posted by Gidge Uriza
Cajsa takes me to the strangest places. Continue reading
Hey Mister Can I Have A Ride On The Bumper Cars?
posted by Gidge Uriza
When I was in Middle and High School, it was compulsory for girls whose fathers belonged to the Masonic organizations to have to work at the county fair for two weeks in the summer, serving the food the Shriners cooked up in the hot summer heat. We’d wait on tables in our white t-shirts,jeans and pony-tails, grinning with pearly white teeth and talking to boys about going to see the various animals they were going to show,sneak kisses behind the soda machines or talk about who won the pie cook off with the old ladies who had come in for a cold drink.
And when we got our breaks……we’d go out and flirt with carnies for free rides. To show that the carnies either weren’t that bright or weren’t actually trying to shag us, they’d let us have free rides in return for “coming back to see them later”. Continue reading
posted by Gidge Uriza
The musical CABARET has been one of my favorites since I was a child. When I was young the darker tones of the story went right over my head. Except the Nazis. I always got that the Nazis were bad.
ANYHOO….Reasonable Desires is releasing a new costume set…..the Vintage Cabaret and obviously it’d have been PERFECT with a goat…..but it DOES come with a barrel which is awesome.
With more options than you can shake a stick at this Cabaret Costume gives you the option for full dressed or not hardly dressed in so many variations, I’d have been here all day posting if I showed them all to you. Continue reading
posted by Gidge Uriza
I can also wear blue.
Pixie from Sascha’s Designs is a formal ball gown but don’t let the name fool you. While her skirts still dance beautifully for those of you with a ball room penchant – there is NOTHING small about them. I think I’m weaing the GRANDE FLEXI. It also comes with the BIG SUCKER skirt (I swear that’s the name, or something close) and the “WHY YES CAPTAIN BUTLER I WILL DANCE WITH YOU” Battleship Skirt. Continue reading
Yes she’s a Trailer Park Woman
She’s a Mobile Home Princess
I was doing another mishmash when I got inspired to make a Halloween Costume out of my inventory – to put beautiful things together in a way that no creator ever intended – just to rock some trailer park style.
Seriously, you know I just spent the night at a club partying with random guys and doing snakebites.
Luckily I’ve got this comfy bedroom situated right off the kitchen – built in furniture FTW!
Ok, I might be daffy with giddyness at being back. But I was having way too much fun shooting this – and being silly.
And – I think Kavar may have created my favorite JBF hair ever, whether he meant to or not.
Let’s Party!
Trailer Park Style Notes: