Author Archives: Olela

About Olela

I'm Italian, I love cats.'s purple!!! :)

This jumpsuit makes my butt look sooooo cute!


Skin, jumpsuit and hair i’m wearing in the following pictures are some of my fav items ever and I must admit I have been wearing them quite a lot lately. I just love each of them and I think they go really great with each other.
You already know the Miamai jumpsuit ‘cause Cajsa blogged it and, yeah, it’s another beautiful gem created by the super talented monica Outlander:


What is she thinking?

Simply amazing.

And yes, it makes your butt look uber cute! Wanna see????

After the cut! 😀
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This is going to be a very short post ’cause i don’t have much time and you don’t have much time either! Why??? Well…in case you didn’t know, there’s a super sale going on at Sn@tch: it started last friday to celebrate the 11/11/11 one in a century day and it will end monday, which is…erm….tomorrow! 50% to 75% off almost everything (new releases not included), so you better run 😀

In the picture i’m wearing one of my purchases, which comes in six colours. I love it!

Kinston Says They're a Bitch
the top is actually less sheer than it seems in the picture

Ivey rocks!


  • Outfit: Sn@tchKinston Says They’re a Bitch
  • Hair: ehaWakana
  • Skin: Tres BlahSpace Mod  – 2010 DU’s item (no longer available)
  • Shoes: Sn@tchWild Thing Boots
  • Location: Diabolus art space

I hear clothes talking and i've got a very interesting tool!

During one of my shopping tours a few days ago, i stopped at Mimikri to check out the latest releases and i found out an awesome top/skirt set that has been released in July and i could not believe i missed it! Anyway, better late than never.
So here I am, showing you that outfit and some lovely skin, hair and jewelry that have been released recently. Also, I’ll recommend a cool tool that comes in handy when we take snaps.

Feelin' cool ;)

The Dusk set from Mimikri: a leather bustier and a sequin mini-skirt which seem screaming “we know you want us, come on…come get us, wear us, take us around, show us to the world, love us forever..”.
Well, at least that’s what they said to me. Not that I can hear clothes talk…..
Anyway, look at them, leather and sequin textures that seem real, lovely designs that are made to make your avie feel (and look) hot/cool/trendy at the same time. Try wearing them with the Baiastice Emi boots I blogged some weeks ago and you’ll be just perfect.
Both pieces are available in different colours and can be sold separately. Oh, Mimikri never disappoints me.

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I’m not a huge Halloween fan, first of all (RL reason) because it does not belong to the Italian tradition, so I don’t “feel” it at all, and then (SL reason) because, according to my taste, it brings too much orangeness into SL fashion. Also, I don’t need Halloween to wear a costume or to choose a dark/horror/spooky look in SL: I do that anytime I feel like it 😀
Halloween parties are cool, anyway, and it’s a shame I missed the one organized by Gidge and Cajsa: different time zones, you know^^

Ok, I don’t love Halloween, but I love the fact that lots of designers normally release new stuff (and gifts!) for this time of the year, thanks God not only orange and not only Halloween related, and one of those releases immediately caught my attention, since the moment I received the notecard.
I’m talking about the Wednesday outfit from SeVered GarDeN, inspired to Wednesday Addams (also “Hand” is part of the pack, even though you won’t see it in my pictures) and so damn awesome.

My doll

I have a thing for SeVered GarDeN: Berta Avro and BUBI Bolissima create some of the most interesting, beautiful, original, and high quality clothing I ever seen. It’s a mix of fantasy and modern fashion, it’s something really unique in the SL fashion universe and the Wednesday outfit is an example of what I’m saying.
Shoes, socks, the doll and, as I said, “Hand” are part of the outfit and all the sculpted prims come with a resize menu.
And, guess what? The price is really really really affordable, like everything at SeVered GarDeN.

More pictures and credits after the cut 😉
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Sissy did it again!

Sissy did it again!

I’m obviously talking about Sissy Pessoa, the talented mind behind Baiastice. And, yes, she did it again, she made mo go woohoo when i saw one of her latest releases, the fantastic Emi boots.
In the following pictures i’m wearing them along with an amazing outfit also from Baiastice, its name is Meriera and is part of the Fall Collection, seen on the Modavia Fashion Week 2011’s runway.

Sissy rocks!


