Category Archives: Expos, Fairs and Fundraisers

Wishes and Wants

Alaska Metro is participating in a “new to me” event (hey it could be new, or old, I don’t even know) called SAD NOVEMBER. Why so SAD November? I’m sort of ok with November really. Thus far it’s treated me better than September and October so I don’t have this Sad November thing in focus.

The event however is cute. I looked through their event and am going to have to do some more shopping. You can check out the gallery HERE.

I’m trying a new to me skin today, from Deetalez.  What do you think?

Gidge is Wearing:
Head: .LeLutka.Mesh Head-ARIA v1.3
Skin: Deetalez
Sweater: alaskametro<3 “Diana” sweater – Quartz (M)
Hair: Exile::In These Shoes? COLLABOR88
Slink Physique Mesh Body V2.3.1
Eyes: [PXL] RAY Eyes – Grey (S)

Lake Serpent

Helena Stringer - IOF - Lake Serpent - 1
Everyone knows about sea serpents, but long ago, somewhere in the history books, knowledge of lake serpents got lost. Maybe it was those few pages that got ripped out, to be used as kindling for the fire. Or, heaven forbid, someone got creative when in the loo.

There also seems to be an utter lack of information on the fact that, when needed, serpents can actually shift into humanoid form, to preform certain tasks.

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As The Fog Rolls In

I’m settling into my new place and I’ve got something important to remind you, while I lounge around watching the fog come in. The ARCADE is only open ONE MORE FARKING DAY. Ok if you haven’t been yet – IT IS TIME. The machines are still there and they hope to see you soon I’m pretty sure. One more day. Well two days if you count today.

This lovely set from MUDHONEY is part of the offering right now and it’s got some great pieces for comfortable living. I believe firmly in cozy and welcoming decor. I had forgotten MUDHONEY was in this time! OOOPS! Continue reading


We know of Match.Com, Plenty of Fish, eHarmoney, Tinder, and the list goes on, but what do we know of Medieval Dating for the Common Hedgewitch?

Helena Stringer - IOF - IPortal - 1 Continue reading


it can restrain the heartless
Sanura Snowpaw made a heartfelt plea for help yesterday, one that was difficult for her to do because most of the time, she is the one answering the pleas of others. It is always hard for the givers to ask for help. But she is not asking for herself, not really, she is asking for her dog Kassie who needs an expensive surgery.

Of course, she is doing her part, too, putting everything in her store Somnia on sale at half price in hopes that folks who like her clothes will come and stock up, taking home twice as much and injecting some much-needed lindens to help take care of her dog. Since she always sells her items with a texture change hud with 8 colors, that is 90 lindens for 8 colors of this sweater and 90 lindens for 8 colors of this skirt. Seriously, even if you do not care about the dog, you should spend, spend, spend just to stock up at half off on wardrobe basics. Since she makes appliers, you can also get all your layering basics too.
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A Touch of Cute

So what happens when you mix up a demon and a lolita styled goth dress?

Helena Stringer - IOF - A Touch of Cute - 1
I wouldn’t call myself a traditionally cute avatar. I am forever in the realm of odd and sometimes scary. When not designing, or blogging, I am most often a demon of some sort. But can a demon be cute? Of course! It is all in the eyes of puppeteer, how we perceive our digital flesh.

I fell in love with this dress from Adoness. It isn’t something I would normally wear, not for lack of liking the style, but I have entrenched my self so far into a set fashion style, that I feel sometimes it limits what I can make work.  Looking on my flickr, you really wouldn’t think this, as I am all over the place, when blogging.

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Good News


I was very happy to read an update from Ziki Questi with the good news that Kylie Jaxxon is alive and as well as can be expected when living with leukemia. She is getting back on her feet and is deeply appreciative of all the community has done to keep her sim going during her absence. The fundraiser will continue as it is to raise funds for The American Cancer Society. Please read the update yourself for the good news.


I do not know Kylie Jaxxson, but I love her sim. From it, I imagine her as someone who finds beauty in simplicity, in the raw and unadorned flotsam of life. I imagine a kind of serenity coupled with an ease with herself, that feeling comfortable in your own skin acceptance that is so rare. I could be wildly off the mark, but I don’t think so. I think we reveal ourselves when we create and landscaping is one of the most elemental forms of creation. There is something so relaxed and comforting in the simple tableaus at The Trace Too that I feel they must be drawn from the designer’s inner self.
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hallucinatory heat



So it is hot again. One of the joys of living in the Pacific Northwest is avoiding blistering heat, but thanks to global climate change, I am afraid that may become a thing of the past. However, I suppose I should keep it in perspective. It is far hotter elsewhere.

Most of the time, when you read about someplace deathly hot with temperatures in excess of 120° Fahrenheit, you can also add “but at least it is dry heat” which might be small comfort at that temperature, but it still makes a difference.

This was made very clear when I read a news article that left me reeling and think I should be grateful. There is a city in Iran, on the Persian Gulf, that reached a Heat Index of 165° degrees – that is heat of 115° and a dew point of 90. Heat and humidity, that is just not fair. Now my response to heat is to dress lightly, so imagine that heat in a burqa. It makes me very grateful for my much lower intensity heat discomfort.  Continue reading

Well, that was easy!

Damselfly Marnie_001

Damselfly Marnie hair and Azuchi Suma dress

If you have been following this blog lately, you know that Hair Fair happened and while it was happening, I have been publishing interviews with Hair Fair designers. I got a notecard back from one on Sunday. It was from Shyla Honey of Damselfly and began with an apology because she had been out of town for two weeks and wanted me to know she had not been ignoring my notecard queries. I didn’t read the rest because I was in a bit of hurry.

I popped over to Hair Fair to buy the two of her Hair Fair releases I had not already purchased and pick up the gifts and shot my pictures of all her hairs. Then I opened the notecard back up and realized that the note was all she sent, reasonably assuming since Hair Fair was ending, I would not continue the interviews. Oh well, at least I have all the pictures.

I decided to wear this dress from Azuchi because it has that  huge ruffle across the bodice that normally conflicts with hair and Damselfly hair is often long and curly and exactly the sort of hair likely to cause problems with a bodice ruffle. Not that I was looking for trouble, but I chose it because a few design decisions were made that address that problem well. You will note that you get the full ruffle, it has gathers in it and makes the bold design statement, but it is crafted to lay close to the bodice, avoiding conflicts. It’s a bit of trompe l’oeil and it works well.
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Hair Fair Designers — MissAllSunday Lemon

I have been wearing Wasabi Pills since 2008, though the first year I was wearing Wasabi Pills skin and then later, when she began wearing hair, I started wearing her hair, too. Between Gidge and me, there are nearly 200 posts with Wasabi Pills hair. I do not know if I was one of the first to blog her items, but I do remember that when I first blogged her skin, she sent me a warm and friendly note. I also remember how when mesh hit the grid, she hit the ground running as if all that time before mesh was just preparation for mesh when she really got into creating a new level.

Wasabi Pills Saffron_001

Wasabi Pills Saffron

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