Tag Archives: {what next}

Halloween Treats Abound

Unless you are new around here, you already know that Halloween melts my butter, and Halloween treats and decorations REALLY makes me happy faced.So today was pretty joyful for me when I finally realized what WHAT NEXT had out for Collabor88 AND their offering for FLF.

I mean, it’s like a Halloween Extravaganza! LOOK AT THESE TREATS I WANT THEM ALL.

I just heard that in RL there is a bakery near me with $4 Halloween Gingerbread men. I want one now. Continue reading

Oh Good Morning Girls

Good Morning girls. I’ve decided not to do Monday today after all. There’s too much shopping to do, my house is a wreck with clothes strewn everywhere and honestly, I should organize my make up I think. Instead I’ve made blender drinks and hit the ocean.  I cannot possibly be expected to adult today. It’s out of the question.

I bought a new rafts for chilling in the water from What Next (new to me) and that’s my plan for today.

I love blue drinks, did you know that? I’m OBSESSED with them. I have a whole Pinterest board dedicated to blue drinks. You can go see it if you look me up, I’m Gidgery on Pinterest. But if you don’t that’s cool too. Again, today I’m getting baked in the sun and just waiting for the burn. I’ll take the burn. I welcome it. Continue reading

Pixel Gidge Had a Busy Day

Pixel Gidge started her day with lots to do. FLF is today, and in addition to that I realized I had to get decorating for Thanksgiving. The temperatures had dropped here on Juicy so I had to snuggle up into some cozy cold weather clothes from FISSION. It’s a perfect turtleneck sweater for chilly days. Continue reading

I Am Not Made To Be A Supermodel

Some of us just don’t do sultry well. I can try all I like to pose and pout but really the girl inside me is doing this…

For no better reason than “I can”.

SLINK released new bikinis and thongs for us island dwellers in SL and I was happy to spend my day in the m yesterday, enjoying the surf and sand. Continue reading

You Got Me Singing


One of the rules I live by comes from Voltaire, who said “The perfect is the enemy of the good.” A similar idea is attributed to Confucius, “Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without.” I really took this aphorism to heart when a friend of mine was writing a book on dismantling racism. I was reading, editing and helping him find illustrations. The book was ready to go for a few years before it was published because he kept trying to perfect it, looking for a better example, a more perfect metaphor, a stronger anecdote, a better adjective. I ended up making him a sign on a huge poster board with Voltaire’s quote blown up big and stuck in on the wall by his desk. It still took him another six months to let it out of his perfection-seeking hands.


I was listening to Leonard Cohen’s newest album, Popular Problems. His 80 year old voice is rough, dry and imperfect, but those imperfections give it such an emotional resonance that my skin prickled and raised goosebumps and my eyes became hot with emotion ready to brim over in tears. While listening, that quote from Voltaire came to mind again and I had a small epiphany. The perfect is the enemy of the good in another way – not only does the search for perfection paralyze us, but it also does not move us emotionally. Thinking of another Canadian singer, Celine Dion has perfect pitch. Her voice is flawless and strong and she has never once moved me emotionally. Even singing songs with sentimental lyrics, she leaves me cold and I don’t care for her at all. Perfection is not beautiful, imperfection is.

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A very, very fine house

My House

from left to right: [we’re CLOSED] summer flowers and shrubs, Silver Birch from Studio Skye, Lark – Desert Retreat Deck – Painted, [ba] hollyhocks, Trompe Loeil – Brooklyn Carriage , Sway’s [Door Mat] international, [we’re CLOSED] tree 01D spring

I do not move houses very often in Second Life® or in real life. It is just too much work. However, when the Brooklyn Carriage House came out at Collabor88 last month, I could not resist its bright red doors and fine brickwork. I finally have everything arranged, but will be moving shortly. I thought I would share before I pack it all up. I love the house and how it looks, but I guess my four year old computer really cannot handle such an open floor plan where everything fezzes all the time. I need rooms and walls that limit the textures my computer has to handle, so I will be on my way to a more traditional space. That is totally a reflection of my computer’s age and is no criticism of the house – which is gorgeous, very, very gorgeous.

My outdoor decor is pretty limited, just a few shrubs and bushes from We’re Closed, a couple trees and the gorgeous deck from Lark that was released at The Liaison Collaborative a few month’s back.

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It’s 100 Degrees, Again

Whatever induced me to think a weekend in the trailer when it’s 100 degrees outside, I’ll never know. As it is I’m reduced to my undies and can barely move unless I have to. The humidity is so thick you could cut it, even with the sea breeze. Continue reading

A Get Away Spot

When I was growing up my Dad’s friend had a trailer down on the river. There was a little community of ramshackle trailers of various ilk, and on the weekend, everyone would head down there for some time, sitting, relaxing, fishing, or whatever.

A lot of card games were played, and rather random foods consumed. Chips with strange dips, donuts and maybe a hot dog might make up your lunch. It just all depended on who you were visiting when it was time to eat something. Continue reading

Me And My Body

My new SLINK Physique body and I have a busy day ahead of us. I decided to feed it some breakfast, to find out if it’s as big of a foodie as my old body was. Indeed it is. I picked up a new toaster from What Next for FLF which is the PERFECT addition to my shades of pink kitchen, and it makes lots of yummies.  Continue reading

Put a Ring On Breakfast

Sway’s has released a fun set of Breakfast Around The World trays for THE ARCADE this round. Each inspired by local cuisine and whimsy, I thought breakfast “Somewhere after a long night” must be some exotic dish, as my eyes were early morning bleary. Continue reading