Category Archives: Showcases & Discount Rooms

Hoarders: The SL Edition


Monica Outlander made this stunning gown with the peacock print insets, releasing them at the Fashion Pride event in March. She produced it in several colors, but my favorite is this gorgeous royal blue.


I admit I am an SL hoarder. I have items in my inventory from 2007. In fact, I am wearing items from 2007 in this picture. Now, I am not the worst. I do throw things out. Pose stands, landmarks, notecards are ruthlessly trashed. All my shoes with invisiprims have been deleted. Pants with sculpted bottoms and prim flap skirts – gone! Full bright hair – done! Bling – get outta here! But then, I falter.




I think Monica Outlander makes more use of materials than any other fashion designer. You can see her fascination with its possibilities in almost everything she makes.


But how could anyone delete something as gorgeous as this gown? Even if I never wear it again, I might. You never know, right?

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All Good Things Come to an End



Three very good things are coming to an end. The quarterly gacha festival at The Arcade ends today. The annual Skin Fair has ended and the March cycle of Collabor88 is nearing its end as well. If you have been waiting for the crowds to thin before going in for your mad shopping spree – today’s the day. This post features a little from all of them. The lovely skirt suit is from u.f.o. for Collabor88. It’s the quintessential suit for the modern professional woman.  Continue reading

This is Real Life


The princess dress from Adore & Abhor was released to celebrate their sixth anniversary. It is rich in design details including a sheer overskirt, a lovely ribbon belt and a cameo collar.

Let me start with a confession. I do not hate Shopping Cart Disco’s SL Secrets. From sociology and evolutionary psychology, I understand the role of gossip in defining community norms and values. It is possible that anonymity allows more viciousness than we might see in first life, but given the many stories about young people driven to suicide by online harassment on Facebook® and Twitter® coming from  non-anonymous classmates, I think that  anonymity is a smaller factor than we might think.

Sometimes the secrets make me think, sometimes they make me laugh, sometimes they surprise me. Secrets often spark discussions on Plurk® and I suppose they do on other social media as well. Sometimes I agree with the secret-makers, sometimes I do not. One thing most secret-makers have in common is an idea of how the world should be and they want us all to know it is out of alignment with their standards.

Today a secret maker repeated the all too common “Get a real life” mantra that always seems so ironic coming from someone whose emotional investment is Second Life® is so powerful they are compelled to create anonymous secrets to share their opinions. This time, the “Get a real life” message included an insinuation that purchasing from SL creators could be contributing to their mental illness by promoting an attachment to this second life over their first life.

I think the secret maker is wrong on all levels – because while our first and second lives are distinct and often separate, they are both real.

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Not Five. Six. Six? Yes, Six!!!

Adore & Abhor Brithday

What comes in sixes?

All sorts of good things.  Even more than fives – there are six packs of beer, soda, and abs. There are six hot dog buns in a pack and strings on a guitar. Six is lucky – with six sides on a die. Six is so special it gets to be called a half dozen. There are six faces on a prim, which means six must be the most special number in Second Life, right?

And then, most importantly, six years that Adore & Abhor have graced the grid, providing us all with their own elements of design (wit, whimsy, imagination, creativity and talent). To celebrate, designers have created special celebratory items in honor of the festivities that open on March 16th at the Adore & Abhor store.

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Back In Business and Ain’t It Grand


Putting on the suit from ISON for Collabor88 this month, the wonderful song performed by Eartha Kitt came to mind. I tried to find it on YouTube for you, but it was not there. However, I found this beautiful interview with Eartha on love and compromise reminding me again what an amazing and vital woman she was. Even her speaking voice sounds like music.

Yesterday it seemed the world was about to end, didn’t it?
Looked as though it woudln’t last out the year.
Yesterday disaster waited around the bend.
Well, my friend. Spring is here.

Back in business, and ain’t it grand?
Let the good times roll.
Yesterday things were out of hand.
Now they’re under control.

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Collabor88 & The Arcade Make Me Happy



I have company on the way over to watch the finale of True Detective – so just pictures today!


Well, I am back and the finale was amazing! So today I put together a jacket from Decoy with a black and white skirt from VN and some gorgeous shoes from The Secret Store.  The jacket is gorgeous and will go with lots of outfits – a great mix and match staple from Collabor88. I love the jacket but it will occasionally glitch at the elbows. A longer alpha would solve that, but then you would  have the hollow up the arm problem. An occasional glitch through is, I think, better than the hollow sleeve all the time.

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Who <3s Role-Play?


If role-playing were just dressing up in beautiful gowns like this one from Peqe, I think everyone would love it. Of course, in one sense we are all role-playing in Second Life, just some are role-playing roles more divergent from their first than others. While the /me narrative of role-playing is not for me, I think the role-playing community has been one of the most positive forces in SL bringing us hundreds of sims rich with historical or fantastical detail. Second Life would be a much less beautiful place without role-play.
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Be My Monster Love


Yesterday was Valentine’s Day and I DJ’ed at The Velvet. I put together a set that was about all sides of love, the sweet hopeful love of Valentine’s Day Lovers and the doomed and bitter love of the anti-Valentine’s brigade. It covered many genres and was altogether great fun and good music. Also great fun was this short dress from Legal Insanity, a Valentine’s Day gift. I generally don’t wear graphics on my clothing, but this appealed to me and seemed too perfect for my set to wear anything else.


Maybe I should have shot a close-up to show the fabulous booties from Baiastice. These were released at Shoetopia, but they will be fresh for a long time with their immaculate construction and gorgeous studded heels.

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Lost In Space

Glitch lovers have a treat at Collabor88. MishMash has paid homage to that wonderful, whimsical world with some lamps based on the worlds of Glitch. Anya Ohmai also pumped up the cute factor with AstroPork, an adorable porcine character with a star.
Schadenfreude went full science fiction with this month’s items for Collabor88. It makes me think of The Jetsons! Best of all, like so many items from Schadenfreude it is endlessly customizable. You can change the top, corset, jacket, sleeve and collar as well as the jacket.
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