Look I’m standing naked before you
Don’t you want more than my sex
I can scream as loud as your last one
But I can’t claim innocence.
Oh god could it be the weather
Oh god why am I here
If love isn’t forever
And its not the weather
Hand me my leather.

I could just pretend that you love me
The night would lose all sense of fear
But why do I need you to love me
When you can’t hold what I hold dear.
Oh god could it be the weather
Oh god why am I here
If love isn’t forever
And its not the weather
Hand me my leather.
Hybie Is Wearing:
Skin: Lara Hurley – Mia Doll – Milky
Hair: Magika 01 Flourish – mesh
Panties: MUSCHI Panties Down (s2) Red – Mesh
Pose : Savoir Faire Poses – Oopsie (02) – coming soon
Bedroom Set: Fluid Furniture – Abyss BR Set