Tag Archives: Vanity Hair

Back In Business and Ain’t It Grand


Putting on the suit from ISON for Collabor88 this month, the wonderful song performed by Eartha Kitt came to mind. I tried to find it on YouTube for you, but it was not there. However, I found this beautiful interview with Eartha on love and compromise reminding me again what an amazing and vital woman she was. Even her speaking voice sounds like music.

Yesterday it seemed the world was about to end, didn’t it?
Looked as though it woudln’t last out the year.
Yesterday disaster waited around the bend.
Well, my friend. Spring is here.

Back in business, and ain’t it grand?
Let the good times roll.
Yesterday things were out of hand.
Now they’re under control.

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Back to LEA29


I headed back to LEA29 to see the completed art exhibit by FreeWee Ling before it disappears. You should go quickly. Set your graphics to high with the shadows turned to Sun, Moon & Projectors – as most of the exhibit is an exploration of projectors and the light and shadows they cast.


While I focused on the black and white elements, there is a lot of color in the installation – particularly from light projectors.

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Christmas Countdown

Christmas is a week away. I’m excited, I’ve wrapped all the gifts. The stocking were hung on the chimney with care. Cookies have been made and mostly eaten. Christmas Eve party dress has been chosen and I’m ready to have the eats and the drinks. My avatar has been equally as busy. I’ve made my sim Serenity Gardens decked out with Holiday Cheer and my wardrobe has been festive as well. Included in those festivities is this gorgeous Aspen winter coat from {Social Vintage}. It’s my first item from this store but it’s sure to not be the last.


This new angelic skin I’m wearing is from Kooqla. I’ve been wearing Kooqla for a while now and I love to see that it’s becoming a big success. Everyone seems to really love this latest release and you can see why. The detail on these hand painted skins is divine. They truly are unique.


Hybie Is Wearing:

Coat: {Social Vintage} – Aspen Winter Coat – Pink
Skin: KOOQLA – Bisquit – Nude – 02
Lips: KOOQLA – Bisquit – Lips 02
Hair: Vanity Hair – Fallen – Light BLondes – with braids
Eyes: IKON – Vanity Eyes – Banshe

Early Morning Bloggery


I woke up at 4:30 this morning. Why? Because my cat decided it was time for me to wake up and he knows exactly how to make that happen. He sits right on my chest with his paws on my throat and starts rubbing his nose on my nose. Of course, it’s the cutting off my air supply, not the cat kisses that wake me up. It works every time.

So I took some pictures hanging out at my house over by Gidge’s place. I was still tired so I laid down on the couch. Sideways, though, so Oscar could not cut off the air supply again.

Who me?

Now he lays on the floor looking all innocent, “Who me?” but I know very well what he is capable of.

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Careful How You Sit


So I am always a bit conflicted about studded clothing. Mainly because I have never worn studded clothing in my life, so I wonder how comfortable it is. Take this dress. I love the way the studs add visual interest, the flat planes of the skirt interrupted by the rows of studs – adding what feels like another dimension to the dress. But then I wonder, what does that feel like to sit on? Is it evenly spread enough so that it’s sort of like the bed of nails phenomenon, or do those little studs poke and prod? Maybe if you sit for just a minute it’s comfortable, but if you sit for a long time it is excruciating? Yeah, I actually spend time wondering what it would feel like for my pixel posterior to sit in my pixel dress with its pixel studs. But hey, it’s a great dress, isn’t it?

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For if our cause was unjust
We couldn’t bring this funk to you.
So we feel that it’s a must
It is something we should do


Let me take you by the hand
And spread the funk across the land
It’s not hard to understand
Heading for the master plan…


Pardon me, but I can tell
We know each other very well
Take my funk and let it grow
And then we’ll funk some more

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Why do I blog?


This is my favorite cycle of Collabor88 ever. While celebrating their 2nd anniversary, they are also celebrating the vibrant and daring fashions of the 1920s. While some designers stayed solidly in the era, others brought 1920’s sensibilities and details into 2013. Azure Electricteeth of Tee*fy gave us an updated, modern version of the 20s bringing the loose fit, the dropped waist and art deco details on the belt forward with a decidedly modern pair of separates.

Gidge sparked discussion the other day when she asked “Whyfor bloggest thou?” The general consensus is that people blog because they like it. That’s my reason for blogging, too. That’s also the obvious answer. Why would people spend hours on an unpaid hobby if they didn’t like it? However, I thought I might dig a little deeper and ask why I like it. Where are the rewards that make it worthwhile and pleasurable.
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Donna Flora Main Store Has Moved


Donna Flora has moved from the big sprawling romantic store with its secret rooms on Bonin to a more contemporary, streamlined store on Florencia. With Squinternet’s health keeping her from producing new items on a regular basis, she really needed to cut back, so she downsized from a full sim to a homestead. Her newest clothing has migrated to the new store and all of her jewelry is there as well. The old store will remain on Bonin for one last week and most of the older clothing that is there will be retired. While helping her move, I saw this dress, one of her early mesh pieces. I don’t remember seeing it before but I really liked the combination of a sleek sheath with the full sleeves.


Meanwhile at MiaMai, Monica Outlander made room for a satellite store for Donna Flora jewelry on her sim! This will allow people to continue to discover Donna Flora while shopping. She will also be producing some special designs in the near future, MiaMai for Donna Flora, with the sales all for Squinternet.

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Leather and Lace


Leather and lace probably would have become a fashion cliche without Stevie Nicks, but she certainly helped it along. Has there been a season of Project Runway without some leather and lace walking down the runway, usually with flowing tulle. Well, it does not have to be a cliche as you can see in this very modern minimalist one button jacket with the small lace punctuation for R2 for Collabor88 and these great Napa leather pants from NYU for faMESHed.


Modern sensibilities continue with the jackets square cut open back. This is as angular as the front is curved. This is a jacket that is thoroughly modern with its few touches of romanticism nearly invisible, as in the black on black brocade sleeves. It is still feminine, but strong and modern. It looks forward, not back and there is not a sentimental stitch in its fabric. You can find it at Collabor88 in an array of bright colors as well as this black and white with a coordinating miniskirt. I opted to pair it with the NYU leather pants to change it up and drop any possibility of it bursting into song “you give me your leather…Take from me my lace.”

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