Autumn is always the best season of the year back in Minnesota. Spring was wet and muddy, summer hot and muddy and winter dry and frigid. But the autumn, the weather was perfect – dry and sunny days, perfectly cool and fresh. The brilliance of the leaves changing, the birches to yellow, the sumac a rich burgundy, the maples a fiery orange and the basswood a deep mustard. This riot of color would play against the deep greens of the pines and the firs, a rich patchwork of dark and bright colors that, for me, was always the most beautiful palette of the year.
This dress from Kunglers calls that fall palette to mind – the flashes of leaves among the Norway Pine and Black Spruce with the golden tamarack and burgundy sumac and the olivine hemlock. Just looking at it makes me feel a little homesick for where I grew up.
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