Monthly Archives: February 2013

Gidge’s Fast Five – February 25th

GidgeFast Five


It’s time for another issue of The Fast Five I hope you like what I’ve found today that thought I’d share.

1. Grey and Yellow: There is never any question about the quality of the images Villemo Inglewood produces, but I was very fond today of her use of grey and yellow and tying her very chic and high fashion look to something as normal as a paved road.  Continue reading

Cajsa’s Fast Five: February 25th

Fast Five



  1. The Tea Garden from Editorial Clarity-Flux. Gorgeous photos, beautifully design, and tea, what’s not to love?
  2. Burglaries, Brollies, Beauties, Books and Beasts – Inara Pey lists some upcoming book events (live readings) that folks might enjoy. I wish I had read this yesterday, I might have loved the Sherlock Holmes reading, though I could not have attended anyway because SL would not let me wear any clothes!
  3. Folly – from Dantelicia Ethaniel who always excites me with her wild eye when she takes her fashion photos.
  4. Tell Me a Story – from Elysium Hynes, not just because I like the picture, but because I want folks to know how she is using Pinterest to catalog Second Life events and sales.
  5. Love Missile F1-11 from Whimsy Winx who smartly addresses the problem of what to do when you have tight sleeves with your mesh hands.  I have just removed the wrists before and that didn’t work, but she has an elegant solution. You can see how well it works in her pictures.

Confessions: Sloth


I was curious how PXL Creations creator Hart Larsson’s would depict Sloth for his Seven Sins gacha, the sin of laziness and indolence and was surprised by his choice of showing tears. If you have been following this series, I have been pairing the skins with the Seven Sins songs from Buckcherry’s album Confessions that was released on Feb. 19th, struck by their near simultaneous release. The interesting thing is how well Hart’s choice suits the Buchcherry song Sloth in which the singer expresses his anger about his father’s suicide, of being too lazy to fight for his family and his life. That makes the tears a perfect match.

Now I’m without you and I just can’t hide it.
You’ll never know anything that I feel inside.
You know I still love you, but I stand divided
Cause I always hated your suicide.


There is nothing mournful about the Baiastice Bibbe dress for Arcade. It’s a delightful dress mixing bold colors and fabulous prints, short and sassy and ready to face the world.

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Cajsa’s Fast Five: February 24th

Fast Five

What to read today?

  1. Inspire Your Look #187: Nati Williams rocks an adorable babydoll and matching shoes from Katatonik. I can feel my lindens getting ready to jump. 
  2. Dress Me! 20130222: iBi 8f8 shoots a pick with stunning use of lighting. If you have not seen his blog before, be sure to check the home page to see an innovative layout and approach.
  3. Inspirational Look #3: Arora Zanzibar occasionally reproduces RL pics that she is drawn to in SL, building a set, even editing her avatar to get as close as she can. Check out how well she went from inspiration to realization.
  4. GIMP Normal Maps – Nalates Urriah provides links to tutorials on normal maps to help creators adapt to new changes coming to second life with the addition of materials which to my understanding would allow you to repeat a texture on an objects to texture the object and then add, for example, a shadow to just one portion of the object. Don’t quote me on that.
  5. #143 – Rinko Humphreys posted a picture from a skybox that has me wanting that room in real life. I am experiencing total book nook envy.

Confessions: Vanity or Pride


The PXL Creations Seven Sins Gacha skin Vanity is gorgeous with the prideful purple that for centuries signified royalty and imperial power. Buckcherry’s corresponding song for their Confessions album is called Pride. Frankly, it’s a pretty bad song, probably written to fulfill their need to cover all seven sins. You can probably listen to a sample on iTunes, but it’s a poor thing compared to the rest of the series. Good thing for us, the PXL Creations Vanity skin is nothing like the song. It’s a beautiful skin!

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Cajsa’s Fast Five: February 23rd

Fast FiveHere’s the five posts I think you should not miss today:

  1. Just What is the Beef with Advertising? – Ciaran Laval discusses Linden Labs new adoption of advertising on their web site. 
  2. Re-Opening Delicatessen – Meta Body II: Quan Lavender highlights the new iteration of the very successful Meta Body event by Capcat Ragu and Meilo Minotaur.
  3. Big City: Sasy Scarborough has a found a must-have jacket.
  4. A Night at the Cemetery: Wise Sandalwood is ghoulishly beautiful.
  5. Single Frame Stories: A Retrospective: Deoridhe Quandary asks what she can learn by  putting her images taken over time all together in a collection. She is reflecting on this quote: “[E]ven our most frivolous, clichéd or reflexive work reflects a deep and pervasive web of subconscious stories and associations.”

Where There is Love There is Life

Love is in the air this month and this lovely dress from *LpD*s Poetry Collection is the perfect thing for the Month of Love.

LPD - Mother

I’ve really stepped out of my comfort zone with this dress.  Its a really edgy creation and will draw every eye to YOU on the dance floor wherever you go.

More after the cut….

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Gidge’s Fast Five – Number 1

GidgeFast Five


Cajsa is always thinking of new things to do to celebrate the things we like, and while I’d like to take credit for this idea, I can’t. I’d like to welcome you to the firs edition of FAST FIVE – the five blog posts that I found inspiring, pretty, made me shop or otherwise caught my eye today – and which I think you are remiss if you don’t see them too. We’ll do this column as the spirit moves us. Could be daily could be weekly could be ten times a day (un-likely).

With that, let’s begin.

1.OWLS – There is something lovely and whimsical about people who like owls. Owls are sort of ruthless predators who like to gut things then eat them. Yet, there is a softer side to the beast, and the people who love owls must see it better than I.  Also places with random balloons can never be bad.  Continue reading

Confessions – Wrath


PXL Creations WRATH

Number four on the Seven Sins series celebrating the coincidentally simultaneous release of PXL Creations Seven Sins Gacha skins and Buckcherry’s Confessions album with songs focusing on each of the Seven Sins. Today’s sin is Wrath – and the skin is deliciously maleficent while the song was appropriately angry and hard-edged. Of course, what made it work so well for wrath aurally made it one I didn’t like as well as the others.

Hey man, do you wanna get a fist so hard?
Do you wanna see who’s in charge?
I’m gonna show you your future
Hey man, you think you’re strong enough to play this game?
It’s gonna burn like acid rain, you’re gonna need some sutures

I got this need to be broken and I’m taking you on this ride
I got this need to broken and I keep all my wrath inside


I chose this dress from Faster Pussycat because its strong lines are accented with white stitching giving it a very disciplined look while the ruff is reminiscent of how animals raise their hackles in anger and also of Queen Elizabeth I who could be wrathful and powerful.

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