Category Archives: Expos, Fairs and Fundraisers

Discussions of Daryl Hannah

Daryl Hannah and Neil Young are apparently an item. This is RL gossip. We were discussing this at work, and were talking about our favorite Daryl Hanna movies. I kept thinking there was something I LOVED her in, something unlike her other work and I couldn’t place it.

Until Wicked Peach released her Extraterrestrial makeups for The Liaison Collaborative or whatever the hell the name is. TLC. That thing. Anyway, my favorite role Daryl Hannah ever played was PRISS. Continue reading

Is an Aardvark an Anteater?

I don’t know. I used to think they were. Now I think I’m wrong. But I don’t know I’m wrong. What I do know is that Mutresse has anteaters at THE ARCADE. Mine likes to do fashion shoots with me. What a versatile creature.  She’s only a few accessories away from fashion blogger, I swear. Continue reading

Old School, New School


There’s only a few designers with the confidence in their design aesthetic and creative skills to resist the tides of change while simultaneously surfing the waves. Monica Outlander is one of those artists. Her new MiaMai Black Label collection is the perfect exemplar of that duality of leading and trailing edge design.

What do I mean by that? Well, she is using appliers for Slink Mesh attachments to enhance her clothing. Meanwhile, she provides system layers for people who use the default avatar. She is using mesh in many creative ways. Meanwhile, she will use flexi-prims when they suit the design better. It is that flexibility that leads her to use whatever method best suits the design – not just the newest method, that shows confidence and commitment to her own vision.

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My Prerogative


Queen Elizabeth I had it right some 450 years ago when she said “I would not open windows into men’s souls.” We all have opinions and we have a right to them — even if they are stupid, destructive and wrong. I think most of agree on that. Where we diverge is when our opinions move to actions that impinge on other people. That happens all the time in society. Much of politics is about building enough political power to be able to take our opinions and move them into actions that impinge on others whether it’s trying to prevent others from marrying whom they love or blocking companies from polluting our groundwater – it is about making our opinions trump those of others.

But there are places where moving from thought to action has no place. The particular circumstance I am thinking of is the effort people make to discourage others from giving to or supporting community efforts to help others in Second Life®.  We all may have opinions about the relative merits of one fundraiser over another and we certainly should make no effort to support anything we disagree with. We might think this person is not doing enough to help herself or that person’s need is frivolous or distrust the circumstances or even doubt there is a real need. That’s fine. Skepticism is a healthy quality to have.

However, there is no Selective Service Administration drafting designers and ordering them to produce for this tour. Shoppers are not herded into venues to spend money against their will. Moreover, if you are a shopper and buy a pair of shoes for 250L at a fundraiser, you get a pair of shoes that would cost 250L or more at the store since designers often discount for fundraisers.  You’re not donating, you’re shopping. You might spend a little more because you think it’s for a good cause, but you get a fair return for your money.You lose nothing. The only people who risk are the creators and if they have made the decision to contribute, that’s their prerogative.


There are a couple of fundraisers right now to help individuals with urgent family needs. The hair, dress, shoes, mani/pedi and necklace in today’s outfit come from one of those events, <3Ulaa.  <3Ulaa is raising funds to help Ulaa Coronet to take her son to meet his grandmother for the first and final time. His grandmother is dying of cancer. For me, this is a compelling need and one that I think is worthy of my time and my lindens – and that’s my prerogative. If you don’t agree, don’t shop there. You will miss out on all sorts of adorability, but that’s your prerogative  Continue reading


I’m not always a man…but when I am……I wear beards and messy hair and pretend I’m a hobo (a very clean and handsome one). lol


Belleza – Dylan – Pale 1
[INK] ZEUS – Black – Hair and Beard (Collabor88)
Caster Inc. – One The Can See Denim Jacket and Shirt
Suicide Gurls – Ne Zha Unisex Tattoo
Ikon Ascension Eyes – Midnight
Bloody Mess – Cigarette with no filter

A Very Real Slink Obsession

My SLINK OBSESSION roars open Aug 5 (Tuesday) at 3pm SLT and I have a confession. I have a real SLink Obsession. I’m addicted. I never take off my body or I grumble if I do so. Everything at this event is 50% off retail, so even if you don’t own the body or the head, it’s a great stop because the creators I have previewed are all offering their clothes on all regular layers plus the SLINK layers. Some are offering them for your various other butts and appendages also, all for the same 50% off price.

