I don’t think Nancy was thinking of Stiletto Moody’s boots in particular – especially that line “These boots are made for walking” but no matter, these definitely boots made for many things. Look at that heel, look at the sheen, oh yes, these boots are gonna have fun.
So, do you ever have a great skirt, but wished it was just a bit fresher – wished perhaps that it had an underskirt, a slip peeping out below? If the creator doesn’t give you one, just add one from another outfit. That’s what I did here, using a Wrong skirt to make this Ducknipple dress right – and yes, I apologize for the pun. Sometimes they just sneak out. The red skirt from Wrong picks up the red in the bodice and really makes the outfit more cohesive.
The outfit was inspired in part by this adorable hair style from CopyKat. It seemed so retro and so rocker at the same time. With the outfit, I am wearing EM’s Changeling jewelry – reflecting the spider web motif in the modice.
****STYLE NOTES******
- Eyes: IC-Eyes Soulful Hazel
- Skin: SinSkins Freckled Tone 4: 08
- Nails: sin Skins Pink French, Black tips
- Hair: CopyKat Shandy RedWine
- Top and Black Skirt: Webs form Ducknipple
- Red Skirt: Wrong A-line skirt
- Tights: Boing Fromage Crochet Footless Tights tintable
- Shoes: Stiletto Moody TallBoot
- Sunglasses: Amodica Lookr Gift
- Jewelry: Elemental Muse Changeling
- Photography by Cajsa Lilliehook MDR Photo Studio
Am I the only one on the grid who’s a little stressy about the choppy transition from upper leg prim to shoe prim on these boots?
Check out your left leg in your top photo. See how the upper juts out over your actual shoe? Even on the back of your other leg, the separation seam is obvious, and I’m not talking about that striking deliberate seam that holds the chain and artfully arches up the back.
No matter what size I try or how much I adjust the prims, the separation still looks blatantly obvious and somewhat choppy on mine (and I even got a second and third opinion). Perhaps this is just an SL reality I have to live with — after all, boots are tricky. But sadly, the SMG2 boots do not look as fluid as I was expecting.
And yes, I’ve been pretty vocal about this disappointment, but I bought two pairs of them — the equivalent of two months’ SL rent. When I fork out that much money for boots, I expect them to be flawless. 🙂
All that aside, I WILL tip my hat to the delicious textures and the meticulous attention to detail on this line. I adore the zipper in the back. The easy options menu (accessories, walk, click, speed, bling, AND MORE) also is much appreciated.
But forget the boots! I really love your sharp idea of pairing the two skirts — and now I HAVE to have that hair.
In fact, I might blatantly copy this entire outfit and pray to the SL gods that I don’t run into you on the grid somewhere. (“Um, hi, stole your outfit — sorry!)
I guess I am not so stressed by that transition because it exists in RL and requires putting boots on forms and lots osf leather oil and maintenance to prevent it from becoming a permanent crease.
As to borrowing the outfit – if I run into you wearing the exact same outfit as me, I will just have to compliment your good taste, right? Anything else would be silly.
I think I get a bit annoyed by that very boot thing and that’s why until recently I simply didn’t WEAR them much.
I’m trying to just adjust to the reality of pixel world and that they will not be perfect…….I can’t smooth oil and shape them…..so, they are what they are, eh?