow of colors and prints.

Mostly I am torn because I chose to feature a dress from Torn, a mesh clothing boutique owned by Torn Difference, but it’s not just a play on words. You know I am a sucker for community-building projects, so Harlow Heslop’s Pay It Forward Project has a lot of appeal for me. In an ideal world, it would have developed organically and not in response to conflict, but in the real world, conflict is the heat that makes the seeds of change sprout. There is one way in which I would love there to be a sea change in the blogging world and if this helps bring it about, I will be thrilled.

Torn Difference

Nails from WTG and bracelets from Je Suis continue the black and white theme.

In my opinion, too many see blogging as a zero-sum game, as though the traffic that goes to a competitor’s blog is traffic that won’t go to one’s own. In truth, fashion blogging is more like Starbucks. When Starbucks first began opening their stores all across America, there was a lot of griping about it killing the small local coffeehouses. The reality is, though, that a Starbucks opening up near a local coffeehouse is often the best thing that happens to them. Starbucks is not just selling coffee, it’s converting people to the idea of high-end, specialty coffee and amplifying the market.
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So If You’re Free…

Vaki, If You Are Free...

I heard on plurk today that there was a Fibromyalgia Fair going on and thought I had a bit of free time and should check it out. I was really pleasantly surprised, it’s a totally CUTE little fair with VERY NICE items for sale from creators I had heard of.

Basically, that’s a win to me. Also, for those of you who like a fun freebie, there were freebies at every station and many are cute and worth having. Continue reading