Tag Archives: the arcade

How About Some Meat Cooked Over Fire ?

Living in the south in RL I appreciate the value of cooking out, we’re all about it down here.  Now BBQ in the south isn’t the same as grilling, which is what I’m doing above. But when I lived up north it was the same. Regardless of what you call it, meat cooked over fire is delicious. Continue reading

Livin’ In A Bloggers Paradise…

Bloggers are notoriously messy creatures. Catch us outside the pages of our blogs and we’ve got on pieces of six outfits and no alpha layers. It’s true. No shoes, mismatched earrings, no hands – this is how we run around the grid, stopping to catch perfect moments only when we’re shooting.

It’s sort of hilarious.

Our bedrooms, if decorated realistically, would be no different.

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It Begins – ARCADE June 2015 is 48 Hours Away…

Arcade June 2015 has once again proven to me that the creators at The Arcade KNOW me.  They really really know me. They know I’m messy. They know I have too much make up and I’m not ashamed. They know, I have a lot of little bottles of things sitting around. And they love me for it.

I’m pausing as I absorb the amazing things available this round and trying to decide if I need to move house or how many more little things I can possibly shove into my house. I have to remodel my bath. That’s just got to happen.

What are your faves this round? I’m so excited, I can’t wait to bring you more, this is an amazing round. Get your clicking arm ready – there are lovely things to make your SL story even more your own.

My story is that of a blogger with too much stuff. They know me, they know me so well.

Arcade opens JUNE 1 – GET READY.

Gidge Is Wearing:
Head: .LeLutka.Mesh Head-ARIA v1.1
Shoes: 17.erratic / lsm – house slippers – queen (slink) THE ARCADE 2015
Hands: Slink Avatar Enhancement Hands V2.1 – L – Elegant
Slink Avatar Enhancement Hands V2.1 – R – Elegant
Feet: Slink Female Feet (AvEnhance) S – Flat
Body: Slink Physique Mesh Body V2.3.1
Hair: TRUTH HAIR Gilda THE ARCADE June 2015
Vanity: Cheeky Pea
Make Decor Items: TRES BLAH – JOLIE SET – THE ARCADE 2015
Bedside Table, Breakfast, Magazine Floor Clutter, Alarm Clock, Coffee Press: ERRATIC – THE ARCADE 2015
Lingerie: LUXURIA – Seduction Bodysuit

My Arcade Prep Time Has Begun

I am getting ready for The Arcade by romping around my house as a Snoob from BAIASTICE. The Snoob Avatars will be available in lots of different styles & coats and are pretty hilarious. They are perfect for just relaxing and enjoying the ocean breeze. Continue reading

The Zen of Ironing


For me, ironing has always been a peaceful relaxing activity. I would set up the ironing board in the living room by the couch and have the unearned in a basket on one side and an empty basket on the other to place the newly ironed pieces. I would lower the ironing board so I could sit on the couch and watch something on television while I ironed and work away. It’s quiet, peaceful and easy to do, so ironing was a favorite chore.

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I’ve Got Sunshine On a Cloudy Day


Don’t you love it when the sun is bright and streams in through the windows creating an interplay of light and shadow in your home? I know cats love it as they shift to follow the light. I am more a shade person and will shift from the sunlight into the shade, but I still love to see the beams of light moving across my home.

My dress is a super-feminine lace dress from Gizza called Cara. It is very demure and feminine from the front, though there is a bit of a surprise from the back as you shall see.


I am relaxing in the living room from my new cottage by dust bunny that I picked up at The Arcade. Through the windows you can see the greenhouse as well. The side tables and the pitcher of baby’s breath and the book on the far table are all from the dust bunny collection at The Arcade. Scarlet Creative’s Amelie sofa seems made for this sweet little cake of a house. I changed the pictures in the frames from the DRD frames I got at December’s Arcade. I thought it might be fun to put in old family photos, so the pictures are of my grandmother, great grandfather, great-great-great grandfather, a family reunion in 1901 and other old family photos.
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Magnolias and the Lilies of the Field

One of the surprises when I moved to Oregon were the magnificent magnolia trees. I had seen them in pictures, of course, but I thought of them as southern trees, not trees to flourish in the Pacific Northwest. But flourish they do. They are in bloom now.

Magnolias have such a grandiose beauty, without fear of being gaudy or flamboyant. They just are what they are. They don’t hide their exuberance, their size or their extravagance. It reminds me of one of my favorite Bible verses, “Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow;they toil not, neither do they spin, yet Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.”

The scarf that is belted to this dress from NYU reminds me a bit of the exuberant magnolia petals. With a color-change HUD, there are 10 plain or 10 print scarf options. The dress itself comes in 10 colors that match the scarf options.
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Love In Mysterious Ways

Sometimes I feel more in love than others. I am invested so deeply that sometimes I forget the love and passion that drives the machine of a love affair – even when it’s a long term one. Continue reading

Lullaby of the Rain


I spent far too much getting this dress at The Arcade, but I console myself with knowing that the color-change HUD makes it several dresses in one. Besides, it has the prettiest color-change HUD in SL history.

Friday was the vernal equinox and it came with extras this year— a solar eclipse and a supermoon. Spring, however, came to Oregon long before the equinox. Already the daphnes and magnolias are in bloom. The air is rich with fragrance and spring’s showers paint everything a lush green. There is such an abundance of life in Oregon, all fed by the wonderful rain that if you live in Oregon, you must come to love.


The crazy thing about gardening in SL, I can have wisteria and magnolias at the same time as hibiscus and lavender, isn’t that amazing?

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Back into Routine

Pixel Gidge struggled for a week to get her life back on track.  Travelling through multiple airports and trudging through foreign lands wore her out. Sure, it was amazing awesome times, and getting to see one of your favorite people ever is worth any amount of tired but still, getting back TO your life can be a challenge.

She’s back on track, trying to keep everything going now with the help of her little dog. Her house is messy and she’s got to spend some time cleaning today I predict.  Continue reading