Chic is the word for this Drift jacket. You can see its lineage in the glorious history of Chanel with its short-cropped waist, it’s beautifully tailored fit and the rich wool fabric. The skirt, from CIA Designs, is beautifully made. With its relatively high waist, it will work well with all sorts of tops and jackets. For the With Love Hunt, it is only 10L and comes in red, brown and blue. It is one of the can’t miss hunt items. Make yourself comfortable and you should find it.
New Year’s Eve has never been a big holiday in my family. Most of the day was spent cleaning and preparing for New Year’s Day which was much more important. We always had a sparkling clean house and a feast on New Year’s, honoring a folk tradition that what you experience on New Year’s Day is the harbinger of the coming year. Well, one thing you would not want on New Year’s Day is a hangover! We didn’t make resolutions either. This was probably more the influence of my mother more than any tradition. She always said that if you plan to do something, just do it. If it’s important enough to do, it’s too important to delay until the new year. What we did do, though, is look back at the year and appreciate our good fortune.
Those traditions continue. I have been cleaning today. I am having a New Year’s dinner party tomorrow. And I have been looking back at 2012 and appreciating my good fortune.

I cannot begin to tell you how much I love these boots from Schadenfreude at Collabor88. I particular loved being able to change the button colors to black to coordinate with the jacket buttons.
My greatest fortune has been my friends and family. In real life and Second Life, I am blessed with wonderful friends who are loyal, generous and genuinely fun people whose company I treasure. There have been heartbreaks and joys this year. Sudden losses and surprising gifts. In SL, the greatest gift for me this year is that Squinternet is still with us. After her diagnosis last December, the odds were against that and she has beaten the odds and then some.
In a family as large as mine, there is bound to be a mixed bag of wonderful and not-so-much, but the scale tips heavily to the wonderful. My nieces are out of Afghanistan and only one nephew remains at risk in the endless war. Another nephew and his partner have adopted a third child and my nieces and nephews have had three new babies this year. My niece’s husband has been struggling to survive a MRSA infection since spring and just last week the doctors finally said they think he may recover. Best Christmas present ever! In all, this year has been such a rich and happy year with marriages, graduations, engagements and so much bounty of happiness compared to 2011 which felt dominated by illness, loss and heartbreak. All in all, a happy year for our family.

Yes, I am wearing that hair from Dura again. I can’t help it. I love it. The earrings are from Kunglers – who always come through with fabulous modern, organic designs.
It’s Only Fashion has grown with Zas, Tristan and Till joining the team and Hybie having her first anniversary as part of the It’s Only family. We have moved to our own server which gives us a bit more independence. Tomorrow will be the 5th anniversary of the blog, which is like 35 in Second Life years! We plan to have a 5th Anniversary party, but don’t know when or where yet. We will let you know, though, because our readers are invited. We would not be here without you. You inspire us and reward our efforts with your faithful readership.
In Second Life, mesh has been the big story of 2012. I was cleaning inventory the other day and just assuming that some favorite items from 2008-10 were automatic keepers because I remembered them as being such wonderful pieces. However, putting them on, I realized that they were wonderful pieces for then, but for today…not so much. Our standards have changed and our expectations are so much higher. The good thing is that the designers of SL have grown and mastered the new skills that allow them to keep meeting and exceeding our expectations.

I am always grateful for PXL Creations fabulous skins that always make me happy. There have been two releases since this skin line – Kate – but I love, love, love Kate and will wear it until it wears out.
What about you? Is your past year a mixed bag of good and bad? How is the balance? For me, the good outweighs the bad so much that I feel like a very lucky woman. I hope that 2012 has been good for you as well and that 2013 tips the balance to the good even more.
Store info at Blogging Second Life
Poses: Adorkable
Makeup Tattoos: [PXL] KATE NAT Grey Eyes (Tattoo)
[PXL] KATE NAT Dark Lips Glossy (Tattoo)
Eyes: Insufferable Dastard
Lashes:Lelutka, Maitreya
Mani/Pedi: Leverocci
Hair: .::MADesigns HAIR::. ~ Hair Base ~ Red VI
Clothing: SAKIDE ] See-through Ribbed Shirt Grey
CIA Designs] Paisley Pencil Skirt – M – Red With Love Hunt
DRIFT City Coat [MESH-M] Cranberry
Shoes: Schadenfreude Leith Boot Collabor88
Jewelry: Kunglers Perla