Category Archives: Fashion Community Activities, Events & Feeds

Colors at The Arcade & Collabor88

“Color is a power which directly influences the soul.”

My mother was a believe in dressing to feel better. If you feel sick, wear a dress and fix your hair. If you feel blah, wear something bright. I had an annoying headache and felt so dreary yesterday, I knew I needed some brightness, so I put on the white-white-white high-waisted long-bottomed pants from Pixicats at Collabor88. I also added a top from HUCCI in lovely jewel tones and neutrals. Kandinsky once said, “Color is a power which directly influences the soul.” I don’t know if that is true, but I know it can give your mood a big pop.

I decided to introduce you to Toodles XXXIII. My brother has had a chihuahua for a pet for most of his adult life. Just one, always named Toodles. Toodles, ToodlesII, ToodlesIII. I am not sure what iteration of Toodles exists now, but I went for XXXIII to be sure I did not tread on any Toodles’ memory.
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A Reason To Lounge

Collabor88 an Second Spaces gave me a whole new reason to chill out and do nothing in Second Life and once again, I’m perfectly ok with that. New lounge chairs for the pool weren’t a need but hey WHAT IS A NEED ANYWAY? I don’t even know. I’m in the mood for a nothing day so I invited you to indulge as well with some adorable sandals from Fri.Day and a perfect summer chill out hair do from EXILE you can also pick up at Collabor88. Continue reading

Fabsolutely Fun Fashion

"Every day we ignore how completely broken this world is and we tell ourselves it’s all going to be okay, you’re gonna be okay. But it’s not okay. And once you know that, there’s no going back."

Anemysk Kara just showed this blouse she is releasing at Vintage Fair and I just fell in love with its fabstract design. I love the combination of old-fashioned and hyper-modern. The front and the sleeves are so very traditional, then it’s cropped and has an open back. From front to back is a two hundred time travel jump and a brilliant play on form. It’s sold in three packs: plain (vibrant, saturated colors), patterns (prints and florals), and silk (pastels).

"Every day we ignore how completely broken this world is and we tell ourselves it’s all going to be okay, you’re gonna be okay. But it’s not okay. And once you know that, there’s no going back."

I combined it with a fun, cheeky belted skirt from Baiastice which you can find at Collabor88. Frankly, I was so indecisive, I could see the top with pencil skirts, cigarette pants, a mini-skirt, high-waisted bell bottoms, or just about anything. The slim silhouette of a pencil skirt of cigarette pant would be sophisticated, but I thought this cheeky option would be fabsolutely fashion fun.

"Every day we ignore how completely broken this world is and we tell ourselves it’s all going to be okay, you’re gonna be okay. But it’s not okay. And once you know that, there’s no going back."

I shot my pictures at One Tree Hill, a Linden Endowment of the Arts sim. It’s probably based on the show I have never watched, but I loved the nostalgia of the sim.
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The Arcade brings sunshine and flowers

Keep your face always toward the sunshine and shadows will fall behind you.

I was looking for a quote for my pictures and came across “Keep your face always toward the sunshine and shadows will fall behind you.” It was attributed to Walt Whitman which struck me as bizarre. It does not sound the least bit like Whitman. Whitman wrote things like “Give me the splendid silent sun, with all his beams full-dazzling!” The internet is good for many things, but it’s been a disaster to those who want proper attribution for quotes. Thankfully there are those who are combatting error like The Quote Investigator.

The Arcade has arrived and with June comes sunshine and flowers, not just outdoors, but even on the wall.

Keep your face always toward the sunshine and shadows will fall behind you.

I shot these pictures in the small attic bedroom at the top of Scarlet Creative’s romantic Daisy Weathered House at The Arcade. With ivy and moss on the walls and roofs, delicate floral wallpaper and so many gables it would make Nathaniel Hawthorne jealous, this house is everything.
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A Perfect Day To Grill

It was a perfect day for a nap, in fact naps were already in progress, when I realized I was incredibly hungry. There was nothing for it but to make some food and I just HAPPEN to have a new grill!

But what to cook? Continue reading

MetaLES and Contrasts

Gallery exhibitions are like flowers, they bloom, and then they die, they exist only as memories.

I put on this gorgeous jumpsuit from Baiastice that was released at Collabor88 the other day. I had thought I might go check out the beach, but then on a whim, I headed over to MetaLES to see the new exhibition from Sina Souza. It is amazing! However, I could not help but notice that in mood the exhibit and my outfit were on opposite sides of a vast chasm. This jumpsuit is bright, colorful and fun-provoking.

Gallery exhibitions are like flowers, they bloom, and then they die, they exist only as memories.

The exhibition is striking, creative, sombre, and thought-provoking.

Gallery exhibitions are like flowers, they bloom, and then they die, they exist only as memories.
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48 Hours Until THE ARCADE Sales Into Port

Astralia has released the boat every girly girl needs this round of THE ARCADE and I’m thinking I might just need a little vacation on the mighty Linden seas this week to celebrate. It comes complete with a bedroom so what else do I really need? Continue reading

In the Out of Doors

Some might wonder in the magical land of Second Life why I choose to “be normal”. I suppose it’s a valid question. Perhaps it’s because this is, as Prok so rightly called it (although regarding someone else) – a room of one’s own.

In life my typist isn’t afforded the luxury of just simply having everything just so, as she’d like and thus in this space, she gives me whatever she fancies, even if just for a while. Thus, unicorns. Tomorrow – who knows? Continue reading

When the heroes go off the stage, the clowns come on.

When the heroes go off the stage, the clowns come on.

I often thought Obama suffered all the slings and arrows of outrageous racism with heroic calm and self-control We didn’t hear him whining about it, even when lying, bigoted blowhards said he was born in Kenya or he was a secret Muslim, which is utterly beside the point as our Constitution prohibits any religious requirements for elected office, even if our citizenry disrespects our Constitution daily. Now, the clown has come on and he whines daily that no one has ever been treated so poorly as he has, not even Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, or Kennedy.

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You’ve Lost Your Damn Mind

The age old conversation about absurd requirements for bloggers never seems to end. I was having a conversation with my girl Sasy and we were once again clucking about the weird measures and expectations people seem to be obsessed with.

The other side of the conversation also seems to be that everyone and their brother thinks they can blog because it’s easy and free stuff, at least that’s the tagline. Of course if you ever blogged for any amount of time, you’d know that isn’t the case. It’s work, it’s a commitment and it actually take some effort. Continue reading