Tag Archives: Skin Flicks

When the skies of November turn gloomy

The sun has left us and probably will not return until next June. Oh, sure we might get a glimpse for a minute here and there and maybe even a teasing hour of clear skies, but winter has settled in with the clouds and the rain and the dour weather. Thankfully, we can teleport to other places in a heartbeat, to sunny Cuba or Costa Rica, to Singapore or India or Africa and all the sunny, happy climes. But for today, I will dress for the gloomy November skies.

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I want to mod my hair

When I saw the new Seduction dress from Mimikri I began to drool. After mopping up, I popped over to the store and picked up the sexy Seduction in Nude.   I added a bit of contrast with tan gloves from Fleur and a stole from Skin Flicks.With the coffee lipstick on the PXL skin, I thought the palette was just about perfect.

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the land inbetween

My friend Naru im’ed me to let me know that C was in the lucky chair at Aoharu. Do you have any idea how rare it is for a C like me to get to tp in and rescue a lucky chair party from a long wait? Most lucky chair parties have 3 to 4 C’s all waiting their chance. What in the word does that have to do with this picture? Simply that I won a fabulous pair of shoes that made me think of this dress and pull it out of my closet. It’s called the Black Widow dress and that made me think of cemetaries which leads us full circle and back to the land inbetween and its fabulous cemetary.

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