Tag Archives: Entre Mares

Hope Is the Thing with Feathers

Hope Is the Thing with Feathers

I uploaded this windlight setting. The download link is further down in the post.

Avenue’s Couture of Hope fashion extravaganza for Relay for Life opens today at noon SLT. The 40 participating designers were asked to create a piece that embodies their vision of a “season of hope.” Entre Mares created this stunning piece that immediately brought Emily Dickinson’s beautiful poem to mind. Hope is the thing with feathers...

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Seduced by Gold

This amazing lace gown from Entre Mares is a seductive arrangement of lace and lace and more lace. From the sheer and open lace of hte bodice to the wildly gathered lace of the sleeve to the thick heavy lace of the skirt panels, this dress is lace with all the seductive sensuality of lace and skin in overdrive.

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This June gown from Entre Mares is indiscreet. Very indiscreet!

I have to confess to a bit of photo manipulation here just to keep my photo in the “safe” category for the Flickr censors. They are so frightened by nipples that one of their censors made my entire account moderate because of nipple shadow in a swimsuit – not exposure, but that bit of shadow painted on by the designer to simulate fabric covering nipples. The other so-called indecent photo was a low cut dress.  In order to avoid another hoohah with another 30 some emails and appeals etc. with Flickr, I obscured just a bit of exposure on the bodice of this dress. Of course, that indiscreet glimpse among the curlicues of the bodice lace is the point – really – and covering it is not truly in the spirit of the design. It’s just that after the fight I had with Flickr, I am a bit paranoid.

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