Tag Archives: Alaska Metro

And Just Like That It’s Bandana Day

Bandana Day is upon us once again. It’s a stern reminder of why we have the Hair Fair each year which is much more about others than us.  It’s not just a shopping event, yet we do love to shop. It’s an event where we come together and the lindens we spend help others.

The RL has plagued me more than usual and kept poor Pixel Gidge trapped on her island alone, but she did make a foray into the Hair Fair. She has a ritual, before she buys anything, she seeks the bandanas. Why? Because they people that make them, make them with LOVE. They don’t make a dime out of it, they don’t benefit, in fact it costs them time and creativity. Yet every year people make them. Hell even I made them a year or two – until the trappings of mesh put them beyond my own skills.

I’m proud to stand here for the “I don’t Know How Many Years In a Row” time and say I supported Wigs for Kids and Hair Fair once again. Thank you Sasy and Whimsy and whomever else poured their time and love into making this event happen.

You are very appreciated – even if we forget to tell you.

<3 Gidge

Gidge is Wearing:
Head: Lelutka Chloe
Skin: Pink Fuel
Bandana: Alaska Metro

Eponymous Me & Cockfosters

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

So, I was considering what to wear on this subway. I really didn’t want anything ridiculous revealing. Something I would hope not be accosted in is what I was thinking. I remembered this gorgeous dress Cecelia Petion had posted on Plurk, so I unpacked the Poppy blogger box for June and saw the box inside had a dress named Cajsa. OMG! What could this be? Then when I unpacked it, it was the dress I remembered from Plurk…I just about did handstands. I would have if I had an animation handy. This struck me as the apotheosis of Second Life serendipity. They way things just fall into place.

Continue reading

There Isn’t Much Time Left

Maitreya released LARA 4.0 with BENTO Hands and that’s big news on the grid today. In other news you’ve probably got minutes left before COLLABOR88 tears down so really, hop to it if you haven’t. I’ve got my coffee, I’ll wait while you run over. Continue reading

Azuchi! Bless You!

I picked up the LUXEBOX this month and had to log in before my typist ran off to the RL to check out what was in it. So far my best love is this flawless top from Azuchi which fits perfectly over the pants they released for UBER. It comes in five colors in the box and is a great staple piece for your spring wardrobe.

I haven’t peeked at the rest of the offerings yet because it was telling me I was clicking too fast to get my goodies and ain’t nobody got time to wait like all that. (Okay I know scripts yadda yadda I understand, I just don’t have patience this early).

I’m looking forward to opening the rest in a bit.

Happy Wednesday girls!

Gidge is Wearing:
Head: .LeLutka.Chloe.
Skin: Alaska Metro – CHI – Skin Fair
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V3.5
Hair: TRUTH HAIR JoJo [+Hat] [++Chest]
Top: [Azuchi] Kat Top Polka Dot Maitreya Exclusive LUXE BOX
Pants: [Azuchi] Oichi Pants Black UBER
Eyes: [GA.EG] Ultimate Eye
Shape: Juicy – Meghan Shape GIDGE Edit // LeLutka Simone Bento (new)

Enter The Succulents

I’m missing some sort of female knowledge base, wherein information about plants is kept. I always feel like I’m supposed to know wtf some plant is, and really my knowledge base is limited to roses, daisies, dandelions and possibly tulips if they aren’t strangely flowered.

So when I got to rezz these succulents from MISH MISH my brain said SO THAT’S WHAT THOSE ARE! I’ve heard this term forever, I had no idea. Also, I’ve seen this plant a million times and had no idea what it was. Continue reading

Don’t Get Froggy…or Do?

I’ve lived a lot of places and I tend to take “sayings” from those places with me when I move. One of my favorites was “Don’t get froggy” when meant – don’t JUMP into something, either with attitude or just generally sticking your nose in where it didn’t belong. If you started to start mouthing off into something that wasn’t going to go well for you, a friend would say “Oh don’t get froggy.” It always made me laugh. Continue reading

I’m Walkin’….Except I’m Not

There are some bloggers who do an amazing job of reflecting a variety of skin tones when sharing new releases from creators. I’m not one of them. I think my instinctual nod would go to Sydd Sinister. There are probably others.

I’m always impressed with the amount of effort it takes to make a gorgeous contact sheet style post showing all the options with a skin or hair release. I decided to shake myself up and choose a totally different skin tone for myself, simply because in Second Life we can be whomever we want. Continue reading

Don’t Judge My Food Intake

Yes this is all for me, but the caloric intake required to support keeping this mesh body rendered is outrageous. We fashion bloggers we have to eat a lot. It’s like the opposite of real life. If we don’t eat tons of food we melt back to Ruth.

No one wants that. Continue reading

Saturday Slackerday

It begins with the clanging of an emotionless metal heart. The banging and clanging wakes me from my otherwise peaceful slumber and reminds me, it’s Saturday. This is perfect because this means I don’t actually HAVE to do ANYTHING. Continue reading

I Had Plans You See

Having a social calendar is suddenly making my SL a busier place, and I’m loving it. Except for one thing. I’m TIRED. Cajsa and I were out this weekend and reminiscing on the so many parties we used to throw and attend, and how much time we used to spend together and she remarked “Yes, you never slept.” I guess that’s true. I was younger, or stupider (more stupid for the literati).  Continue reading