Tag Archives: Gos

The Classics

Today has been one of those crazy days where everything goes wrong. First it started out with my online bank telling me my password was incorrect then it was a trip to the bank where I paid two dollars for the ATM to print out my last 10 transactions but it was out of paper so I never received them. Then I broke two nails and spilled coffee on me. Oh, and let’s not forget about how the alarm clock went off this morning for no reason and woke up my child and therefore me too.

Anyways, I realized I hand’t logged in for like 5 days or something and I thought new pretties would make my day better.  Well, I don’t know about the day getting better but my avie sure looks cute. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_0011 Continue reading

Confessions: Envy


Envy, one of the Seven Sins Gacha Skins from PXL Creations.

Noting once again the delicious coincidence of PXL Creations releasing the Seven Sins Gacha skins the same week that Buckcherry released the Seven Sins as part of their Confessions album, I was elated to see then newest release from Shiki featuring a dress called Envy. Seriously, does serendipity get any better than that?

I’ve been watching you all day and night
I bet you’d make someone a perfect wife
My infatuation burns inside
I envy you and want you in my life.

I see you moving towards me, I feel it deep inside,
My mind, I can’t control it, I wish I had your life.

She’s got everything,
I hate it cause I envy him
And he doesn’t care like I do.
She’s got everything,
I hate it cause I envy him
And he doesn’t care like I do.
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Shadow Dancing


As you know from my blog, I love playing with projectors and casting shadows. I could not resist including this shot I caught last night while shooting. I had my windlight set to complete darkness and then used two projectors casting white light.


I am wearing the gorgeous draped cocktail dress from Maitreya called Mignon. It reminds me of Project Runway’s Rami Kashoú and how he could drape a gown faster than Scarlett O’Hara could pull down curtains. One of the constant conundrums facing the poor, sleep-deprived contestants on that show is how to balance the conflicting demands of the judges who ding them for showing similar styles time and again while also lambasting them when they aren’t true to themselves. I often wonder why there are not more Santino’s calling them on their contradictory demands. With the 11th season in progress now, I think they should ignore the “you’re repeating yourself” complaints because those that head off into uncharted territory nearly always get auf’ed.

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Today’s look was inspired by the retro and the metro. Big city girl and a blast from the past (also a touch of the dark side).



Hybie Is Wearing:

Dress: little bones – Coney Island Dress – Black
Hair: Lelutka – Josephine – pitch
Skin: Glam Affair – Amberly – Petal – Edward
Eye Makeup: La Malvada Mujer – I want to be Beth Ditto #4
LipStick: Adore&Abor – 13 Lips Blood (SL Fashion Week)
Eyes: IKON – Lucid – Optimism (Group Gift)
Shoes: Gos – Grace – Patent Black

Side Show Couture

Sometimes, I think it would have been fun to live in the days of the traveling circus. To have side show freaks and bearded ladies, siamese twins and tattooed lizard guys or something like that. Being on the move and exploring the country and meeting people from all over. But the reason my dolly looks sad is because times were not always wonderful. Money was hard to come by and when people didn’t have money, people didn’t come see my dollies show.


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Looking for Letters



Just because I am on the hunt for the 15 missing letters to help solve the Room 326 Hunt doesn’t mean I have to dress down. Some of the places you travel to along the way are quite elegant and deserve a little care spent on my appearance. Besides, I have wanting to wear the Tulip dress from E! Eclectic Apparel for Collabor88 almost all month. The Tulip dress is a chic little strapless number with a grosgrain black ribbon highlighting the empire waist that leads to a front pleat dress. The pleat’s soft folds convey the idea of a tulip giving the dress its name.  Continue reading

Diaphanous Spindrift


Onomatopoeia is the word that describes those words who sound like the sounds they describe. As the song goes, it’s “sort of zoom, zip, hiccup, drip
Ding, dong, crunch, crack, bark, meow, whinnie, quack.” But I think we need a word for words that sounds like what they mean. Take diaphanous, for example. Diaphanous usually is used to refer to sheer fabrics, but to me, the word even sounds diaphanous. Isn’t there something sort of light and feminine of the “dis” leading into the soft and delicate sound of “phan” that rolls in to whispery soft “pus.” Of course a word that sounds like that has to mean delicate, light, ethereal.


The Splash (onomatopoeia) dress from SySy’s is diaphanous. Its layers are sheer as cobwebs, a gossamer confection of sheer fabric floating over another layers of fabric and falling like a spindrift on the waves of the ocean. The ombre silver to green color of the fabric adds to the seafoam delicacy as to the waves suggested by the hemline.

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Devil in the Details


I had so much fun posing and shooting this dress. That is because the mesh is simply amazing and I loved watching it work its magic when I changed poses. You see that fold of fabric in the front. Watching it fold and unfold as I moved, I was a struck by what is truly an amazing job of mesh engineering. The dress is from Gizza and is available at Euphoria LIMITED. There are only 100 copies for sale, so get there quick. Update: DANG! It’s already sold out. I hope Gizza releases this in other colors. UPDATE: It has been released in other colors.

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Something In a Sunday


DCNY released the Moto jacket in several colors in plain or embroidered options.

Well, I woke up Sunday morning
With no way to hold my head that didn’t hurt.
And the beer I had for breakfast wasn’t bad,
So I had one more for dessert.
Then I fumbled in my closet through my clothes
And found my cleanest dirty shirt.
Then I washed my face and combed my hair
And stumbled down the stairs to meet the day.


Gos Boutique released an entire collection of shoes that take all the guesswork out of tinting. You will find some problems when shooting with projectors since SL does not love alphas as much as it should. You can eliminate the issue by turning off the ankle sheath in the HUD settings.

I’d smoked my mind the night before
With cigarettes and songs I’d been picking.
But I lit my first and watched a small kid
Playing with a can that he was kicking.
Then I walked across the street
And caught the Sunday smell of someone frying chicken.
And Lord, it took me back to something that I’d lost
Somewhere, somehow along the way.

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Seeing The Sights

Early Bird_005I woke up early to go and see the sunrise and hopefully get some pretty pics for my walls at the new place. It was gorgeous outside, with lots of wildlife and the fresh air so early in the morning was so bracing but refreshing.

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I sat on the beach and watched giant turtles swim and frogs bounce across the landscape.  I  am really glad I decided to spend my weekend here, it’s a great place for a busy pixel girl to relax and enjoy some pretend nature.

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As the sun climbed higher I ventured out to the rocks and found this poorly landed plane.  The scenery here is fun and quirky, I admit I am glad I came. I need to make someone come with me next time.

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I can’t play checkers by myself!

Your Weekend Away Shopping List:

Pants: :::Sn@tch Perri Polka Dot Pants (Black-P):::
Top: :::Sn@tch Ripley Sweater (Black-J):::
Manicure: Adam n Eve Harper Manicure Pink
Tank: .: Somnia :. Lace Tanks {Pink} {US}
Lashes: Amacci – Eyelash Tattoo 4
Hair: .ploom. Josie (small) – Ploomage
Wedding Ring: EarthStones Destiny Bridal Set – Gold
Boots: [Gos] Triumph Boots – Fem – Archie – Foot – S
Shape: Gidge ~Savoir Faire Shapes~
Skin: Adam n Eve Skins – Harper Natural Pink Bewbs
Eyes: Poetic Colors -classic – coral reef (m) bright
Poses: Status
Binoculars: Studio Sidhe
Camera: Teefy