Yes, life is too short to wear boring clothes, but that does not mean that your clothes must be outré. Everyday casual clothing can avoid boring with great details and design. When the pants length is perfect, the collar points are sharp, and the drape is flattering, casual clothing is elevated, not boring. Check out the online stores for Delta Sigma Theta paraphernalia that can add an amazing look and style to your casual wear.
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Category Archives: Fashion Community Activities, Events & Feeds
So Much Back
Sometimes even land that isn’t perfected landscaped can make me happy. Our islets are just in their natural state, rolling hills and sea, simple and lovely. I’ll probably do some decorating at some point but for now, I’m just relaxing and enjoying the expanse of sky. Continue reading
And With That I Moved House
I knew what I wanted before I found it. I wanted windows. I wanted sleek and square and modern. Luckily Barnesworth Anubis had already created it so it was there for the rezzing. I can’t decide how to decorate and I’m partially considering not putting out anything old in it. Well, I’m considering it.
I probably won’t. In fact even as I was decorating this morning I did already yet – I kind of love the thought. Fresh clean start for the summer is appealing, you know? Continue reading
Logging Some Pool Time
You know you’re missing something. You think – my SL is really great except I need…THIS THING…..what is it? Continue reading
Almost Homeless
Cajsa and I were almost homeless this week. There was a snafu, an oooops, one of those timing issues where something goes wrong and now you don’t have a place to live. Sometimes those are easily corrected. We got lucky – the land was ours again, we are once again neighbors on our tiny islets of joy.
But it put me into reflection about where I am in this place between second and first life. There is no doubt that my Second Life doesn’t hold the sway over me it once did. I’d no longer call it an addiction. I miss the people I loved here, and wonder what’s become of the ones I fear are dead. I regret the missteps that lost me friends, and the missteps that made me believe the wrong people were friends and loved ones.
Being homeless, even for a day though, called me to question “Should I still be here?” Continue reading
MIX IT UP With a New System Skin
I don’t let the old Gidge face out that often these days, but BELLEZA has a new skin out for MIX that’s for you if you’re a system skin girl. Paige comes in 7 skin tones with the following options: 5 brows, freckles, cleavage, hair bases, matte and gloss lip layers. Continue reading
Wandering Around Cajsa’s House
The best part about living across the water from Cajsa is that from time to time I can come over and stalk around her house. She has impeccable taste, and I have to admit I love to see how she’s decorated when a new house goes up. Continue reading
Clean Install! Clean Install! Clean Install!
Why do I procrastinate about doing a clean install? I know that when I crash just by turning or camming or razzing an item, it is time for a clean install, but I delay and try to muddle along, bring my draw distance down to 32 and crashing and getting fed up and closing out of SL for days. I put this outfit on last Sunday and only finally got around to shooting it – AFTER I did a clean install. It’s not like it that hard even.
I know why, though. I am always afraid the new version won’t work and the old version will be gone, lost forever. See my rant on that at “Linden Lab, Don’t Feel My Pain.”
I have also been decorating the beautiful Daylily Cottage from Scarlet Creative for Collabor88. Crashing when I rez things made it a slow process. I really should have done that clean install sooner.
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Random and Fashiony
Sometimes while searching for props I run into things I used to love and had forgotten. This was one of those days. I’d pulled out several marquee items as props to shoot and there was my big G.
I have to put that out!
I’m celebrating more Collabor88 goodness today. Moon Amore makes dreamy, whimsical dresses that are always lovely and fun. This soleil dress from Collabor88 this month is a perfect pickup for warming days in our SL. Bring some sun! Continue reading
A Bump In The Night
I heard a noise in the night and had to come downstairs to investigate. Sometimes my cats are so quiet I forget I have them, and I have to assume that it was them. Where Cajsa and I live is private, it would take a lot of doing to GET down here to us, yet – the noise was such a crash, I was certain I was going to find some cretin offering to to make-f*ck with me wandering around my house.
I was looking forward to an early AM eject and ban, if you must know. Continue reading