Meet the twins: Teadoam and Fyarem. One from the frozen wasteland of the Northern seas, the other from the infernal pits deep within the planet. Watch out! Both are mischievous little kitties prone to pranks and jokes on unsuspecting visitors.
Meet the twins: Teadoam and Fyarem. One from the frozen wasteland of the Northern seas, the other from the infernal pits deep within the planet. Watch out! Both are mischievous little kitties prone to pranks and jokes on unsuspecting visitors.
Valentine’s Day is coming. Yes You heard me and it’s not even February. However, I think it’s important to note that if you’ve got a special someone it’s not too soon to start planning.
First of all, I’d like to point out that getting married or partnered or engaged etc on major holidays is a terrible idea because if it goes poorly in the end you’ve tainted the day for future loves. So SCRAP that. Continue reading
Ever notice that fashion editorials never seek to explain why they picture a model standing in a muddy plowed field with a hoe while wearing a lovely lace gown by Givenchy? They don’t explain because they don’t have to, that’s their magic. So, I am not going to explain why I am spinning around on a beach with a lighthouse in this gown. I just am, it’s a pretty place, the air is fresh. ‘Nuff said. The gown is one of the 45 limited release colors to celebrate the redesign and reopening of the Azul store. Get thee hence and pick up one, two or more of these limited release colors – and have a gown that after September no one will be able to purchase one just like you.
As I sit lunching on watercress sandwiches with the ladies at the club, I’m endlessly thankful for this lovely summer dress made available for $L1 from Nicky Ree for Mothers Day. Conservatively “in fashion” without being outspoken, it’s the sort of dress one could wear quite appropriately at many social occasions. She includes several skirt options – from this flowery wisp of a skirt to a lovely fitted satin option to take it into evening-wear.
Posted by Cajsa Lilliehook
Nothing makes me feel more feminine that some vintage clothing and no one makes better vintage than Ivalde. The clothes are lovely and if you join her group, you will realize what a sweet person she is, too, with her weekly notes and updates.
I want, however, to focus on the jewelry for a moment because this is a jeweler whose fabulous offerings may be missed simply because the majority of her work won’t appeal to non-role-playing residents. Her store is on a Viking sim and the majority of her work is slave jewelry, but if you go from your landing point to the farthest right corner of the store, you will find some amazing contemporary designs such as this necklace. Yes, it’s only a small fraction of her stock, but it’s well worth bookmarking her and hoping she makes some more everyday jewelry in the future.
Style notes after the jump. Continue reading