Plus your nails, and your shoes OMG SHOES.  Continue reading

Rain Rain Go Away

Except in Cali, out here we could use the rain and a lot of it! If only I could hand everyone one of these awesome umbrellas from NODE I could solve the drought. With a click of a button the umbrella opens up and rain falls from above. (side note: for picture effect I did post process a bit more rain into the picture).

UBER started yesterday and there are many great designers there, like Tres Blah, who is in my top 3 fav clothing makers. I love the partial tucked in shirt thing going on.  Also the jean skirt is nice and there are many tones to choose from. I like that I’ll be able to use this skirt in many different outfits. It’s a staple really, like flour.

Tres Blah – Open collar Blouse – Pink (UBER)
Tres Blah – Denim Mini Skirt – Dark Wash (UBER)
[ MUDSKIN ]_Premium Group Gift @ 2014 July
Exile::Young and Beautiful (HAIR FAIR 2014)
++NODe++ umbrella v2 NO2
Happy Undead – Chained Flip Flops
Pose: LUXE. – WS1pose6 1
City Scene Built by me for shoot.

I’ll see your Princess Barbie and raise you a Malibu Pirate Barbie…

Which is pretty much how I feel right now. Truth released this really cute hair called Malibu for  Uber’s grand opening. The headband is detachable and modifiable so you can actually tint it to any color if you want or you can use the pre-made textures and colors from the Hud.

TRUTH HAIR Malibu 2 – UBER event
[ MUDSKIN ]_Premium Group Gift @ 2014 July
IKON Utopia Eyes – Faerie Green
{Social Vintage} High Seas Pirate Corset (Group Gift)
Garage *Eyelashes v.20*

Orange You Glad You Stopped By…

In RL I don’t think I own a stitch of orange clothing and to be honest, I don’t own much of it in SL but when I saw these adorable and cheap skirts and tops from  *CoKo* at the Okinawa Summer Festival, I just couldn’t pass it up. Don’t let the vendor fool you, they are actually textured really nice.

*CoKo* side pockets Skirt -Fruit- (OKINAWA SUMMER FESTIVAL)
(Milana) Joan – Rainbows I (Hair Fair 2014)
Happy Undead – Chained Flip Flops
Slink AvEnhance Hands and Feet
Glam Affair – Oakley Skin (past gacha item)
22769 ~ [bauwerk] Somewhere beyond the sea Chaiselongue black
Botanical – ‘Twoey’ Carnivorous Plant
Nylon Outfitteres – CopyCat Art – Mother with Kittens (past gacha item)
Marukin – passion – gypsy princess 1 POSE

A Day At The Beach

I’m fortunate enough to live about 20 mins away from the beach. I don’t visit it as much as I would like to, and I have no excuses really, but every time I go I just feel at home. You could put me in a shack and as long as I could see the ocean from it, I would be happy.  Unfortunately even shacks on the beach are out of my price range but luckily in SL for just pennies a day I can get a great view of the ocean from my very own trailer park.

TA BOM. Color fruit Swimsuit 05 (Okinawa Summer Festival GACHA)
(r)M Hair No.25’14 ( o.8 F a n t a s y ) *HAIR FAIR 2014*
-Glam Affair – Oakley skin – Asia 06 (older gacha item)
Slink AvEnhance hands and feet
Savoir Faire Shapes and Poses – You’re Too Shy Shy 5