Monthly Archives: May 2013

A Little Splurge


I have been eyeballing this bedroom set from LAQ Decor for some time. And since it has been at least, oh, a week, since I ordered new furniture I decided WHAT the heck and clicked BUY on marketplace to have it delivered. I bought the PG version, because it was slightly cheaper – I believe it was around 999L and my husband is off in Azeroth so  I won’t need a sexy times bed. Continue reading

E is for Eellogofusciouhipoppokunurious (Thanks, Arora!)


I noticed when doing my credits for this post that I have two “E” items which had me asking plurk for more. . The first is this cute leather mini from E! (see the exclamation point) which is Eclectic Apparel, the work of Eclectic Wingtips. It comes with a hud that allows you to change the metal findings from gold to silver to black and back. You also can change the upper “belt/sash” portion with several color and print options. It’s sassy and short and just the perfect choice for the new ruffled top from La Penderie de Nicole, which also comes with options, including black with several choices in contrast ruffle lining.  Continue reading

Gidge’s Fast Five: May 18th 2013

GidgeFast Five Happy Saturday my lovelies! I have some wonderful nuggest of fashion, wisdom, fun and whimsy for you today. I hope your Saturday is beautiful and that you never once have to look upon an ugly soul. If you do, I hope you have a fancy coffee to make it all go away.

1. Honour McMillan has a very serious business proposition that will likely take her away from us to the Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous. I bet she’ll be buying silk underwear and putting weights in the hems of her skirts like royalty before we know it. Continue reading

Cajsa Fast Five: May 17th

Fast Five It’s Friday. If you missed my last post, AVENUE’s May issue is out and is full of goodness including some amazing East meets West styling that is too good to miss.


  1. Enabling Facebook Notifications for Friends and Favorites: This new tutorial has good advice for your SL and RL facebook pages to manage your notifications. Strawberry Singh is an expert on social media networking options and is generous with her advice. Be sure to check this out.  Continue reading

It Was A Dark And Stormy Night – In Paris

A Dark And Stormy Night - In Paris

If you aren’t a 20 something and you hearken back to your youth, you’ll remember that back in the day in the Peanuts cartoons, Snoopy was often working on his book. His book always begins “It was a dark and stormy night…”. What you might not know is that there is an entire, long running fiction contest centered around this premise – beginning terrible fiction with the phrase IT WAS A DARK AND STORMY NIGHT.

I actually once purchased a compendium of the Bulwer -Lytton contest entries and laughed for days reading it. It’s one of the seminal phrases in American faux literature, and when I rezzed Barnesworth Anubis new skybox for Collabor88 – my first thought was OMG IT WAS A DARK AND STORMY NIGHT. Continue reading



I am just home from a long day at the hospital for some tests, so this will be short and sweet. The dress is a gorgeous easily draped long shift with an easy bateau neckline. By Nylon Pinkney of Nylon Outfitters, it can be found at this month’s Collabor88. It comes in this sunshine yellow or a rainy blue – both lovely abstract prints that are works of art.
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Your Morning Upskirt

Morning The 16th_003

I was taking some snaps as I had my breakfast this morning when I realized something amazing about my new skirt from BAIASTICE for The Boutique event that, THE INSIDE IS TEXTURED!!! OMG OMG OMG OMG! I HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE clothing with invisible insides. It looks crazy in photographs in certain poses and I never know when I’m going to suddenly have a huge invisible patch that causes me to throw away a photo.

THANK YOU SISSY PESSOA for texturing the INSIDE of your mesh clothes. Continue reading

A Walk In the Woods

One of the best things about growing up where I did was the 3.5 mile walk from the school bus stop to my house. Granted, I did not always appreciate that walk, particularly if it was raining and muddy or bitterly cold. But I often cut a mile or so off the walk by cutting through the woods. The trail I walked was made by deer, so it was not quite so wide as this one, but it was pretty clear considering deer don’t use bulldozers. There is a kind of quiet in the woods that is different from the quiet of walking down the road – even though there is no traffic on the road. Your footsteps are muffled by the soft humus of the ground, the wind is muffled by the trees and time seems to stand still. This little stretch of road through the woods at Miniascape reminds me so much of that quiet stillness.
I am feeling delightfully and romantically feminine today with the floral skirt from Baiastice – just released for The Liaison Collaborative and the sheer lace top from Vogue. Both items were just released and seem to have been made for each other, even though they were not. I decided to shoot this front and back because the top, being sheer, has no alpha and wanted to assure readers that the fit is perfection.
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