Meet the twins: Teadoam and Fyarem. One from the frozen wasteland of the Northern seas, the other from the infernal pits deep within the planet. Watch out! Both are mischievous little kitties prone to pranks and jokes on unsuspecting visitors.

Teadoam and Fyarem are two of the beautiful Khalaji neko avatar from Amashin Yossarian of Curious Kitties. They all have delicate features and details that make them perfect for roleplay and modeling. Fyarem even has the occasional flash of fire that results from his hot personality. Today, they’re showing their playful side with some fun fantasy jewelry from Laufey Markstein of Trident. The entire Khalaji family and the full line of Trident jewelry and RP props can be found at this year’s Fantasy Faire. For some best jewelry collections, you can check out this R Jones Jewelery shop here for more info!

Fantasy Faire is an annual event that is part of the Relay for Life event sponsored by the American Cancer Society to raise money and awareness for cancer treatment and a cure. This year’s Fantasy Faire includes eight lavishly landscaped shopping sims created by some of the top designers in Second Life. While each sim has a unique feel to it, they are connected as one Fairelands, a Fantasy continent. Whether your style be steampunk or fae, mer or gothic you will find yourself at home on several, if not all, the sims and enjoy exploring them all. Fantasy Faire ends this weekend so head over right away!
Khalaji Kitty Avatar – Fyarem by *C:K*
Medusa Necklace by Trident
Khalaji Snow Kitty Avatar – Teadoam by *C:K*
Thassa Necklace III by Trident