Tag Archives: adorkable

Such a Nasty Woman

Such a Nasty Woman

It is Election Day at long last. Elections in America are far too long and of course, the campaigns in the commentariat are even longer. After all, there’s already speculation and talk about 2020 before 2016 is decided, because the media would rather talk horse races than policy.

This is the first truly existential election since 1860. People who complain that the election is not about issues this year are wrong. It’s just that the issues on the ballot are not the issues we are used to voting on—whether we are a free country or an authoritarian one, whether the United States controls it foreign policy or follows the dictates of a former KGB agent, and whether we want to continue as a democratic republic or are ready to just give it all up and hand it over to a despot. Thwse are the issues of this election and they could not be more important.

I am wearing suffragette white even though I voted two weeks ago. I am excited to be electing the first woman president. I wish the election were about her policies in competition with his, but it is not. This is not an election about marginal tax rates, health care policy and higher education funding. It is not about traditional issues. It is about our humanity.

Such a Nasty Woman

I am wearing a delightful white leather jacket from Pixicat for Collabor88 over a fun sports bra and pants from Azuchi. The Pixicat Night Jacket has a hud to allow color changes. It can be bi-color as well. I love the details on the pants. On a side note, I have been reading The Best Nature and Science Writing of 2016 and it included a great article from Racked on the science and engineering in developing sports bras. You should check it out, “Why Are Sports Bras So Terrible?” Fortunately in Second Life® if the sports bra fails to provide enough support we can just adjust the physics layer. If only it were so in real life.

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Apply Yourself

Nature is the inspiration for all ornamentation.

This Verushka dress from Liziaah is striking in its details – all very architectural and rigid, but intricate and complex – a baroque form of modernism.

Nature is the inspiration for all ornamentation.

It is also unusual in its construction. With the advent of mesh, we have lost the old form of system layers and while we often use appliers for lingerie or layering, there are few people making clothing using appliers and mesh pieces. Liziaah is one of those few. This dress is applied and the dreaded flap for the skirt is added, however, since this is mesh, not prim, it has not of the flaws of past. It conforms to movement, it reacts to the light the same as the applied textures. In the end, it makes a beautiful dress that is form-fitting in ways that mesh cannot achieve.
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Everything is fair in love, war, and fashion.

Everything is Fair in Love, War and Fashion. - Reiss Field

Distance lends discretion, so I am beginning my post with a full body shot instead of the usual three-quarter photo I usually use. My blouse is a bit sheer and revealing and so closer, more detailed photos are below the cut on behalf of those who might be taking a peek while at work. I am repurposing a lovely lingerie bodysuit from Luxuria because as Reiss Field once said, “Everything is fair in love, war, and fashion.”
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Prints and Colors

Cinderella is proof that a new pair of shoes can change your life

Don’t Mix Prints! That was once the conventional rule of fashion, but again and again, people have flouted the rule with great success. It’s tricky and can look atrocious, but folks who can mix prints well are among the most exciting fashion designers and icons. Gia Seorn of Gizza knows how to mix prints. The collection of five Tracy Strapless dresses recently released by Gizza is a masterclass in mixing prints.

Cinderella is proof that a new pair of shoes can change your life

Thalia Heckroth™ released a fun new jacket that I added to dress. I love sleeves, so often add a jacket over strapless tops and dresses. The details are perfect and happily fits comfortably over a dress. My pet peeve with mesh jackets is that they too often can only be worn with applied textures or with a set piece made just for that particular jacket. I love to find jackets that I can wear with other brands.

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The Subtle Magic of Blueberry

“The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.” — Coco Chanel

I am so in love with this Blaire blouse from Blueberry, mainly because of the attention to detail. Look at those perfect seams, the pockets, the buttons, the cuffs. Everything about that blouse is exquisite in the details, even the wrinkling around the elbows. To top it off, the blouse is released with a tucked and untucked version. When something so simple and basic as a white shirt is elevated with these kinds of details, that is when clothing becomes fashion. Even better, there is a HUD that lets you choose from many colors for the fabric and the buttons.
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Zaara at Collabor88

“Pure, intense emotions. It’s not about design. It’s about feelings.” — Alber Elba

Zaara released a wonderful three-part outfit at Collabor88 this month. I always prefer it when designers release their outfits as separates. This allows us to wear the tops with other skirts, shorts, or jeans. We can wear different tops, even sweaters, with the skirt. To top it all off, there is this beautiful belt that is a perfect complement to the skirt, but I can picture looking fabulous on a sweater or body-con dress.
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The more you leave out, the more you highlight what you leave in.

“The more you leave out, the more you highlight what you leave in.”

Henry Green was talking about editing and writing when he said, “The more you leave out, the more you highlight what you leave in.” The truth of that statement, though, applies to fashion as well as writing or any other kind of art. That is why I enjoy wonderfully restrained minimalist design like you get from ISON & Rowne. These pieces are from a showcase collection that will be taken off the market after September 30th, so go to ISON as soon as you can.

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Be like a peacock and dance with all your beauty

Be like a peacock and dance with all of your beauty.

Peacocks are glorious creatures, peahens are so dowdy by their side. Aren’t we lucky that both the male and the female of our species can, if they choose, be as gaudy as a peacock or as subtle as a peahen? I am going for the gaudy side today with this gloriously embellished butterfly “Glasswings” dress from Reverie for The Arcade.

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The soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts.

The soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts.

Self-help has not changed much since 160 C.E. when Marcus Aurelius was journaling. His published Meditations are a twelve-volume collection of self-help books that are in the public domain, free to anyone to download for their fill of his “Think Yourself” [insert desired quality here] philosophy.

You probably think I am kidding. I am not. Here’s a bit of the self-help advice from good old Marky A.

  • Yes, you can—if you do everything as if it were the last thing you were doing in your life.
  • You don’t love yourself enough. Or you’d love your nature too, and what it demands of you.
  • Nothing happens to anyone that he can’t endure. (Absolute baloney)
  • Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be. Be one.

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Every lake belongs to the quietness desired by the swans

“Every lake belongs to the quietness desired by the swans.”

“Every lake belongs to the quietness desired by the swans.” Mania Khan must know swans, they do love the quiet, the lee side of an island lake, where the wind does not ruffle the water. I thought of that quote when I saw the {anc.} swans at The Arcade and decided to rez them on a quiet eddy of water with some flowers (also from anc) and trees from HPMD.
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