Tag Archives: Baiastice

So I Had a Birthday


I didn’t mean to not have a party but I didn’t have a party and then it came and went and I was like FUCK IT. No party.

But I do have a dress. A party dress, to be exact. It’s from DCNY and if I WERE to have had a birthday party then this was my dress of choice. Continue reading

Design Your Own With Great Pieces


When I unpacked the glorious “My Feathered Waspie” from La Penderie de Nicole, I realized it was one of those pieces that could be mixed and matched with bits and pieces of other outfits to make fun, new things, giving me a chance to “design my own.”

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Gone But Not Forgotten Blogger Challenge


Today I am wearing Curio’s Chic New Wave skin. You still cannot buy this lovely youthful skin because the legal case is continuing to work its way through the system. Someone once said that justice is like a train that is always late.  While the “court of the internet” may have adjudicated this case, the court of law moves more slowly and months will pass in discovery and depositions and waiting to be scheduled into court calendars and the wheels will grind slowly.

But the wheels of Second Life spin faster. Stores that close are soon forgotten, buried in an alluvial plane created by the flood of new stores, new designers and new releases. The relentless flow of the new, new, new can overwhelm stores that are able to engage in SL commerce, so imagine how that will affect a store that has closed. If you search for Curio and SL, you don’t find Gala Phoenix’s beautiful skins, you find stories about the legal case.

So, I have a challenge, or perhaps a better term is a pledge. I pledge to wear and blog Curio skins at least twice a month, even though my readers cannot buy them right now. It’s not a lot, but if other bloggers who like the brand and have the skins can also take part, perhaps we can help combat the flood of forgetfulness, each post a little sandbag against the flood of time.

Of course, we all blog with varying frequency, so some may pledge more and some may pledge less, but I hope that those who can, will take this pledge. I would love to google Curio and SL and see pretty pictures and fun fashion posts again.

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While sculpts have given way to mesh in Second Life®, in first life fashion, sculpting is all the rage. Structured dresses made with polished linen blends are sculpted with angled darts and pleats to give us classic shapes with dynamic and exciting details. This new dress from Molichino for the October FaMESHed showcase is a perfect example of the structured dresses that have been taking over the runways of the world.

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Baroque Beauty


Giz Seom of Gizza has produced a trio of gorgeous baroque outfits with gorgeous lace blouses and sexy pencil skirts. Never afraid to shy away from mixing prints, the lace of the skirt works beautifully with the quilted waist and the rich brocade skirt.  The lovely bit of chrysanthemum at the collar give it a perfect touch of Old World aesthetics while the sheer blouse and matching visible bra makes it fully modern.

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Tweed and Layers


There’s a bite in the air and it’s time for the rich, warm fabrics of autumn. The wools, tweeds, knits that layer beautifully to keep us warm and cozy. This fabulous tweed dress from Fanatik can be found at the October FaMESHed showcase.


I wanted a bit of extra warmth with the bare shoulders, so I added a poncho from PrettyMoonS. PrettyMoons is a new store to me, one I found searching on Marketplace for red outerwear that would coordinate with the bold belt on the dress.
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Fields of Flowers


Monica Outlander has been in a design frenzy lately – releasing a huge collection of formals just as the month of fashion draws to a close. While Spring fashions have been strutting the runways of New York, London, Paris and Milan, Second Life designers keep their designs closer to real time and the real seasons, but there’s an element of spring in this one dress from MiaMai with its glorious floral abundance. While her collection includes some fabulous mesh gloves that are full or quarter length, for this dress she provided gloves with the dress in the same fabric for a bold floral push.

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Pistachio Pudding


Through the whole of my childhood, the bottom shelf of my grandmother’s food pantry was stocked with pudding and jello and marshmallows. Predominantly – PISTACHIO PUDDING.

This was because she belonged to 800 women’s clubs, from Eastern Star, the Martha Circle at church, the Women’s Republican Club, yadda yadda on and on. She also once belonged to the Women’s Christian Temperance Union swearing that alcohol would never touch her family’s lips. That one didn’t work out so well. But she needed the pistachio pudding for her signature dish at the many pitch-ins these groups held (called potlucks outside of Indiana). Continue reading

Just Necessities

Just Necessities_001

I had to pop over to the shop o my way home from work. Just necessities I told myself. JUST NECESSITIES GIDGE. You don’t need anything else. But you know, I’m never much good at that, and who can resist purple cookies?

Toxic is also having a 50L sale on everything in the store, so I went over there, it was my first time being in the shop and I was excited because it was a great place to stock up on basics for 50L plus there were some great dresses! Continue reading

VoguE at Borobudur


I missed the BOSL VoguE fashion show earlier this month – since my computer is hating groups of more than 3 people – I am missing all the shows. Still, I saw the collection on the VoguE web site and am in love with the bright, colorful exuberance. The collection is being released for sale one by one over several weeks for those of us who missed the post-show sale and one of my favorites from the collection was released this week. Is this just not a festival for your eyes?

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