These beautiful suede fringe boots are available in many colors: also, they come with two different height designs, the High Boots and the High Boots fold up, so you can switch from one style to another, according to your outfit or just your mood 😉
Don’t you just love them??? I’m sure Gidge does, as she blogged about them, too. That means the Emi boots rock! 😀
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The Meta_Body project

I’ve always enjoyed Meilo Minotaur and CapCat Ragu‘s art installations and projects. They’re true artists, check the beautiful and surreal Delicatessen sim if you don’t know what I mean.
Recently they have been working on a new project, the Meta_Body project and to explain what it is about, I’ll copy and paste the notecard I received ‘cause I want to share the coolness:

The virtual experience of the body is not exactly an experience of the flesh. These sensations, albeit having a physical sensorial aspect, continue to be experienced in our bodies behind the screen, not in our avatar body. The virtual body is a metaphorical body, all language, therefore open to experimentation and possibility.
In this new project, Meilo Minotaur and CapCat Ragu invite us, once again, to rethink our bodies through our avatars, making available all kinds of skins, shapes, body parts, clothes, etc. All these items are fully modifiable, shareable and copyable, thus challenging the audience to become creators and also share their derivative work with us, in the All My Independent Women exhibition. While the avatars are available in the Second Life Sim Delicatessen the pictures and machinimas of the derivative work will be displayed at VBKOE, Vienna, giving us a glimpse of the new creative flux, beyond the concepts of author and work of art, happening online.
If you want to participate in the RL project you must submit your derivative work in flickr group or in koinup group until October 20th 2011.

Delicatessen: Meta_Body project

See the picture?
That’s the beautiful location in the Delicatessen sim where you will find different kinds of “artistic” avatars which you can get for free and use, edit, work on them the way you like if you want to join the project or if you want to share your pictures or whatever you want to do with them.
Just remember to donate to the tip jar, please, we don’t want such awesomeness to end 😉

I wore 3 different avatars, edited a bit the shapes and took a few snaps in the sim.
You can see them after the cut 😛

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Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint you can on it.”
(Danny Kaye)

I was pondering this quote while exploring a new to me sim, full of amazing spots, so I thought “I’ll take a picture!” and that’s what I did. I liked the shot so much that I decided to add some “canvas action” to it, whatever that means…LOL


Then I thought (yeah…lots of pondering and thinking lately….someone stop me, please!) that my look of the day was so cute it would have been too selfish of me not to share the cuteness (…..) , soooo here I am, showing you what I’m wearing.

Here i am!

The awesome boho dress is from vive9, I absolutely dig that vintage style, it’s what I would wear in RL too.
The lace part is so delicate and romantic, but what really makes the difference is the belt which adds that particular touch of fashionista glamour.

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Fiore is one of the limited color dresses that Mami Jewell from AZUL released last August and that will be on sale till the end of September.
Fiore is a gorgeous, romantic, delicate, black flower. Fiore – infact – is Italian for “flower”.
When you move or walk, it opens its petals made of tulle, suavely caressing your figure, softly embracing you, dancing its beautiful dance and you’re part of it…..



The end of the month is near, so you better hurry up if you want to get this amazing dress.

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Jewelry Fair 2011 – Bliensen + MaiTai / Just A Pose

Four beautiful themed sims – water, fire, earth, air – full of amazing creations from some of the best SL jewelry (and jewelry related items and poses) designers: that is what you’ve got to expect from the Jewelry Fair 2011, which officially opened its gates on September 16.
Also: free classes, gatcha machines, charity auctions, gifts. Part of proceeds from the Fair will go to Oxfam International, an international confederation of 15 organizations working together in 98 countries and with partners and allies around the world to find lasting solutions to poverty and injustice.
My compliments to Cara Ametza, the Fair’s organizer, who did a great job!

I’d like to show you some of the fabulous creations from Bliensen + MaiTai which are available at the Fair. From deco to vintage to ethnic style, B+M jewels and accessories always enchant me:

“Cardinale” – necklace and earrings

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Shark Tale

Yeah, a tale about a beautiful dark/goth skin from (fashionably dead) that has been set out for 50L only: it’s “Shark”, Toast Bard’s item for this Fifty Linden Friday and i absolutely love it!


Did i say that i love it? 😛

It comes in three different tones, so everyone’s happy 🙂

If you like this awesome skin you better hurry up, because time is ticking away and tomorrow it won’t be available anymore.

Sorry for this short post, RL is keeping me soooo busy lately, but i HAD to find 5 mins to show you this fab skin, in case you missed it.

Ciao! 🙂



  • Skin: (fashionably dead) – Shark – for FLF
  • Eyes: Poetic Colors – night rain
  • Hair: (Dernier Cri) – Zero Gravity