Category Archives: Showcases & Discount Rooms

Roses, Brocade and Lace @ Collabor88

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Collabor88 is full of the beautiful and macabre this month. I am so very much in love with the Vanity Hair contributions especially as it works so well with the headpiece from Zenith. I imagine   it would also work well with hats and other hair accessories.

Raw Pics from SL - FS won't save to disk
Zenith’s brocade corset and lace skirt for Collabor88 is a perfect composition of the Gothic aesthetic, corsets, ribbons and lace in a bold and sexy form that contours and highlights the body.
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Las Calaveras de Glam Affair

Glam Affair Dia de los Muerto

This month’s Collabor88 will open at midnight with an exciting theme centered on the delightfully macabre Burtonesque palette and mood board. I am sure there are some people in the world who do not like Tim Burton’s work, but they are probably unhappy. I headed off to Deadman’s Island, a haunted sim with a beautiful ghost ship. I think Tim Burton would like it a lot.

I think Tim Burton should do a film about las calaveras, the happy, delightful sugar skulls that mark the celebration of All Saint’s Day in Mexico. The Day of the Dead is not Halloween, in many ways it is the opposite of Halloween. After all, Halloween focuses on fear of the dead and the Mexican celebration of el día de los muertos is a welcoming visit with the much beloved dead. Families visit the cemetery and spend the day with their dead, leaving ofrendas (offerings) such as food and wine and the lovely pan de los muertos. They also will place photos and even a soap, mirror and razor so the dead can freshen up for the coming year.

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Beautiful Devoré

People will stare. Make it worth their while.

Baiastice has released a stunning dress with a gorgeous devour skirt. I love how it goes from opaque to sheer and how the hem is cut away to follow the pattern of the stamped print. It comes in gorgeous colors and I was at a loss which one to wear until I decided to wear a hat – and finding the hat made my color choice for me.
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Color Speaks All Languages

Colors speak all languages.A little over 300 years ago, Joseph Addison wrote, “Colours speak all languages, but words are understood only by such a people or nation.” He was writing about the pleasures of the imagination and arguing that the written word incites the imagination more than imagery. He also suggested that how enthusiastically people respond to the written word is influenced by their capacity for engaging their imagination while reading. I like the idea that color speaks all languages, but it is hooey.

First of all, even within people speaking the same language, men and women see color differently. Women see more shades of color than men and describe the colors differently. Beyond that, colors have cultural values that vary from place to place. There is a very cool interactive chart here. White is the color of mourning in East and of bridal innocence in the West. Red is lucky in China and dangerous in Europe and North America.
Colors speak all languages.

However, no matter what the cultural subtext color choices may bring, no one can deny that this gorgeous Ethnic Jacket from Purple Moon will being an entire conversation to your closet.
Colors speak all languages.I paired it with this gorgeous pencil skirt from Maitreya. The skirt details including the black back and the leather detailing make it seem to have been made for this jacket.
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Lake Serpent

Helena Stringer - IOF - Lake Serpent - 1
Everyone knows about sea serpents, but long ago, somewhere in the history books, knowledge of lake serpents got lost. Maybe it was those few pages that got ripped out, to be used as kindling for the fire. Or, heaven forbid, someone got creative when in the loo.

There also seems to be an utter lack of information on the fact that, when needed, serpents can actually shift into humanoid form, to preform certain tasks.

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Life is too short to…

Life is too short to wear boring jewelry.

Life is too short to wear boring clothes. So, those who know these things attribute the quote to Cushnie et Ochs, a fashion label. I don’t know, I bet Marie Antoinette said it a few times in her day, even before she had any idea how much too short her life would be. Life is too short to not indulge your whims and fancies when you can, or more appropriately, when you can responsibly. In this case, I indulged myself, but deciding to move the panniers that were placed on the hips of this dress up to my shoulders for a completely different look. If you want to see the original, check it out here.
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We know of Match.Com, Plenty of Fish, eHarmoney, Tinder, and the list goes on, but what do we know of Medieval Dating for the Common Hedgewitch?

Helena Stringer - IOF - IPortal - 1 Continue reading


it can restrain the heartless
Sanura Snowpaw made a heartfelt plea for help yesterday, one that was difficult for her to do because most of the time, she is the one answering the pleas of others. It is always hard for the givers to ask for help. But she is not asking for herself, not really, she is asking for her dog Kassie who needs an expensive surgery.

Of course, she is doing her part, too, putting everything in her store Somnia on sale at half price in hopes that folks who like her clothes will come and stock up, taking home twice as much and injecting some much-needed lindens to help take care of her dog. Since she always sells her items with a texture change hud with 8 colors, that is 90 lindens for 8 colors of this sweater and 90 lindens for 8 colors of this skirt. Seriously, even if you do not care about the dog, you should spend, spend, spend just to stock up at half off on wardrobe basics. Since she makes appliers, you can also get all your layering basics too.
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No, you don’t have to do that.

Poetry should appear almost a remembrance

Helen Mirren gave an interview earlier this month that shocked some and made me happy. She said that she wished she had told more people to “fuck off” and it is not the first time. She once said if she had a daughter, that would be one of the first phrases she would want to teach her. As Mirren explained, “Unfortunately, at least for my generation, growing up (we didn’t say that) and I love the fact that girls are so much more confident and outspoken than my generation were. We were sort of brought up to be polite and sometimes politeness, in certain circumstances, is not what’s required, you’ve got to have the courage to stand up for yourself occasionally when it’s needed.”

I think a lot of us need to say those words more often. We often do things we do not want to do out of social expectations and traditions that really require a good fuck off. Of course, sometimes there are obligations and job requirements that just don’t allow us to say that, but then we have Second Life® and if there is any place on the planet where we should be free to do as we please, it should be Second Life.

That’s why I never feel bad about wearing clothes as I please and not just as they come in the folder. Of course, I don’t feel that is really saying “fuck off” to the designer, instead it is just showing that they clothing is more versatile that first envisioned. Of course, in this case, I think  wearing this dress differently than pictured in the vendor ad is intentional, otherwise, why would the designer make it so versatile.
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“Fashion should be a form of escapism, and not a form of imprisonment.”
Alexander McQueen said “Fashion should be a form of escapism, and not a form of punishment.” I agree, we should wear what makes us happy and only follow those trends that appeal to us. After all, style is more important than fashion and style is about our choices. There are always wonderful choices in Second Life®.

I have also finally figured out how to make Marketplace work again and uploaded the projector I used to shoot these pictures.
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