Tag Archives: Trompe Loeil

A Damn Fine Cup of Coffee


Relaxing at Agent Cooper’s desk with a damn fine cup of coffee from Schadenfreude.

When my father died, my sisters called to tell me. It was not unexpected and was, in many ways, a relief for him and everyone who loved him, but that does not lessen the loss or the finality of death. They gave me the news and I sat there, quietly stunned at how much more painful it was than Thought it would be. I think I whimpered, trying not to cry. So my oldest sister said, “Go make yourself a coffee. It’s a good thing. I’ll call you back after you’ve had a coffee.” I had to laugh to myself, because coffee as comfort is so very much the legacy of my dad, a first generation Swedish American.


Such a messy desk! some of the mess comes in a great collection of clutter from Tres Blah at The Arcade that are must have pieces to turn houses into homes.

Coffee is a ritual for Scandinavians who consume more coffee per capita than any other people in the world. Most people in the US are familiar with coffee breaks at the work place, but in a Swedish American home, there are coffee breaks every day, when we would all sit down together and enjoy a good cup of coffee with some bread and cheese or some fruit or a dessert. And by all, I mean all. Children get coffee with milk as soon as they are old enough to hold a cup without spilling it. Continue reading

In the Spirit


I am literally in the spirit, the Spirit Charlotta blouse, pants and suspenders from this month’s Collabor88. The blouse comes in multiple versions so it can be worn with or without the suspenders and with other options than the pants. The pants are pleated so they are a bit big around the hips and taper to a cuff that reveals fabric matching the blouse. The suspenders come separately for maximum flexibility. I always like it when separates are truly separate pieces.


Scarlet Creative released a lovely townhouse at this month’s Collabor88 and I enjoyed decorating it, mostly with elements from Trompe Loeil, Floorplan. & Consignment, and junk for this month’s Collabor88 as well as some things from Apple Fall and ::db:: that I had in my inventor

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Bundled Up

I decided to go out exploring the winter fun to be had in SL today, so I had to take a bit to get properly geared up. Cute but warm is the goal – it’s hard to be cute sometimes, especially in RL, when you’re layered upon layers upon layers. I decided to have some fun with my ability to layer on my SLINK PHYSIQUE starting with a sweater from Stellar on the body, then adding mesh over it for a cute RL layered look. I think it works nicely.  Continue reading

Over the river and through the woods


Since my five siblings were married before I turned four, I essentially grew up at Grandma’s House. My mom and dad were Grandma and Grandpa. My nieces and nephews loved to come stay during summer break and during Christmas vacation. Living a lake with more than twenty miles of forest behind us, there were always plenty of things to do.

We loved to have winter skating parties. My dad, my uncle and I would clear a big square on the ice and put up posts about every eight to ten feet, stringing Christmas lights from post to post, encircling the open skating area. We piled a big stack of wood and brush at the deep end for a  bonfire and set down some logs around them for seating while we roasted marshmallows and hot dogs. We laid an old wooden door on the piled snow for a table for our hotdogs and marshmallows for roasting and there was always a pot of baked beans and some casseroles resting on cans of Sterno® to balance the meal. Picnicking in the snow is something not to be missed!

Mom had an outdoor speaker system to pipe music down to the lake and we danced on our skates. My brother would bring his sleigh and horses, the neighbors would bring their snowmobiles. We partied for hours and the signal to go home was when the bonfire melted through the ice and fell into the lake  – which usually took about four hours or so since the ice was so thick. 

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New Appliers for Venus from PXL Creations

PXL Creations Appliers for BELLEZA Venus


So HI I’m all naked to show you the details on the pretty new applier for your BELLEZA Venus skin from PXL Creations.  I’m wearing JADE with the pale applier. Hart did a nice job and just like always it’s a soft pretty tummy and your other lady bits are lovely as well.

Ok no I’m not showing you the full bits come on. I’m a lady. Continue reading

Early On Saturday

Belleza updated their mesh body recently and I’m tardy taking it for a stroll. I prefer to do so in lingerie so you’ll have to indulge me. Sorry my bed is messy I normally clean up for company but twas company that messed it up. Wink. Continue reading

All About that Bass


I do not pay a lot of attention to the Hot 100 as most of the songs recently seem to have Idol-itis – overproduced and full of melisma. However, someone on plurk mentioned having All About that Bass stuck in her head so I was curious and listened to it. I was surprised by its retro doo woo sound and was happy that such a positive body image song was leading the charts. Pop music popularity is dominated by the tweens, so the song’s popularity makes me optimistic about “kids today.”

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Happy Cinched Birthday

Today is my RL birthday. In RL I will spend it in a meeting room for 8 hours with giant pads of paper and electronic white boards. But In SL I’ve decided to give myself the girly day I deserve, starting with a luxurious bath.

My friend Natalie sent me lovely birthday jewels, in my own birthstone – OPAL – and I ‘m going o wear them all day. I love having a cursed stone as a birthstone. It makes me feel like a super hero with powers to overcome a curse. Continue reading

You Got Me Singing


One of the rules I live by comes from Voltaire, who said “The perfect is the enemy of the good.” A similar idea is attributed to Confucius, “Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without.” I really took this aphorism to heart when a friend of mine was writing a book on dismantling racism. I was reading, editing and helping him find illustrations. The book was ready to go for a few years before it was published because he kept trying to perfect it, looking for a better example, a more perfect metaphor, a stronger anecdote, a better adjective. I ended up making him a sign on a huge poster board with Voltaire’s quote blown up big and stuck in on the wall by his desk. It still took him another six months to let it out of his perfection-seeking hands.


I was listening to Leonard Cohen’s newest album, Popular Problems. His 80 year old voice is rough, dry and imperfect, but those imperfections give it such an emotional resonance that my skin prickled and raised goosebumps and my eyes became hot with emotion ready to brim over in tears. While listening, that quote from Voltaire came to mind again and I had a small epiphany. The perfect is the enemy of the good in another way – not only does the search for perfection paralyze us, but it also does not move us emotionally. Thinking of another Canadian singer, Celine Dion has perfect pitch. Her voice is flawless and strong and she has never once moved me emotionally. Even singing songs with sentimental lyrics, she leaves me cold and I don’t care for her at all. Perfection is not beautiful, imperfection is.

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